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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Norwalk

Norwalk Çeviri İspanyolca

29 parallel translation
- Then I got off the train at Norwalk.
Me bajé del tren en Norwalk.
For Greenwich, Stanford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, New Haven, Middletown... Hartford, Providence, Boston, Portland...
Para Greenich, Stanford, Norwalk, Fridgeport, New Haven, Middletown, Hartford, Providence, Boston, Portland...
- Then I got off the train at Norwalk.
Bajé del tren en Northwork.
East Brunswick, Union, Westchester, Westbury and Norvvalk.
Syosset, Paramus, East Brunswick, Union, Westchester, Westbury y Norwalk.
I look over there and I see that man there, Mr. Norwalk.
Veo a ese hombre ahí, el Sr. Norwalk.
What? Mr. Norwalk from the District Attorney's office.
El Sr. Norwalk de la Oficina del Fiscal.
- ¿ Norwalk?
Some fuck told Norwalk I was dealin'again.
Alguien le dijo a Norwalk que yo ando traficando.
I'm here to escort you to Mr. Norwalk in the District Attorney's office.
Estoy aquí para escoltarlo a la oficina del Sr. Norwalk.
I've been instructed to inform you that Mr. Norwalk has a tape he'd like to play you.
El Sr. Norwalk tiene una grabación para que Ud. escuche.
Norwalk will blow over.
Norwalk no me preocupa.
I've been to Norwalk's office.
Estuve en la oficina de Norwalk.
I gotta rehearse. I got a rehearsal at some god-awful hour all the way over in Norwalk.
Tengo ensayo... en un horario horrible en la ciudad de Norwalk.
See, witnesses said they saw you at the county fair in Norwalk.
Los testigos dicen que te vieron en la feria del condado en Norwalk.
- The limo's on its way up from Norwalk.
- La limusina viene de Norwalk.
- Allen 10, Allen 10, code 9 on Boardwalk
Allan-10, Allan-10, delito de código 9 en Norwalk.
I know what Norwalk virus is.
Ya sé lo que es el virus Norwalk.
More information on the prison riot in Norwalk.
Más información del disturbio en Norwalk :
He met my mom in a bookstore, and he asked her to marry him in Norwalk, Connecticut.
Conoció a mi mamá en una librería y le pidió que se casaran en Norwalk, Connecticut.
Single, born in Norwalk, Connecticut.
Soltero, nacido en Norwalk, Connecticut.
Combined overflow from Hartford, Stamford, West Haven, Danbury, Bridgeport, Norwalk, and I trust you know the new rules?
El exceso combinado de Harford, Stamford, West Haven Danbury, Bridgeport, Norwalk... Supongo que conoce las nuevas reglas.
Barb Melman got divorced and now she has cheek implants and lives in a condo in Norwalk and has to go on dates. lam not equipped to go on dates.
Barb Melman se divorciaron y ahora tiene mejilla implantes y vive en un condominio en Norwalk y tiene que ir a las citas. lam no están equipadas para ir a las citas.
That small-ass house I just moved into in Norwalk? Fuckin'hate it.
¿ En esa casa minuscula en Norwalk a la que me mude?
In 1971, I was at Lime Rock on a Tuesday testing, and it was not unusual for Jim Haynes, who owned the track, to say, " would you take so and so from the Hartford courant, the Norwalk hour,
En 1971, yo estaba en Lime Rock en una prueba de un martes, y no era raro que Jim Haynes, que era dueño de la pista, dijera : " ¿ Los llevarías para el Hartford Courant,
The Stamford advocate, " one of the newspapers,
"Norwalk Hour, Stamford Advocate...? " Para un diario, por unas vueltas ".
Maybe that's because you get so much more bang for your buck in Norwalk.
Quizá sea porque te dan mucho más por tu dinero en Norwalk.
I'm Brooke Norwalk now.
Soy Brooke Norwalk ahora.
Cop's car's about to kick out on us.
Escucha, estamos en el bosque al lado de Merritt, cerca de Norwalk.
Listen, we're in the woods right off the Merritt near Norwalk.
- Audrey, nos han quitado a Pete.

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