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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ O ] / O'conner

O'conner Çeviri İspanyolca

78 parallel translation
My name is O'Conner.
- ¿ Cómo está?
Thanks, O'Conner.
- Gracias, O'Connor.
- Was Conner outside of here last night... or was he outside of his cell, anyway?
- Estaba Conner fuera de anoche... o fuera de su celda?
[Albert ] And so there he is, Arthur O'Conner, all seven stone of the man, paddling madly towards us through a sea of horse guards, waving something that looks vaguely like a pen! - I thought he must be one of Mother's ardent readership... in search of the royal indenture. - [ Laughing]
Así que allí está, Arthur O'Conner, corriendo como loco hacia nosotros a través de un mar de guardias a caballo, ondeando algo vagamente parecido a una pluma.
Alexandra Kimberly O'Conner.
Alexandra Kimberly O'Conner.
Casually I needed to follow Carol O'Connor... with the sun acid by the roof in the quarter.
Ellos me tuvieron siguiendo a Carroll O'Conner... con las cenizas del hijo para saber dónde las tiraría.
Is this the kind of intelligence I can expect from you, O'Conner?
¿ És esta es la clase de información que puedo esperar de ti, O'Conner?
- This is Officer Brian O'Conner.
- Éste es el oficial Brian O'Conner.
Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Conner.
Habla el oficial Brian O'Conner.
Have any of you seen Una O'Conner?
¿ Alguna de ustedes a visto a Una O'Conner?
Mr. O'Conner, I think you should leave.
Sr. O'Conner, Creo que debe irse.
Una O'Conner has decided to give herself to the convent.
Una O'Conner ha decidido darse ella misma a el convento.
We know you're Brian O'Conner, formerly of the LAPD.
Sabemos que eres Brian O'Conner, ex policía de Los Ángeles.
BlLKlNS : How you doing, O'Conner?
¿ Cómo estás, O'Conner?
All right, O'Conner. Who you got in mind?
Está bien, O'Conner, ¿ en quién estás pensando?
Why did you come here, O'Conner?
¿ Por qué viniste, O'Conner?
Brian O'Conner, Roman Pearce, meet Monica Fuentes.
Brian O'Conner, Roman Pearce, les presento a Mónica Fuentes.
That's the Brian O'Conner school of driving right there, baby!
Ésa es la academia de conductores de Brian O'Conner.
So what do you think, O'Conner?
¿ Qué opinas, O'Conner?
Your old pal O'Conner didn't tell you?
- ¿ Qué? ¿ Tu amigo O'Conner no te dijo?
Mr. O'Conner, it worked, baby!
Sr. O'Conner, funcionó.
Nice working with you, O'Conner.
Fue un gusto trabajar contigo, O'Conner.
There's a lake at O'Connor Park.
En el parque O'Conner hay un lago.
Corporal Tom O'Connor, reported UA on August 2, 1996.
Cabo Tom O'Conner, declarado desertor el 2 de agosto, 1996.
O ´ Conner.
¿ O ´ Conner?
Complaints keep rolling in after your little downtown Olympics, O'Conner.
No he dejado de recibir quejas después de tu olimpíada en el centro.
You here to take me in, O'Conner?
¿ Me vas a detener, O'Conner?
¡ O'Conner!
O'Conner! If you ever release a witness of mine again...
Si vuelves a liberar a uno de mis testigos...
That's enough. You're through, O'Conner!
- ¡ Se acabó, O'Conner!
O'Conner, do you know the difference between a cop and a criminal?
¿ Sabes la diferencia entre un policía y un criminal?
O'Conner, you're up.
O'Conner, irás tú.
Slow it down, O'Conner.
Más lento, O'Conner.
O'Conner's on line five.
O'Conner en la línea cinco.
Talk to me, O'Conner.
Adelante, O'Conner.
Listen to me, O'Conner.
Escúchame, O'Conner.
¿ O'Conner?
We don't move a muscle until O'Conner gives the signal.
Nadie se mueve hasta que O'Conner dé la señal.
Sir, O'Conner hasn't given us the signal yet.
O'Conner no ha dado la señal.
Do you have any idea the kind of trouble you're in, O'Conner?
¿ Sabe el problema que tiene?
I've listened to the testimony and taken into special consideration Agent O'Conner's appeal of clemency on behalf of Mr. Toretto.
Ya escuché el testimonio y tomé en consideración la apelación de clemencia del agente O'Conner a favor del Sr. Toretto.
But no one other than that FBI O'Conner is gonna lift a finger to fix this mess.
Pero sólo el idiota del FBI O'Conner va a hacer algo para arreglar este desastre.
- Conner, something like that.
- Conner, o algo así.
Duncan O'Connor, everybody!
¡ Duncan O'Conner, todo el mundo!
"With Gene Kelly, Donald O'Conner, and Debbie Reynolds."
"Con Gene Kelly, Donald O'Conner, y Debbie Reynolds".
He is former federal agent, Brian O'Conner.
Él es el ex agente federal, Brian O'Conner.
Multiple federal and local agencies have joined forces in the search for Dominic Toretto and his accomplices Brian O'Conner and Mia Toretto.
Multiple federal y las agencias locales han unido sus fuerzas en la búsqueda por Dominic Toretto y sus cómplices Brian O'Conner y Mia Toretto.
But despite every eye in the country looking for them where Toretto and O'Conner are now is anyone's guess.
Pero a pesar de todas las miradas en el país buscándolos donde Toretto y O'Conner están ahora es una incógnita.
Shitty call, O'Conner.
Llamada de mierda, O'Conner.
Enough, O'Conner!
Basta, O'Conner!

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