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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Nedim

Nedim Çeviri İspanyolca

33 parallel translation
I'm going to join Nedim.
Voy a casa de Nedim, papá.
Uncle Nedim is taking us to Norway.
El tío Nedim nos llevará a Noruega.
Hey! Uncle Nedim's here!
¡ Tío Nedim está aquí!
Where have you been, Nedim?
¿ Dónde has estado, Nedim?
Nedim, thatjourney did us in.
Nedim, estamos destrozados.
Are you serious, Nedim?
¿ Hablas en serio, Nedim?
You know, I've given up hope, Nedim.
Tú sabes, he perdido la esperanza, Nedim.
I'm glad we're here, Nedim.
Me alegro de que estés aquí, Nedim.
How wonderful that would be, Nedim.
¡ Qué maravilloso sería que, Nedim!
- That's Nedim.
- Era Nedim.
Nedim came before him.
Nedim estaba antes.
Nedim was in Mr. Galip's time. That's the guy.
Nedim estaba en la época del Sr. Galip.
I guess I have no choice but to notify child protection services, because I see Nedim is not growing up in a suitable environment.
Entonces tendré que notificarlo a los servicios de protección infantil viendo que Nedim no está creciendo en un ambiente adecuado.
Nedim didn't tell you that we tried to reach you several times, we even sent notifications to your home address!
Y Nedim no te ha dicho que hemos intentado localizarte varias veces, y que hemos enviado varias notificaciones a vuestra dirección.
- Go on, buy Nedim some chocolate.
- Vamos, cómprale a Nedim chocolate.
What's that I hear about Nedim, he had some problems in school?
¿ Qué le ha pasado a Nedim en la escuela?
Nedim will be there.
Nedim estará ahí.
Why didn't you tell me Nedim was stealing?
¿ Por qué no me dijisteis que Nedim robaba?
Nedim, how's school? - Fine.
- Nedim, ¿ qué tal el colegio?
Nedim, turn around when you talk to Mrs. Jasna!
Nedim, date la vuelta cuando hables con la Sra. Jasna.
Nedim's room is cold.
La habitación de Nedim está fría.
- Bye Nedim.
- Chao, Nedim.
I had a call from Nedim's school the other day, but I wasn't in the office.
El otro día me llamaron del colegio de Nedim, pero no estaba en la oficina.
¿ Nedim?
Dalila, do you know who beat Nedim up?
Dalila, ¿ tú sabes quién pegó a Nedim?
- I'm Nedim's sister.
- Soy la hermana de Nedim.
- Nedim, from Hamza's class.
- Nedim, compañero de clase de Hamza.
Hi Nedim. - Hello.
- Hola, Nedim.
Time to go Nedim. - OK.
Nedim, vámonos.
Are you Nedim?
¿ Eres Nedim?
What happened to you, Nedim?
- ¿ Qué te ha pasado, Nedim?
Nedim, who?
- ¿ Quién es Nedim?

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