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Novelist Çeviri İspanyolca

631 parallel translation
Anthony Blake, the novelist.
Anthony Blake. El novelista.
Uncle says he's a very clever novelist.
Mi tío dice que es un gran novelista.
I'm- - I'm not a novelist, but I know how to solve that.
No soy novelista... pero sé cómo resolver eso.
Oh, you are an author, a novelist?
¿ Es un autor, un novelista?
Captain Gaskell, I want you to meet Charlie McCaleb, the American novelist.
Capitán Gaskell, te presento a Charlie McCaleb, el novelista norteamericano.
Brodie the novelist will be remembered when half the brave soldiers of the War have been forgotten.
Brodie era un novelista, que será recordado. Además, figurará entre los héroes de la guerra.
- Oh, some awful woman novelist.
- Una horrible novelista.
The notorious Caroline Adams, novelist, in the arms of my husband.
La famosa Caroline Adams, novelista, en los brazos de mi marido.
Maybe I'm not such A rotten novelist after all.
Tal vez no sea una novelista tan horrible despues de todo.
- Oh, so you're a novelist?
- ¿ Es novelista?
Mr. Troy, your wife tells me you're a novelist. - That's odd.
Sr. Troy, su mujer me ha dicho que es novelista.
The thing I can't understand is, why should a novelist live in this decrepit place?
No comprendo como un novelista vive en un lugar tan decrépito.
You said you were a novelist, you didn't by any chance...
Dijo que era novelista. Quizás...
He's a novelist.
Es un novelista.
So according to the testimony of the haggard novelist, at 12.30 the victim was still alive.
Según el testimonio del novelista con la mirada perdida, la víctima estaba viva a las 12.30h.
Arnaud de Bédarieu, the novelist.
Arnaud de Bédarieu, el novelista.
You have the astonishing gifts of a novelist.
Tiene las sorprendentes virtudes de un novelista.
Now look here, Charles. In your younger days, this display of roguish flippancy might have been alluring. In a middle-aged novelist, it's nauseating.
Puede que en tu juventud... este despliegue de impertinencia resultara seductora... pero en un novelista de mediana edad es nauseabundo.
Prying into the lives of others is the art of a novelist, Aunt.
Husmear en la vida de los demás es oficio del novelista.
- Mr. Maugham's a novelist, darling.
- Cenemos y acabemos de una vez. - El Sr. Maugham es un novelista.
But I daresay that comes of being a novelist.
Eso le viene de ser un novelista.
- Payton Ames, the novelist.
Payton Ames, el escritor.
"Florence Dana Moorhead, celebrated novelist and short-story writer..."
"Florence Dana Moorhead, aclamada novelista y escritora de cuentos..." Bla, bla, bla...
No, Irma's a novelist.
No, Irma es novelista.
Maybe I'll get your friend, the novelist, to write it some day.
Tal vez consiga que su amiga, la novelista, la escriba algún día.
- He's a very famous novelist.
Es un novelista muy famoso.
But perhaps I'd better add I'm a novelist comfortably off, set in my ways
Pero tal vez debiera añadir que soy novelista bien situado y acomodado a mis costumbres.
That's because you're not really a novelist.
Es porque no eres un novelista de verdad.
Do you think he might become a novelist someday?
¿ Crees que algún día podría convertirse en novelista?
- Miss Sandra Ashville, the novelist.
"Miss" Sandra Ashville. - Novelista.
A novelist with no style, a tenor with no voice.
Una novelista sin estilo, un tenor sin voz.
- A good novelist, in your opinion? - Oh, yes, in my opinion.
- ¿ Le parece un buen novelista?
You're a great novelist, but screenwriting, well...
Eres un gran novelista, pero como guionista...
As a novelist, in my opinion, you still have no equal.
Como novelista, en mi opinión, no hay nadie comparable.
Ooh, perhaps I'm looking at it more from a novelist's point of view, my lord.
Ohh. Quizás lo estoy viendo más desde el punto de vista un novelista, milord.
That a bellboy in this very hotel assured me that this penthouse is permanently leased by an American novelist named Rodney Kent.
Un botones de este hotel me asegura que este apartamento... está permanentemente alquilado.. a un novelista americano llamado Rodney Kent.
An artist, a novelist.
Artista. Novelista.
Etsuro Yoshida, a famous mystery novelist,
Etsuro Yoshida, un famoso novelista de misterio,
I once worked for an American novelist who only wrote in the bathtub.
Una vez, trabajé para un novelista que escribía en la bañera.
One of the pillars of Caldeia, and a great novelist.
Si. Uno de los pilares de Caldeia, y un estupendo novelista.
You're a novelist
Eres un escritor.
A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme.
Dentro de cien años, creo un famoso novelista escribirá un clásico con ese tema.
- What, some damn novelist?
- ¿ Qué? ¿ Es un maldito novelista?
A 19th Century novelist whose work constitutes... a picture of the society of his day.
Un novelista del siglo XIX, cuyo trabajo constituye un cuadro de la sociedad de su tiempo.
- Well, I can't touch him. He's a novelist.
- No puedo tocarlo, es novelista.
So you're a novelist like Baudelaire.
Quieres ser novelista como Baudelaire, ¿ no?
- Baudelaire wasn't a novelist.
Bueno, pero Baudelaire no escribía novelas.
Who's your favorite contemporary American novelist?
¿ Quién es tu novelista estadounidense contemporáneo favorito?
Please request from British consul... complete information on Cliveden Compton, English novelist. Yes.
- He's a novelist, writes murder mysteries.
Es novelista.

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