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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ R ] / Rosamund

Rosamund Çeviri İspanyolca

202 parallel translation
- Rosamund's primping.
Rosamund se está acicalando.
Rosamund, if you don't take off some of that lipstick, you're not going with us.
Rosamund, si no te quitas un poco de rouge no irás con nosotros.
Rosamund, you heard me.
Rosamund, ya me oíste.
Rosamund, this is an historic occasion.
Ésta es una ocasión histórica.
- This is my little daughter Rosamund.
- Gracias. Mi hija Rosamund.
By the way, you didn't tell me that Rosamund was getting so tall.
A propósito, no me dijiste que Rosamund había crecido tanto.
You have homework to do, Rosamund.
Tienes muchos deberes, Rosamund.
Rosamund was coming, too, to talk to you.
Rosamund también iba a venir a hablar contigo.
I don't care what Rosamund does, but I'm gonna live with you.
No me importa lo que Rosamund haga, yo iré a vivir contigo.
- Rosamund!
Can it ever be too late for Rosamund and Marie?
¿ Puede llegar a ser tarde alguna vez para Rosamund y Marie?
Come in, Rosamund.
Entre, Rosamund.
Don't go for a moment, Rosamund.
No se vaya, Rosamund.
You're a dangerous woman, Rosamund.
Usted es una mujer peligrosa, Rosamund.
Oh, hello, Rosamund.
Ah ¡ hola! . Rosamund.
What are you trying to do?
¡ Mi pie! Rosamund.
All right, Rosamund, now what's all this about?
¿ Qué es todo esto?
Now, look here, Rosamund, I don't like having my movements checked up on.
No me gusta tener mis movimientos vigilados.
As Rosamund feels so strongly about this picture, you better let her have it.
Como ella lo quiere tanto, más le vale a usted dejarla tenerlo.
- I mean it, Rosamund.
- Lo digo.
I think you misunderstood, Rosamund.
Pienso que usted entendió mal, Rosamund.
Festival of St Rosamund of the Snow this evening.
Esta noche fiesta de Santa Rosamunda de las Nieves.
And Rosamund?
- ¿ Y, Rosemund?
Rosamund's been dead for seven years.
Rosemund lleva 7 años muerta.
There was no Thomas Beckett then, or Rosamund... no rivals, only me.
Sé contar. Entonces no había un Becket o una Rosemund. No tenía rivales, sólo yo.
You'd only just found Rosamund.
Tú sin embargo encontraste a Rosemund.
As long ago as rosamund. Ah, that's prehistory, lamb.
- ¿ Antes del tiempo de Rosemund?
No, I never poisoned rosamund.
- No, yo no envenené a Rosemund.
Not until you threw me out for rosamund.
- No hasta que llegó Rosemund.
Yes, you realize, of course, that Rosamund is still rather young?
Debéis saber que Rosamund aún es joven.
The story so far... Rosamund's father has become ensnared - by mr. Shabby's extraordinary personal magnetism.
El padre de Rosamund se ha quedado maravillado por el magnetismo del Sr. Indigno.
Ηe is selfish, he's a cοllectοr οf sοuls, but he lοved Rοsamund and Frank.
Es egoísta, y a veces tirano. Pero... quería a Rosamund y a Frank.
What tormented her was not Becket's shrine, but the shrine Henry built to his favourite mistress, Rosamund Clifford.
Lo que la atormentaba no era el santuario de Becket, sino el que Enrique había construido para su amante favorita, Rosamund Clifford.
You did say you'd play. We've got Rosamund waiting.
Has dicho que jugarías, y hemos dejado a Rosamund esperando.
I was so excited by the preparation of Rosamund's marriage linen that I cannot say for sure from which side the note came.
Estaba tan excitado por la preparación del lienzo de la boda Rosamund que no puedo decir seguro de que lado vino la nota.
And little Rosamund and Frank.
Y los pequeños Rosamund y Frank.
And Rosamund.
Y Rosamund.
Because, in his eyes... I'll always be Rosamund's husband, as Addy will always be Frank's wife.
Porque, a sus ojos... siempre seré el esposo de Rosamund, como Addy siempre será la esposa de Frank.
Goodness. What a glorious place.
Cielos, Rosamund, que lugar tan glorioso.
George's cousin Rosamund went on the stage and married an actor, Michael Shane.
La prima de George, Rosamund, se dedicó al teatro y se casó con un actor, Michael Shane.
Don't be catty, Rosamund.
- No seas víbora, Rosamund.
Cora - Rosamund...
Cora, Rosamund,
We've got the chance of an option on a rather good piece. A terrific lead for me and a good part for Rosamund.
Tendremos la oportunidad, de una opción para una pieza bastante buena, un protagonista genial para mí y un buen papel para Rosamund.
I've come down for a few days to see Rosamund and Michael's play.
He venido por unos cuantos días a ver la obra de Rosamund y Michael.
First was Miss Rosamund and her husband followed by Miss Susannah, and... young George came last of all.
Primero la Srta. Rosamund y su marido, luego la Srta. Susana, y el joven George fue el último de todos.
She went to London yesterday to see Miss Rosamund's show.
Se fue a Londres ayer para ver la función de la Srta. Rosamund.
You can't have that, Rosamund.
No puedes quedártela, Rosamund, la queremos nosotros.
- Does it have to be that table, Rosamund?
¿ Tiene que ser precisamente esa mesa en concreto, Rosamund?
And though it is with some regret that I finally satisfy the greed of my relatives I nevertheless do devise and bequeath that my entire estate be divided equally between my fourth cousin, George Crossfield in order that he no longer need borrow from his clients'funds my niece, Rosamund Shane in order that she may support her husband in the style to which he would like to be accustomed to my nephew, Hector Enderby, in order that he may be able to afford to hunt every day, rather than once a week thereby providing more opportunity for breaking his neck and finally, my sister, Cora Lansquenet out of gratitude that she stayed out of the country for 30 years and didn't bother me.
"... y aunque sea con algún pesar que yo finalmente satisfaga la avaricia de mis parientes. No obstante, deseo que toda mi fortuna sea dividida igualmente entre : Mi cuarto primo.
There was no Thomas Beckett then, or Rosamund... no rivals, only me. I can count.
Sé contar.
It certainly takes the bloom off the rose.
"La Venganza de Rosamund". Ciertamente es desilusionante.

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