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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Nike

Nike Çeviri İspanyolca

418 parallel translation
I laid a Nike site in for him in'64.
Trabajé con él en 1964. Usen mi nombre.
It's Michelin on Nike time.
¡ Es hora de "Michelin" contra "Nike!"
The Air Alpha Force, from Nike.
Air Alpha Force. De Nike.
Lots of Greenpeace stickers and even a Nike swoosh!
¡ Calcomanías de Greenpeace y un emblema de Nike!
- Nike's don't come that big.
- Nike no tiene esa talla.
- What's that writing mean?
¿ Y esas letras? ¿ "Nike"?
- He's wearing Nikes.
Está usando zapatillas Nike.
Hear she got a pair of unlaced Jordans, too.
Y unas Nike Jordan.
My new Nikes.
Mis nuevas Nike.
Spike Lee is shooting his Nike commercial
Spike Lee filmará su comercial de NIKE.
As you can tell from these movies, the chances of a Nike contract in your future are slim.
Como verás, las posibilidades de un contrato con "Nike"... son mínimas.
Yeah, a leap like that, they'll put you in a Nike commercial.
Sí, con una cabriola así te pondrán en un comercial de Nike.
Damn, when I get paid, I'm gonna get me those dope new Nikes, like ten pairs.
Cuando tenga lana, me compro 10 pares de Nike.
He look at those basketball commercials... where they be advertising these Nike shoes?
El mira esas propagandas de básquet... cuando anuncian estas zapatillas Nike?
At the prestigious Nike camp...
En el campamento prestigioso de Nike...
William enters the game to go head-to-head with Nazareth star Sean Pearson... his friend and roommate from the Nike camp.
William entra en el juego para enfrentarse con la estrella de Nazaret Sean Pearson... su amigo y compañero de habitación del campamento de Nike.
Son unas Nike.
They're Nikes. For walking.
Son Nike, lo mejor para caminar.
Pops the first guy who steps on his Nikes.
Y mata al primer tipo que le pisa sus'Nike'.
The Nikes, the Sega game, the haircut!
¡ Las Nike, el juego de Sega, el corte de pelo!
He was fired from Johnston Island a missile with "Nike-Hercules" air defense, and was detonated at high altitude, above Johnston Island.
Fue disparado desde la Isla Johnston en un misil "Nike-Hercules" de defensa aérea, y detonado nuevamente a gran altitud sobre la Isla Johnston.
You guys suck so bad that Nike should take your shoes away!
Ustedes aspiran tan mal que Nike debería tener los zapatos a distancia!
I didn't get no love from that Energizer Bunny or Nike.
No tengo amor de Nike ni del Energenizer Bunny.
Lace up your Nikes.
Ponte los Hanes, átate las Nike.
We're calling'em the Nike Swoosh.
Estamos llamando a ellos el de Nike.
I love the white nikes.
Me encantan Ios Nike blancos.
I'm gonna call Nike, get Rodman to dye his hair.
Voy a llamar a Nike, que Rodman se pinte el pelo.
MOORE : After visiting 47 cities in 50 days... I was on my way to Portland, Oregon... my last stop and the home of Nike... the largest shoe manufacturer in the world.
Tras visitar 47 ciudades en 50 días, volaba hacia Portland, Oregon, mi última parada y la sede central de Nike el mayor fabricante de calzado del mundo.
Uh-oh, Nike has sent in the Portland police.
Tengo un número muy alto, gracias.
Keith in Nike.
¿ Quién es usted, Keith Peters?
- Who's this? Keith Peters?
¿ Trabaja usted en Nike?
- Do you work for Nike, Keith? - Yeah. OK.
Soy una fan de Michael.
I couldn't believe the chairman of Nike... was granting me a visit. MOORE : I was met at the door by P.R. Director Keith Peters... who warned me that Phil Knight's wife... had given Phil my book... as her wedding anniversary present to him... with his face circled.
Me recibió su Relaciones Públicas, Keith Peters, que me contó que la esposa de Phil Knight le había regalado mi libro como regalo de aniversario con su cara señalada con un círculo.
Filmmaker Michael Moore is urging... the world's largest athletic shoe company... to open a factory, a factory in Flint. Michael Moore chastised... the chairman of Nike, Philip Knight... criticizing the company... for making most of its shoes in Indonesia.
Michael Moore reprochó al presidente de Nike, Philip Knight, utilizar mano de obra indonesia.
So tomorrow at noon, I want to prove him wrong. I want the people of Flint who would like to work... who would like to have a job at Nike... to come here and stand in front of City Hall.
Pido a aquellos ciudadanos de Flint que quieran trabajar en Nike que acudan mañana al Ayuntamiento.
Mr. Knight, I'm 37 years old.
Hace 25 años que uso Nike.
For 25 years, I've been wearing Nike.
Si Nike es importante para mí, Flint debería serlo para usted.
We'll do a 100-yard dash, you and me, right? And if you win, I'll always wear these Nikes... wherever I go, on every TV show, whatever.
Si gana, no me quitaré nunca estas Nike, donde quiera que esté, en los programas de televisión.
Don't assume that. - I'm not gonna arm wrestle you.
Si usted gana, yo no me quito las Nike.
If you win, I'll wear those Nike shoes forever. But if I win, we gotta make some jobs in Flint.
Si yo lo hago, daremos empleos en Flint. ¡ Vamos, Phil!
- "Nike"? Is that Indian talk?
¿ Es un idioma indio?
I got my white nikes.
Mis Nike blancos.
Nike chairman Phil Knight was named in my book... as one of my favorite corporate crooks.
En mi libro, eludí hablar de Phil Knight, su presidente, mi estafador favorito...
Nike makes most of their shoes in Indonesia... using teenage girls... and paying them less than 40 cents an hour.
Nike fabrica sus zapatillas en Indonesia empleando a adolescentes por 40 centavos a la hora.
Nike makes no shoes in America. CROWD : Shame on you!
Descubrí en Portland que los ciudadanos estaban bastante enfadados con esta situación.
Phil Knight can kiss my butt! MOORE :
Nike llamó a la policía.
And let's go to Keith in...
Vayamos con Keith, de Nike.
We'll talk whatever you want to.
¡ El presidente de Nike me invitaba! No podía creerlo :
If Nike means that much to me... Flint should mean that much to you.
Si no, no compraremos más Nike.
Phil swore he would never build a factory in Flint.
Pero me regaló las únicas Nike fabricadas en EE.UU., y de mi número.
But he did present me with the only American-made... pair of Nike shoes, built just for me.
Tengo una idea. Echemos una carrera, usted y yo.

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