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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Noone

Noone Çeviri İspanyolca

282 parallel translation
# Then for you there would be only one man, and noone else,
# Shshsh shshsh # Para ti seguro que sólo habría uno y nadie más,
# Then for you there would be only one, and noone else,
# Para ti seguro que sólo habría uno y nadie más,
Where noone has ever come in or got out from.
Por donde no ha entrado ni ha salido jamás nadie.
Noone could've guessed what he was really feeling.
Nadie habría imaginado lo que realmente sentía.
- Noone's gonna get you!
- No te detendrán.
¿ Nadie?
Noone has ever kissed that much in a church!
Nadie ha dado tantos besos en una iglesia.
- Noone disturbed you?
- ¿ Nadie te ha molestado?
- No, noone.
- No, nadie.
Noone can understand.
Nadie puede entenderlo.
Of course noone thinks of it :
Que nadie piensa en ello.
- Noone asked you, Piet.
- Nadie te lo pidió, Piet.
Frightens me, that there's noone to bridge it.
Me asusta que no haya manera de cruzarla.
I talked with her friends, but noone knows anything.
He preguntado a sus amigos, pero ninguno sabe nada.
Noone saw me.
Nadie me ha visto.
- Noone knows about it.
- Nadie lo sabe todavía.
It's noone's fault, it was just an accident.
No es culpa de nadie, ha sido un accidente fatal.
I can't recognize noone here anymore.
Ya no conozco a nadie.
I wanted to visit you in the Prague, but there is noone who would feed my chickens.
Quiero visitarte en Praga, pero no encuentro a nadie que quiera ocuparse de mis gallinas.
He's a murderer. Check it by yourself. There's noone there.
Mire usted mismo, no hay nadie ahí.
- Noone. - He was talking with me.
¡ Me habló!
I'm fine then and noone could do me any harm.
No dejaría que nadie se saliera con la suya.
Everyone needs so much and noone is willing to give anything.
Todos necesitan mucho pero nadie está dispuesto a dar nada.
Noone's here.
No hay nadie aquí.
Noone can come here. He would have an airship or a submarine boat.
Necesitaría una aeronave o un submarino.
Noone fulfilled his combat objective.
Ninguno logró sus objetivos de combate.
Noone delays, Penfield.
No retrasen, Penfield.
Noone will tell me how.
Nadie tiene que decirme como.
That's it. Noone knows exactly.
Nadie lo sabe exactamente.
Noone may shed blood or cut down a tree, or kill a living thing in Mecca
"Nadie derramará sangre ni cortará un árbol... ni matará ningún ser vivo en Meca"
Noone wants to end up on the gallows.
Nadie quiere terminar en el cadalso.
Noone ever comes to see us.
Nadie viene a vernos.
I've got enough men, but noone knows the hills like you do
Tengo los hombres, pero ninguno conoce las colinas como tú.
Anyone was free to inspect his books, but noone could find his accounts he struck terror into the hearts of his subordinates.
Si inspeccionabas sus libros, no encontrabas las cuentas. Aterrorizaba a sus trabajadores.
I saw it coming, but noone would listen to me!
Yo ya sabía lo que iba a pasar, pero no me escucharon!
Everybody says that : "I'll kill myself" then noone does.
Lo dicen todos : "me mato" "me mato" y no se mata ninguno.
If noone tells you Eddie you dont clean the shit. " " You let the shit stay forever. "
Dejas los cagarros ahí para siempre.
Noone that night was sad and lonely as inspector Strahinjic. All his efforts, to find a missing link in a row of murders or to find the common motive, which could point to the possible murderer, remained unsuccessful.
Esa noche nadie estaba tan triste y solo el eslabón perdido en la cadena de crímenes o encontrar el móvil común que pudiera conducir al posible asesino no tenían éxito.
Noone can understood, that us in our country need to develop our own methodology.
Nadie entiende que nosotros en este país tenemos que desarrollar nuestra propia metodología.
Noone is there.
No queda nadie.
Noone is going out in the rain.
No te preocupes, nadie se mojará.
Noone has taken it away.
¡ Nadie se lo llevará!
As I came back I saw you walking Noone had told me about that,
Me di la vuelta, y a través de la puerta abierta te vi caminar.
Noone is bothering you.
Nadie te molesta.
To noone, my word of honour.
Nadie, palabra de honor.
Noöne will be using the house, and I can come down Saturday, and take you in.
Nadie usará la casa. Regresaré el sábado y la llevaré.
Noone knows for now.
Nadie sabe nada todavía.
Actually, noöne knows I was at your house except you.
La verdad, nadie sabe que estuve en su casa excepto usted.
And noone ever helps to anyone.
Porque la gente es mala y nadie ayuda a nadie.
There's noone in the street. I'm greeting Professor Ratz.
Estoy saludando al Profesor Ratz.
Noone has ever done that.
Nunca nadie lo hizo.

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