Once you're in Çeviri İspanyolca
1,030 parallel translation
Once in Switzerland, give out a big yodel so we'll know you're there.
Suiza. Una vez ahí, nos avisáis con un canto tirolés.
Meatball, laugh once more and you're in trouble.
Pitbou, ríase otra vez y tendrá problemas.
But once you admit the simple fact that you're in love, which you have, then it becomes a good idea to be the scientist about it.
Pero, en cuanto reconozcas que estás enamorada, y ya lo has hecho, no es mala idea verlo desde el punto de vista científico.
And for once in your life, you're gonna hear it.
Y por una vez en tu vida, vas a escucharla.
Once you're in in Little River, they'll never let you leave.
Una vez que estés en Little River nunca dejaran que te vayas.
Once we're out there, suppose me and you get in a boat and come back in and did whatever we had to do.
Una vez que estemos allí, supón que conseguimos un bote... entramos y hacemos lo que tenemos que hacer.
* Cross into Nevada * You're in the wild and wooly West * Where the two-gun bandits once rode nightly
Al llegar a Nevada, se llega a Nevada, entonces usted está en un Salvaje Oeste emocionante.
Once you're in Athens... if you still want to...
Una vez estés en Atenas... si todavía quieres...
Let me say at once that we're shocked that your son was taken from you in Marrakech, and deeply sympathetic.
Estamos atónitos de que se hayan llevado a su hijo en Marrakech y lo sentimos profundamente.
Just as she says, Laura, all you're supposed to do is once in a while give the boys a little... tea and sympathy.
- Sí, lo sé. Y sólo debías darles, de vez en cuando, una taza de té... Té y simpatía.
Once you're in here, you're in... until everyone out there sees you coming out again.
Una vez que entras, estás dentro hasta que los que están afuera te ven salir.
But when you're cast in it opposite a girl you once asked to become your wife why, it's downright embarrassing.
Pero tratándose de la mujer con la que quería casarme, era bochornoso.
You're getting bits now, even billing once in a while.
¿ Para qué desgastarte trabajando como extra?
You're forgetting that, in our own country, women were once sold into servitude.
Te olvidas de que en nuestro país, las mujeres se vendían para servir.
When you're in the water, swim away from the ship at once.
Una vez en el agua, retírense inmediatamente del barco.
- Why? First of all, what are you going to do with this girl once you're in the apartment?
Primero, cuando esté allí En el departamento..
In love, you're only ashamed once.
La vergüenza del amor es como su dolor sólo se siente una vez.
When you're scared or surprised, or both at once, there's a funny glint in your eyes.
Tienes miedo o estás asombrada. O las dos cosas a la vez.
Young lady, you're in the company of a man who's going to be very rich once we get back.
Jovencita, está en compañía de un hombre que va a ser muy rico cuando volvamos.
Once you've got your opponent on the ropes, surely you're in the perfect position for calling into play the calculated indifference ploy.
Una vez que tengas a tu oponente contra las cuerdas, estarás en la posición perfecta para usar la estrategia de la indiferencia calculada.
Well, when you're my age, It's just as well to see a doctor once in a while.
Mira, a mi edad es recomendable ir al médico de vez en cuando.
You know, once in a while, a miracle does happen just often enough to let you know that you're not wrong or foolish to hope for one.
Sin embargo, alguna que otra vez ocurre en América justo lo necesario para mostrarte que no estás equivocado o eres un imprudente, con tan solo una vez.
Once In a while, if you're lucky, you come across something of real value.
De vez en cuando, si tienes suerte, encuentras algo muy valioso.
Here, once you're in...
Aquí, una vez que estás dentro...
But he says once you're in, the sky's the limit.
Pero una vez que estás adentro, el cielo es el límite.
Once you're right in them, to move one step from the path is more than your life is worth.
Una vez que uno se adentra... alejarse tan sólo un paso del camino puede costarle la vida.
And once you're there, you believe you can keep yourself safe, become what you need to become to live in space, simply through the power of concentration?
Y una vez allí, ¿ creen que podrían mantenerse a salvo, convertirse en lo que sea para vivir en el espacio, solo mediante concentración?
