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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Nothing will happen to you

Nothing will happen to you Çeviri İspanyolca

307 parallel translation
Nothing will happen to you.
Nada va a pasarte.
But nothing will happen to you.
Pero no te va a ocurrir nada.
All you gotta do is sit still and nothing will happen to you. Yeah.
Todo lo que debes hacer es quedarte quietecito y nada te pasará.
Mr Brand, nothing will happen to you.
Sr. Brand, no le va a pasar nada.
No. Then nothing will happen to you in Baltimore.
Lil se puede quedar aquí y ocuparse de las cosas.
Nothing will happen to you. I'll see to that.
No, yo no... a estas cosas les tengo miedo.
Nothing will happen to you.
No te pasara nada.
You're not involved in this murder, so nothing will happen to you.
Usted no está involucrada en este homicidio, asé que nada le pasará.
If we return to Cuba, nothing will happen to you.
Si volvemos a Cuba, no le pasará nada.
Come out now and surrender, and I promise nothing will happen to you.
Salgan de allí y ríndanse. Les prometo que nada les ocurrirá.
Nothing will happen to you...'cause in a way this is my fault, and I'll see that it doesn't.
No se asuste. Es mi culpa y yo la protegeré.
Nothing will happen to you, don't worry!
No te pasará nada.
Neither your mother nor you are to blame for what happened,... therefore nothing will happen to you.
Ni tu mamá ni tú tienen la culpa de lo que ocurrió, por lo tanto nada les va a pasar.
Don't worry, nothing will happen to you.
No te preocupes, no te pasará nada.
Nothing will happen to you I'll pay back every penny.
Nada te pasarà si se paga todo.
Be quiet, and nothing will happen to you!
¡ No hagas ruido, y no te pasará nada!
Nothing will happen to you if you come out.
Nada pasarte si sales aquí.
Nothing will happen to you.
Si. No les va a pasar nada.
Nothing will happen to you.
No les pasará nada.
Give up and nothing will happen to you!
¡ Ríndanse y no les pasará nada!
Nothing will happen to you.
Nada te va a pasar.
Nothing will happen to you... Yet.
No les pasará nada, todavía.
Be calm, nothing will happen to you in this house.
LEJOS DE LA GUERRA Podría tener malas consecuencias para ti y para mí también.
Nothing will happen to you... As long as I'm near.
No te pasará nada mientras yo esté cerca.
If you behave wisely nothing will happen to you.
Si eres listo, nada te pasará.
And nothing will happen to you either if you let me stay here.
Y nada le pasará a usted tampoco si yo me quedo aquí.
I promise nothing will happen to you.
Prometo que no te pasará nada.
Come on, little thing, nothing will happen to you if you stay with us.
Venga, cosita, no te pasará nada mientras estés con nostotros.
Nothing will happen to you, I am a "vault".
No te sucederá nada, soy como una tumba.
Don't worry, nothing will happen to you
No te preocupes... nada te pasará a ti.
I promise nothing will happen to you if you just calm down.
Le prometo que no le va a pasar nada, si se calma.
Hand him over and nothing will happen to you.
entreguenlo y no les pasará nada.
Nothing will happen to us while you're able to dream like.
Nada nos pasará mientras seas capaz de soñar cosas así.
You know perfectly well that nothing will happen to me.
Sabe perfectamente bien que a mí no me ha de pasar nada.
You will, nothing's going to happen.
Lo harás, no va a pasar nada.
Kluggs, you may not know it, but your exhaustion is nothing... to what will happen if we do not pin down this information.
Quizá no lo sepa, pero su agotamiento no es nada... com parado con lo que pasará si no definimos esta información.
Nothing will happen. Stop always thinking about it, we came to chat with you.
¡ Deberíais hablar más vosotros dos!
Relax, nothing will happen. What do you want me to do?
Tranquilo, no pasará nada ¿ Qué quieres que haga?
Nothing bad will happen to you as long as you are the queen of Egypt. And later you only have to be careful not talk to anyone.
Si haces todo lo que te dije, no debes temerle a nada.
Nothing bad will happen to you here.
Aquí no le pasará nada malo.
But if you are honest with us, nothing untoward will happen to you.
Por el contrario con nosotros, si sois listos, no os sucederá nada malo.
But if you'll tell them to lay down their arms and surrender I promise nothing will happen.
Pero si les dice que bajen sus armas y se rindan, le prometo que no les pasará nada.
Nothing will happen to him nor to you.
No le ocurrirá nada, tampoco a ustedes.
Nothing evil will happen to your daughter. The brethren will repay you good for evil if you satisfy their just demands - What do they want?
No le pasará nada, porque los hermanos no quieren venganza, si satisfacéis sus justas demandas.
If your farm boy is out of the state by noon tomorrow, without you nothing will happen to him.
Si tu granjero está fuera del estado mañana a mediodía, sin ti nada le ocurrirá.
Nothing further will happen to you.
Nada más te va a pasar.
if she comes here, act more naturally so she suspects nothing with a woman, you never know what will happen things could become embarrassing leave me alone i have to get some sleep
Si viene, actúe con más naturalidad, que no sospeche nada. Con una mujer nunca se sabe lo que puede pasar. Las cosas pueden resultar muy embarazosas.
Captain Battersea... you will remember nothing of what is about to happen.
Capitán Battersby no recordará nada de lo que está por ocurrir.
Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen to you if you follow my advice.
No te atormentes más, bastará con que sigas fielmente mis consejos.
- No, no, you'll see that nothing will happen to you. It's good for you.
Verás que no te sucede nada.
Nothing will happen to you.
Nada te pasará.

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