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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Noonan

Noonan Çeviri İspanyolca

300 parallel translation
Senator Noonan made the reservation.
El senador Noonan hizo la reserva.
Good. Senator Noonan engaged a suite beginning the 24th.
El senador Noonan reservó una suite para el día 24.
Can you connect me with Senator Noonan?
- ¿ Puedo hablar con el senador Noonan?
Well, when Senator Noonan gets back late, tell him I was here early.
Cuando el senador Noonan llegue con retraso, dígale que yo me anticipé.
That's the spirit. Senator Noonan.
- Senador Noonan...
What did you say your address was, Mrs. Noonan?
¿ Cuál dirección dijo, Sra. Noonan?
Excuse me a moment, Mrs. Noonan.
Excúseme un momento, Sra. Noonan.
Mrs. Noonan, the lady with the boy, is new, too.
Sra. Noonan, la señora con el niño, es nueva también.
Now, Mrs. Noonan, what did you say your address was?
Ahora, Sra. Noonan, ¿ Cuál era la dirección?
Noonan the marshal and a dozen men from the Triangle Bar.
El alguacil Noonan y una docena del Bar Triángulo.
Well! Here, why don't you stand back of her when Noonan starts gunning?
Párate detrás de ella cuando Noonan comience a disparar.
They're coming out, Noonan!
¡ Van saliendo, Noonan!
With Noonan sitting out there?
- ¿ Con Noonan ahí afuera? - Yo lo prepararé.
Robert henry noonan and felix james bennett On or about the morning of the 19th of december, 1972.
Robert Henry Noonan y Felix James Bennett... a una hora indeterminada de la mañana del 19 de diciembre.
My name is Michael Noonan.
Me llamo Michael Noonan.
You've had it, Noonan!
¡ Se acabó, Noonan!
Come on out, Noonan!
¡ Sal, Noonan!
You ain't got it today, Noonan.
No estás en buena forma.
You're a good egg, Noonan.
Eres buena persona, Noonan.
The judge would like to see a caddy named Danny Noonan soon as he comes in.
El juez quiere ver a un cadi llamado Danny Noonan.
I'm Danny Noonan.
Yo soy Danny Noonan.
Sonja Henie is out. We'll take Danny Noonan.
Elegimos a Danny Noonan.
Noonan... you can do it!
Noonan... ¡ confiamos en ti!
This is the Noonans, Mrs Grainger.
Éstos son los Noonan, Sra. Granger.
Put a down payment on Jimmy Noonan's old boat.
He pagado un anticipo por el barco de Jimmy Noonan.
- How you doin', Noonan?
- ¿ Qué tal, Noonan?
Terry Noonan. Terry.
- Terry Noonan.
- Terry Noonan. - Hey, motherfucker.
- Cabronazo.
- It's Terry Noonan.
- Es Terry Noonan.
Terry fuckin'Noonan!
El capullo de Terry Noonan.
Noonan's with us, I don't want the cops to look at us for drug bullshit from the Bronx.
Si Noonan se queda, no quiero que la poli nos moleste por las drogas del Bronx.
- Pleased to meet ya, Terry Noonan.
- Encantada de conocerte, Terry Noonan.
I understand you knew a Terry Noonan.
Creo que conocías a Terry Noonan.
- Stop drinking, Noonan.
- Deja de beber, Noonan.
If that happens, Noonan, the blood's on your hands.
Si eso ocurre, Noonan, te mancharás las manos de sangre.
When you're not too busy, keep an eye on Noonan for me.
Cuando no estés muy ocupado, vigila a Noonan por mí.
You're Terry Noonan. You're Eddie Noonan's boy.
Eres Terry, el chico de Eddie Noonan.
Take care of the bartender, then we take a close look at Noonan. Right.
Ocúpate del camarero y luego vigilamos de cerca a Noonan.
I want to talk to you about Terry Noonan.
Quiero hablar contigo de Terry Noonan.
You OK, Noonan? Everything OK with you?
Noonan, ¿ estás de acuerdo?
This is Officer Noonan.
Aquí el agente Noonan.
Hey, Noonan!
Noonan, if you and me are on a collision course, that would not be very smart of you.
Noonan, si tú y yo nos enfrentamos, no sería muy inteligente por tu parte.
My goodness, it's Tom Noonan, of course, the actor who played the Ripper.
- Dios mío. Es Tom Noonan, el actor que representó al Destripador. - ¿ Qué?
According to the records of the time, on July, 2, 1937, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, took off from New Guinea, and they were headed east around the equator.
Según los archivos de la época, el 2 de julio de 1937, Earhart y su copiloto, Fred Noonan, partieron de Nueva Guinea con dirección este, por el ecuador.
Others thought that she and Noonan had flown off together on some sort of romantic adventure.
Otros que ella y Noonan se embarcaron en una aventura amorosa.
Mr. Noonan, that will accomplish nothing.
Con eso no conseguirán nada.
Noonan, you don't wear irony very well.
No sabe mucho de esas cosas
Noonan, come on. This is the entrance to the whorehouse.
Cual es la entrada al burdel.
Noonan, where am I?
¿ Donde estoy?
You may have heard of Brian Noonan, a very important Junior Minister, and a personal friend.
Puede que hayas oído hablar de Brian Noonan, Un Pastor junior muy importante, y un amigo personal.
noona 135

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