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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Nobody's going to hurt you

Nobody's going to hurt you Çeviri İspanyolca

46 parallel translation
Silly boy, nobody's going to hurt you.
Bobo, que nadie le va a hacer daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Vale, nadie te hará daño.
Stay where you are! Keep quiet and nobody's going to get hurt.
Quietos y sin decir palabra.
Don't be afraid. Nobody's going to hurt you. No.
No tema.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarlo.
Millions of kids. Hold on there, mate. Nobody's going to hurt you.
Tranquilo hombrecillo, no quiero hacerte daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie le va a hacer daño.
Come on now. Nobody's going to hurt you.
Vamos, nadie le hará daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you. I won't let them.
No lo permitiré.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te va a lastimar.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te lastimará.
All right now, take it easy, nobody's going to hurt you, quiet now, quiet.
Calma... Nadie te lastimará... Quieto...
Sellers, nobody's going to hurt you.
Sellers, nadie le va a hacer daño.
- Alright, don't you worry, nobody's going to hurt you.
- Bien. Me alegro.
Now, Bunny, nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te va a hacer daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te va a hacer daño.
Easy, easy, nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te hará daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te hará daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you now.
Nadie va a herirte ahora.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te va a herir.
Now nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie te hará daño.
But if you sit there, and keep to yourself... and keep pouring whiskey on the hurt... nobody's going to help you.
Pero si te sientas ahí, a solas... ... y sigues echando whisky en la herida... ... nadie te va a poder ayudar.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarte.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerte daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Todo está bien.
Don't worry. Nobody's going to hurt you.
Tranquilos, nadie os hará daño.
It's all right. Nobody's going to hurt you.
¡ Nadie te va a lastimar!
Shh, there's nobody going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarte.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a lastimarte,
Nobody's going to hurt you, little fella.
Nadie va a hacerte daño, pequeño amigo.
Nobody's going to hurt you, Ching.
Nadie te hará daño, Ching.
- Nobody's going to hurt you.
- Nadie te hará daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie vaa hacerte daño.
Nobody's going to hurt you, OK?
Nadie te va a hacer daño, ¿ está bien?
Nobody's going to hurt you.
Nadie va a hacerle daño.
Son, I understand that you're scared, but... I won't let anything happen to you. Nobody's going to hurt you.
Hijo, entiendo que tengas miedo, pero no voy a dejar que te pase nada.
Nobody's going to hurt you, pet.
Nadie te va a lastimar, querida
Well, if you can help out a little more substantively and nobody's going to get hurt, then why not help out?
Bueno, si puedes ayudar con algo más sustancial y nadie saldrá herido, ¿ por qué no ayudar?
Listen, nobody's going to get hurt You get the money and you get out of here, okay?
Escucha, nadie va a salir herido coges el dinero y sales de aquí, ¿ ok?
Nobody's going to hurt you, not while I'm here.
Nadie va a hacerte daño mientras yo esté aquí.

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