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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Noser

Noser Çeviri İspanyolca

132 parallel translation
What? A noser?
¿ Cómo?
Why'd you send Noser, man?
¿ Porque mandaste a Noser?
You see, someone's running a game on us, the same game that killed my brother, the same game that killed Noser.
Alguien está jugando con nosotros, el mismo que mató a mi hermano, el mismo que mató a Noser.
You killed Noser!
¡ Tu mataste a Noser!
They killed Sonny, Reedy, Mohawk and Noser.
Mataron a Sonny, Reedy, Mohawk y a Noser.
- Brown-noser.
- Lambiscón.
- Brown-noser.
Brown noser.
- Lameculos.
Aw, crud. Like what, brown-noser?
¿ Como qué, lameculos?
Because I'm a brown-noser?
¿ porque soy una chupa-medias?
You fuckin brown-noser.
Maldito adulador!
You fuckin'brown-noser!
- Maldito nerd!
- Yo, Wendy Watson. - Hey, Noser.
- Hola, Wendy Watson.
- That would be Shaft, Noser.
- ¿ Quién es el hombre? - Sería Shaft, Noser.
- Hey, Noser.
- Hola, Noser.
- You have a gun on you, Noser?
- ¿ Tienes un arma, Noser?
Noser and I are at the screen printers.
Noser y yo estamos en la imprenta.
Oh, he will. You, me, Noser.
Tú, yo, Noser.
If we get kicked out, you'll move back home ; and Noser will go live with his parents in Monaco.
Si nos echan, te mudarás de nuevo a tu casa y Noser irá a vivir con sus padres en Mónaco.
Hello, ladies, Noser.
Hola, chicas, Noser.
What is it, Noser?
¿ Qué pasa Noser?
Hey, Noser, make sure you wear your purple jacket tonight.
Noser. Ponte tu chaqueta Morada esta noche.
Looking good, Noser.
Oye, que bien te ves Noser.
- Hey Noser.
- Hola Noser.
Come on, Noser, let's go home.
Vamos, Noser, vamos a casa.
Thanks a lot, Noser.
Muchísimas gracias, Noser.
Hello, Mr. Noser. How are you?
Hola Sr. Noser ¿ Cómo está?
Noser, get the ax.
- Noser, trae el hacha.
No way, Noser. No!
- De ninguna manera, Noser. ¡ No!
Can I just use the ax? - Noser!
- ¿ Puedo usar el hacha?
- Noser!
- ¡ Noser!
Noser can't express it, but he's as worried about you and your inevitable breakdown as I am.
Noser no puede expresarlo pero, está preocupado por ti y tu inevitable colapso, igual que lo estoy yo.
Me, because I know you better than anyone, and Noser'cause he saw the video on the Internet.
Yo, porque te conozco mejor que nadie, y Noser porque vio el vídeo en internet.
What Noser's trying to express in his emotionally stunted masculine way, is that you could play it if it would help.
Lo que Noser trata de expresar en su emocionalmente atrofiado modo masculino, es que podrías jugarlo, si fuese útil.
Hello, Mr. Noser.
- Hola, Sr. Noser.
- Hey Noser.
- Hola, Noser.
Is that place Xanadu, Noser?
¿ Ese lugar es Xanadú, Noser?
Hey, Noser.
Hola, Noser.
You and me both, Noser.
A ti y a mí, Noser.
" tyler and me playing stump the band with nose.
"Tyler y yo jugando a" exprimir la banda " con Noser
Man, that noser guy is mesmerizing.
Ese tipo, Noser es hipnotizante.
Hey, noser.
- Hola, Noser.
Noser has a key.
Noser tiene llave.
Hey, have you seen Noser?
- Oye, ¿ has visto a Noser?
Hey, am I my Noser's keeper?
Oye, ¿ soy el guardián de Noser?
Have you seen Noser?
¿ Has visto a Noser?
Young Noser will be rent limb from limb to save you!
"El Joven Noser será desmembrado para salvarte"
Um, could you go back to the part about Noser being killed?
¿ Podrías volver a la parte dónde matan a Noser?
Hey, Noser.
Oye, Noser.
- Who's the man?
- Hola, Noser.

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