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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ R ] / Ridgeway

Ridgeway Çeviri İspanyolca

225 parallel translation
- Paula Ridgeway.
- Paula Ridgeway.
- Ridgeway.
- Ridgeway.
Miss Ridgeway, have you checked this list?
Srta. Ridgeway, ¿ revisó esta lista?
- Miss Ridgeway, get back to your desk.
- Srta. Ridgeway, vuelva a su mesa.
Admirals Corning and Ridgeway are supposed to testify on Thursday.
Los Almtes. Corning y Ridgeway van a atestiguar el jueves.
Charlie Blackfoot was seen in the town of Ridgeway.
Vieron a Charlie Blackfoot en el pueblo de Ridgeway.
Is that ever been said, about you before Mr. Ridgeway?
Como ya se lo dijimos, M. Ridgeway?
Miss Ridgeway owns the house and rents rooms.
La Srta. Ridgeway es la dueña y alquila habitaciones.
Miss Ridgeway.
La Srta. Ridgeway.
You know that Miss Ridgeway is a rejected lover?
¿ Sabe que la Srta. Ridgeway fue una amante abandonada?
You know where, uh, Ridgeway Drive is?
- ¿ Sabe dónde queda Ridgeway Drive?
I'm looking for Ridgeway Drive.
- Estoy buscando Ridgeway Drive.
Well, the 8th Army is Ridgway's now.
El octavo ejército ya es de Ridgeway.
Well, hallelujah. Matt Ridgway's retaken Seoul.
Aleluya, Ridgeway retomó Seúl.
The Ridgeway girl.
La Srta. Ridgeway.
Welcome to Wode Hall, Miss Ridgeway.
Bienvenida a Wode Hall, Srta. Ridgeway.
Linnet Ridgeway marries penniless Prince Charming after whirlwind romance.
Linnet Ridgeway se casa con un príncipe azul sin fortuna tras un romance relámpago.
So that's the Ridgeway girl.
Conque ella es la Srta. Ridgeway.
You're the Ridgeway girl, aren't you?
- Usted debe ser la Srta. Ridgeway.
- Sorry, Miss Ridgeway.
Disculpe, Srta. Ridgeway.
Melhuish Ridgeway ruined my family.
Melhuish Ridgeway arruinó a mi familia.
- Linnet Ridgeway's a leech.
Linnet Ridgeway es una ladilla.
Because her father was Melhuish Ridgeway, whose unscrupulous business methods ruined your father and condemned you to a servant's life.
Su padre era Melhuish Ridgeway cuyos métodos sin escrúpulos arruinaron a su padre y la condenaron a una vida de servidumbre.
The pianist was Frank Ridgeway.
El pianista era Frank Ridgeway.
Mr Ridgeway!
¡ Sr. Ridgeway!
¡ Ridgeway!
He is Frank Ridgeway, my former roommate.
El es Frank Ridgeway, mi antiguo compañero de cuarto.
I knew that ridgeway was mismapped.
Sabía que la línea de ese risco estaba mal dibujada.
And when I married Ridgway Becker, Johnny and the Sedgwick...
Y cuando me casé con Ridgeway Becker, y con Johnny Sedgwick...
The assistant general manager. Mr. Ridgeway.
El vicedirector general, el Sr. Ridgeway.
Mr. Ridgeway is above suspicion.
Pero el Sr. Ridgeway está fuera de toda sospecha.
And what if M. Ridgeway had to make the journey?
¿ Y si el Sr. Ridgeway tuviera que emprender el viaje?
M. Ridgeway.
- Monsieur Ridgeway...
What car do you drive, M. Ridgeway?
¿ Qué coche conduce Ud., Sr. Ridgeway?
I'm engaged to be married to Philip Ridgeway.
Estoy comprometida con Philip Ridgeway.
You're very punctual, Mr. Ridgeway.
Es Ud. muy puntual, Sr Ridgeway.
Mr. Ridgeway.
El Sr. Ridgeway.
You know what to do when you reach New York, Mr. Ridgeway?
Ya sabe lo que ha de hacer cuando llegue a Nueva York, ¿ verdad, Sr. Ridgeway?
One for you, Mr. Ridgeway.
Una para Ud., Sr. Ridgeway...
But there's business to be done in New York which in Mr. Shaw's absence only Mr. Ridgeway can handle.
Pero hay asuntos en Nueva York que, en ausencia del Sr. Shaw, sólo el Sr. Ridgeway puede resolver.
Bonjour, M. Ridgeway.
- Buenos días... - Bonjour, monsieur Ridgeway.
Evening, Ridgeway.
Buenas noches, Ridgeway.
¿ Ridgeway?
Captain Hastings. Ridgeway!
- ¡ Capitán Hastings!
The bonds!
- Ridgeway... ¡ Los bonos!
And where were you all night, Mr. Ridgeway?
¿ Y dónde ha estado toda la noche, Sr. Ridgeway?
But then it must have been Ridgeway.
Pero entonces debió ser Ridgeway.
Now, the cabin of M. Ridgeway - - It looks out onto this deck, does it not? Yes.
Y el camarote de monsieur Ridgeway da justamente a esta cubierta, ¿ no es cierto?
Mr. Ridgeway?
¿ El Sr. Ridgeway?
I'm afraid you're blown, Ridgeway.
Me temo que se acabó, Ridgeway.
Leave us, M. Ridgeway.
Déjenos, Sr. Ridgeway.

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