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Narrating Çeviri İspanyolca

1,148 parallel translation
[Malle Narrating] Terry Wagner we'd not met before.
No conocíamos a Terry Wagner.
[Malle Narrating] Terry has two sons.
- Terry tiene dos hijos.
[Malle Narrating] Remember Thalmann Seeds... one of the largest farming operations in the county?
¿ Recuerdan Thalman Seeds? Una de las mayores explotaciones del condado.
[Malle Narrating] Tonight we dine at Millie and Arnold Beneke's.
Esta noche cenamos con los Beneke.
[Malle Narrating] We talk and talk... gossip, Glencoe news.
Charlamos y charlamos. Cotilleos, noticias de Glencoe,
[Malle Narrating] Millie and Arnold, I'm proud to have become your friend.
Millie y Arnold, me siento orgulloso de ser vuestro amigo.
[Man Narrating] China was an unknown, forbidden land.
China era una tierra prohibida y desconocida.
[Man Narrating ] Vasily Bolos escaped from Romania a few years ago... [ Man] A lot of poor people in this country.
Vasile Bolos escapó de Rumanía hace unos años por sendas de montaña y cruzando a nado el Danubio para acabar en América, la tierra de las oportunidades.
[Malle Narrating] January 1986, Kennedy Airport.
Enero de 1986. Aeropuerto Kennedy.
[Malle Narrating] A little cultural difference here.
- Sólo arroz. Una diferencia cultural.
[Malle Narrating] It's very cold today.
Hace mucho frío.
[Malle Narrating] Before driving a cab in Dallas, Texas...
Antes de ser taxista en Dallas,
[Malle Narrating ] Drivers from Africa and the Middle East... have joined forces to start their own business - the American way. - [ Rhone Rings ] - [ Woman] Good afternoon.
Conductores de África y Oriente Medio se han asociado para empezar con su negocio, al estilo americano.
[Malle Narrating] They're not even in the phone book yet. They operate from a couple of rooms, but like all immigrants... they have great expectations and the determination to succeed. Your balance is $ 65.
Aún no están en el listín telefónico, trabajan desde un par de habitaciones, pero como todos los inmigrantes tienes grandes esperanzas y están dispuestos a triunfar.
[Malle Narrating] Gideon is the president of Liberty Cab.
Gideon es el presidente de Liberty Cab.
[Malle Narrating] Boris Leskin was one of the best-known stage actors... in the Soviet Union.
Boris Leskin era uno de los mejores actores de la URSS.
And one, and two... [Malle Narrating] Working in a foreign language is tough for an actor.
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
[Malle Narrating] Boris has no regrets.
Boris no se arrepiente de nada.
[Malle Narrating] I know exactly what Boris is talking about.
Sé a lo que se refiere Boris.
[Malle Narrating] Rublic School 89 in Queens, New York.
Escuela Pública 89 en Queens, Nueva York.
[Malle Narrating] Children of 17 different nationalities... are taught American history by a teacher born in the Rhilippines.
Niños de 17 orígenes reciben clases de historia americana de una profesora nacida en Filipinas.
[Malle Narrating] They used to call it the melting pot.
Lo llamaban el crisol de culturas.
[Malle Narrating] Thomas Jefferson was the first one to worry.
Thomas Jefferson fue el primero en preocuparse.
[Malle Narrating] Sophia Eduarte came from Cuba in 1980... with the Mariel boat people.
Sofía Iduate llegó de Cuba con la gente del Mariel.
[Malle Narrating] Sophia married another Cuban immigrant.
Sofía está casada con otro inmigrante cubano.
[Malle Narrating ] She was not allowed to bring her daughter from Cuba. - [ Sophia] Hellol - But she went to great trouble to fly her dog.
No pudo traer a su hija de Cuba pero se las arregló para traer a su perro.
[Malle Narrating] Sophia doesn't have to go back.
Sofía no tiene por qué volver.
[Malle Narrating] The Cubans in Miami have good reasons to celebrate.
Los cubanos de Miami tienen cosas que celebrar.
[Malle Narrating] Little Saigon, Santa Ana, California.
Pequeño Saigón. Santa Ana, California.
[Malle Narrating] Almost 100,000 Vietnamese... have resettled in Orange County... and most of them do well.
Casi cien mil vietnamitas se han asentado en Orange County y a casi todos les va bien.
[Malle Narrating] In this classroom, young immigrants from mainland China... are learning mathematics and English at the same time.
En esta clase, alumnos de China aprenden matemáticas e inglés al mismo tiempo.
[Malle Narrating] BJ. Singh Bindra is a Sikh from India.
B.J. Singh Bindra es un sij de la India.
[Malle Narrating] A gifted schoolboy in Costa Rica... he came to the U.S. At 17... and, through scholarships and hard work... made his way to a Rh.D.
Un escolar dotado de Costa Rica llegó a EEUU a los 17 años y con becas y esfuerzo consiguió un doctorado.
- [Malle Narrating] This is not out in space. Cold weather in Nebraska.
Esto no es el espacio, es el Oeste de Nebraska, el corazón de zona ganadera del país.
[Malle Narrating] He's the only Vietnamese around.
Es el único vietnamita de la zona.
[Malle Narrating] Rete Lapasoris is 93 years old.
Pete Lapasotes tiene 93 años.
[Malle Narrating] Seven years ago, Diem came to Omaha... on a special program for Vietnamese physicians.
Hace 7 años, Jim vino a Omaha con un programa para médicos vietnamitas.
[Malle Narrating] Family lunch at the Oasis, the restaurant in town.
Comida familiar en el Oasis, el único restaurante.
[Malle Narrating] Diem's wife, Janet, was a nurse at the hospital.
Janet, la mujer de Jim, era enfermera.
[Malle Narrating] Diem was a surgeon in the South Vietnamese army.
Jim era cirujano del ejército en Vietnam del Sur.
[Malle Narrating] Diem is doing well.
A Jim le va bien.
[Malle Narrating] The climate is tough, the economy is depressed.
El clima es duro, hay crisis económica,
[Malle Narrating] The Diems invite us to dinner.
Nos invitan a cenar.
[Malle Narrating] Two ofhis brothers are already in the U.S.
Dos de sus hermanos están en EEUU.
[Malle Narrating] Lenwood Johnson is head of the residents council.
Lenwood Johnson preside la asociación de vecinos.
[Malle Narrating] This land has enormous real estate value... and many believe that bringing in the Vietnamese... is part of a conspiracy.
Este terreno es muy valioso y algunos creen que traer a los vietnamitas es parte de una conspiración.
[Malle Narrating] Thirty percent of the units are now without occupants.
El 30 % están vacías.
[Malle Narrating] Jun-Yun Kim's grades are so good...
Las notas de Joe Young Kim son tan buenas que puede elegir entre las mejores universidades.
[Malle Narrating] Nick Ha and his family escaped from Vietnam on a boat...
Nick Ha y su familia escaparon de Vietnam en barco hace 5 años.
[Malle Narrating] Franklin Chang-Díaz is the first NASA astronaut...
Franklin Chang-Díaz es el primer astronauta de la NAS A que no ha nacido en EEUU.
[Malle Narrating] Most of them left for gentler climates...
La mayoría buscaron zonas cálidas pero Jim se quedó en Nebraska.

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