Once you stop trusting men, you're like a kite with a broken thread, blowing in the wind, from one man to another...
Una vez que pierdes la confianza en los hombres, eres como un cometa con la cola rota, zigzagueando al viento, de un hombre a otro...
You're wanted in your office at once.
Le quiere en su oficina.
Not that Elena is ugly, she can be attractive, once in a while, when you're drunk.
No es que Elena sea fea... podría gustar, talvez, después de haber bebido.
You're going with me to Choshi. And once we're in Choshi, leave everything to me.
Te vienes a Choshi conmigo y una vez allí, déjalo todo en mis manos.
For once you're in Rome, and...
Para una vez que estás en Roma, y...
Ayako, once you're in this business, you need a different name from your real one.
Ayako, una vez en este negocio, necesitas un nombre distinto del tuyo auténtico.
Damn it, man, for once in your life you're going to follow orders.
- ¡ Siga las órdenes por una vez!
- Because it's more hazardous than the route we're following now. You see, once in the ear, any noise at all in the operating theater would be disastrous.
Una vez dentro del oído, cualquier ruido en la sala de operación sería desastroso.
Professor Armstrong and Miss Sherman, you're wanted at once in the Vice Rector's office.
"Profesor Armstrong, Srta. Sherman, acudan inmediatamente a la oficina del vicerrector".
Terry, once you're in the vault, can you safely remove the warheads from their container?
Terry, cuando estés en Ia cámara, ¿ podrás sacar bien Ias cabezas de sus contenedores?
And once you're in?
Y una vez dentro?
Considering you're in great health both personally and financially the best way would be to pay it all at once.
Considerando que usted tiene gran salud tanto personal como financiera la mejor manera sería pagarlo al contado.
Once you're safe in our railroad car and on your way to Arkansas, you can indulge your whim.
En el tren, cam ¡ no a Arkansas, podrán hacer lo que qu ¡ eran.
Once we're settled in our summer residence, I hope you'll visit us and spend the weekend.
Vamos a la residencia de verano, espero que vengan a vernos.
What you're describing was once known in the vernacular as a happiness pill.
Lo que describes fue conocido, alguna vez, como la píldora de la felicidad.
You're going to tell them we were once cops together... and I have dinner here once in a while?
Vas a decirles que una vez había policías juntos... y ceno aquí de vez en cuando?
I daresay you have not considered this possibility because as pointed out it rarely occurs, but once the petitioner is in the room it becomes necessary to re-evaluate, both the petitioner's situation and the situation of the secretary,
¡ Claro si la parte ya está ahí sentada, te sientes muy mal. Se te encoge el corazón. Pero la parte está ahí.
They once fought there and now you're cashing in.
Acuérdate de io que les debes. Hace algunos años lucharon.
I know you're all right once you get up in the snow -
Sé que todo irá bien cuando subamos a la nieve.
Five bloody minutes in suburbia, and you're ready to join up with the A P, blue chip, Little League, pill-taking, once-a-week-on-Saturday-night,
Cinco malditos minutos en los suburbios, y ya estás lista para unirte a la AP, inversiones, Ligas menores, tomar la píldora, una vez por semana el sábado por la noche,
Oh, I know you have no desire to join the army, but once you're in you'll love it.
Oh, sé que no deseas alistarte en el ejército, pero una vez dentro te encantará.
Him up there, when it — Once He's got it in for you, He's — You're right out the pictures.
Una vez que ella te tiene, estás jodido.
But once you're in full bloom, he'll just toss you away.
Pero una vez que has florecido completamente, él simplemente te tirará
You only worry about pardons once you're in.
Sólo piensas en los indultos una vez dentro, no antes.
once you're inside 16
you're invited 50
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're invited 50
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103
you're in my way 44
you're in danger 131
you're innocent 51
you're in control 31
you're in the way 44
you're in trouble now 22
you're in love 100
you're in luck 209
you're in love with me 20
you're in my way 44
you're in danger 131
you're innocent 51
you're in control 31
you're in the way 44
you're in trouble now 22
you're in love 100
you're in luck 209
you're in love with me 20