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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Newsome

Newsome Çeviri İspanyolca

165 parallel translation
how do you do Miss Newsome?
La señorita Newsome.
how do you do Mister Drew.
¿ Cómo esta señorita Newsome?
I am glad to be back Mister Newsome.
¿ Qué tal estás Bobby? Me alegro de que hayas vuelto.
How do you do Mister Newsome! howdy!
Señor Newsome, éste es Rod Drew.
but Newsome, he don't know that.
I emptied his box and put them back on the shelves.
Y Ia munición es muy poca, pero Newsome no Io sabe.
- do not know if I can do that.
Newsome me mandó meterlo en Ia caja.
I was a clerk there, and also took care of the accounts.
¿ EI Sr. Newsome? Sí. Soy Marie LaFIeur de Kennegamy House.
Bobby, its not same without you.
Muy bien, Sr. Newsome. Cuídate, buena suerte.
Are you sure it was the superintendent, Ms. Newsome, you saw?
¿ Seguro que viste a la directora, la Srta. Newsome?
I was just talking about a Ms. Newsome of County Kerry.
Hablaba de una Srta. Newsome del Condado de Kerry.
Yes, yes. You're such an understanding soul, Ms. Newsome.
Es un alma muy comprensiva, Srta. Newsome.
I want to see Ms. Newsome.
Quiero ver a la Srta. Newsome.
Ms. Newsome, I've been assigned to the case in room 1 7, night duty.
Me asignaron la habitación 17, servicio nocturno.
Ms. Newsome reminded me that nurses are too scarce and cases too plentiful.
La Srta. Newsome dijo que hay pocas enfermeras y muchos enfermos.
Bother Ms. Newsome, that old harridan.
La Srta. Newsome, esa vieja bruja.
So has Ms. Newsome.
Como la Srta. Newsome.
Gruesome Newsome, blast her.
Horrible Newsome.
I got the money, Ma, from the Newsomes.
Tengo el dinero de los Newsome, ma.
is there a Mrs Newsome?
Está la Sra. Newsome?
A Mrs BeryI Newsome?
La Sra. Beryl Newsome?
Now, beryl Newsome, she wore a wedding ring.
Beryl Newsome, usaba anillo de matrimonio.
Mrs Newsome, if she was really off men... I didn't know that, did I?
No estaba la Sra. Newsome, harta de los hombres? ,
I don't see why anyone would kill Mrs Newsome to get Inspector Morse.
No entiendo por qué alguien mataría a la Sra. Newsome para implicar al Inspector Morse.
It presupposes that you were in love with Mrs Newsome.
Eso presupondría que estabas enamorado de la Sra. Newsome.
Someone who didn't like Mrs Newsome is much more likely to have killed her.
Alguien a quien no le agradaba la Sra. Newsome es el asesino más probable.
You know, there is a connection..... between De Vries and Beryl Newsome.
Pero hay una conexión entre De Vries y Beryl Newsome.
Derek Newsome.
Derek Newsome.
Mrs Newsome's flat.
Al depto. de la Sra. Newsome.
BOTTOMLEY : Morse, all the evidence is that you had sexual intercourse with beryl Newsome
Morse, la evidencia apunta a que mantuvo relaciones sexuales con Beryl Newsome
And I have never, alas, made love to Beryl Newsome.
Y nunca, lamentablemente ; hice el amor con Beryl Newsome.
Do you think that Morse killed either Mrs Newsome or Mr McNutt?
Cree Ud. que Morse mató a la Sra. Newsome o al Sr. McNutt?
! BOTTOMLEY : It looks very much as if he and Mrs Newsome were conspiring together.
Al parecer él y la Sra. Newsome conspiraron todo juntos.
Of course, she got sidetracked with this dreadful business about Beryl Newsome.
Además se retrasó con este terrible asunto de Beryl Newsome.
- You more than harmed Beryl Newsome.
- Hiciste más que dañar a Beryl Newsome.
Did he think what it was like for Beryl Newsome?
Y él pensó en lo que sentía Beryl Newsome?
It's all right, Mr. Newsome. These gentlemen are with me.
No se preocupe, estos caballeros vienen conmigo.
But I mean, Stony Newsome... you got to give me a reason to do that.
Pero, Stony... me tienes que dar un motivo para hacerlo.
Stevie Newsome.
Stevie Newsome.
We're still getting bad press with that.
Stevie Newsome, no nos lo perdona.
I'd like to bring in his sister Lita Newsome.
Quiero arresta a su hermana Leda Newsome.
Francesca Sutton and Lita Newsome are best friends.
Francesca Sutton y Leda Newsome son buenas amigas.
Lita Newsome!
¡ Leda Newsome!
They've been identified... as Lita Newsome, Francesca Sutton...
Sus nombres son... Leda Newsome, Francesca Sutton...
So I won't tell Colonel Newsome that your boots ain't regulation,..... your post wasn't covered and you hold your gun like a sissy.
Para que no le diga al Coronel Novato que tus botas no son las reglamentarias,..... que no estabas en tu puesto y que sostienes el arma como un puñal.
Miss Newsome.
mi mejor amigo de Ia escuela.
Mister Newsome, this is Rod Drew.
Y yo de estar aquí señor Newsome.
thanks Mister Newsome, that will be fine.
Les puedo alojar aquí mismo en eI puesto.
Newsome had me put it into the safe.
- Je ne sais pas.
Good-bye Mr. Newsome.
Se están juntando demasiados.

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