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Reward Çeviri İspanyolca

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All right, you guys ready to get to today's reward Ready to get to today's reward challenge? Challenge?
¿ Estáis listos para el próximo Desafío de Recompensa?
First person to get six squares First person to get six squares from one end to the other wins From one end to the other wins reward for their tribe.
El primero en transferir seis piezas gana la recompensa para su tribu.
Big reward on the line. Big reward on the line.
Gran recompensa en juego.
Father versus son, reward for
Padre contra hijo.
Father versus son, reward for the winner, exile island for the
Recompensa para el ganador. Isla del Exilio para el perdedor.
All right, coyopa, another big decision. Another big decision. Which reward are you going to
¿ Qué recompensa escogéis?
Which reward are you going to take comfort or fishing gear.
Comodidad o el equipo de pesca.
Get your reward and head out. Get your reward and head out.
Puede que la suerte haya cambiado.
You guys ready to get to your next reward. Next reward.
Jeff, una cosa antes de que sigas.
Bigger risk. Bigger reward.
- Mayor riesgo, mayor recompensa.
Because I'm not a dude in a suit, you can't imagine that he would reward my flawless track record by making me, say, the director of sales?
¿ Porque no soy un hombre en un traje, no puedes imaginar que él reconocería mi perfecto historial convirtiéndome a mi, en directora de ventas?
The reward for success will be a training session aboard an Imperial walker.
La recompensa por el éxito será una sesión de entrenamiento dentro de un caminante imperial.
The computer's been programmed to help solve problems, and every time it does a good job, its reward is that someone presses its button.
El ordenador ha sido programado para ayudar a resolver problemas y cada vez que hace un buen trabajo, su recompensa es que alguien apriete ese botón.
You can't reward this kind of action...
No se puede recompensar este tipo de acciones...
It's not a reward if you also stipulate they have to allow inspectors.
No es una recompensa si también estipulas que deben permitir inspectores.
Wonder how much more she would reward me for ridding her of her rival?
Me pregunto, ¿ cuánto más me recompensaría por liberarla de su rival?
And there's a reward for any information that leads to Espinosa's whereabouts.
Y hay una recompensa por cualquier información que conduzca al... paradero de espinosa.
There's a reward for any information that leads to Espinosa's whereabouts.
Hay una recompensa por cualquier información que conduzca al paradero de Espinosa.
You got your reward.
Usted consiguió su recompensa.
Sometimes, a good evacuation is its own reward.
A veces, una buena evacuación es recompensa suficiente.
we might have to trade a we might have to trade a reward for more rice, guys. Reward for more rice, guys. yeah.
Debemos cambiar alguna recompensa por arroz, chicos.
Suck it up. Suck it up. We can win a reward tomorrow.
Podríamos ganar una recompensa mañana.
We can win a reward tomorrow.
Podríamos tener un gran festín mañana.
Entire fishing reward to get a new win, and now you're New win, and now you're completely out of rice and you Completely out of rice and you need help again.
Y ahora os habéis quedado sin arroz y necesitáis ayuda de nuevo.
Candles, everything you won in the comfort reward, the hatchet, The comfort reward, the hatchet, the hammer, one of the pots and
El hacha, el martillo, una de las ollas y el pedernal extra.
Next reward challenge? yes. yes.
First person to get it right First person to get it right wins reward. Wins reward.
La primera persona en tenerlo bien gana la recompensa.
Baylor versus reed. Winner wins reward for their Winner wins reward for their tribe.
El perdedor irá a la Isla del Exilio.
Here we go. Here we go. For reward, it is reed versus
Allá vamos, por la recompensa.
For reward, it is reed versus baylor.
Es Reed contra Baylor.
Maybe the biggest reward thus Maybe the biggest reward thus far on the line. Far on the line.
Tal vez la mayor recompensa hasta ahora.
Reed is right. Reed wins reward for his tribe!
¡ Reed gana la recompensa para su tribu!
Reed wins reward for his tribe! Chicken and steak skewers.
Pollo y brochetas de carne.
Chances are very good that whoever you send to exile will Whoever you send to exile will not get to take part in eating Not get to take part in eating this reward.
La probabilidad es alta de que a quien elijas para ir al exilio no disfrutará de su recompensa.
getting information from getting information from baylor i feel like long term is Baylor i feel like long term is way more important to me right Way more important to me right now than some food reward.
Obtener información de Baylor siento que a largo plazo será más importante para mí que la comida de la recompensa.
Now than some food reward. I need to find that idol over I need to find that idol over there.
Necesito que encontréis ese ídolo allí.
As a reward, I think tonight we should spend the night at your place.
Como recompensa, creo que hoy deberíamos pasar la noche en tu casa.
So, for our reward... Oh... Oh!
Así que como recompensa... ¿ Una auténtica y original máquina Proton Arnold?
Now, Mr. Clark took artistic liberties and hired strippers to reward his overachieving students.
y ha contratado a strippers para recompensar a sus estudiantes.
Perhaps if the king was to offer some reward...
Tal vez si el rey ofreciera alguna recompensa...
We'll get our revenge and our reward, and father will never overlook us again.
Tendremos nuestra venganza y recompensa, y padre no nos volverá a pasar por alto, otra vez.
Because now I can reward you if you're good and punish you if you're bad.
Porque ahora puedo recompensarte si eres bueno y castigarte si eres malo.
"A" s are like a reward for properly raising your kid.
Los 100 % son como recompensa para los padres por criar a su hijos.
Last person left standing wins Last person left standing wins reward. Reward.
La última persona que quede, gana la recompensa.
Tough decision. You're bringing two people on You're bringing two people on this reward.
Traerás a dos personas a esta recompensa.
Other, and exile island was back in play. In play. At the last reward challenge- -
En el último Desafío de Recompensa...
At the last reward challenge- - there it is! There it is! Julie beat her boyfriend, john
Julie venció a su novio, John Rocker, y envió al marido de Val, Jeremy, a reunirse con él en la Isla del Exilio.
Wes wins reward for coyopa! Wes wins reward for coyopa!
Una lucha ajustada, me gusta eso.
John, what was the fallout from the conversation at Fallout from the conversation at the reward challenge between and The reward challenge between and you jeremy?
John, ¿ cuáles han sido los daños colaterales de la conversación en el Desafío de Recompensa entre tú y Jeremy?
Huge reward on the line. Huge reward on the line. Reed has two pieces in his mask.
Reed tiene dos piezas en su máscara.
You guys ready to get to today's You guys ready to get to today's reward challenge? Reward challenge?
¿ Estáis listos para el desafío de recompensa de hoy?

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