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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Seabury

Seabury Çeviri İspanyolca

27 parallel translation
I'm waiting for Quintus Seabury.
Estoy esperando a Quintus Seabury. Ha ido a traerme una copa.
I am Hylan Seabury attorney in the matter of Jonathan Brooks.
Soy Hylan Seabury abogado en el caso de Jonathan rooks.
727 Seabury.
Seabury 727.
- Seabury Pongleton.
- Seabury Pongleton.
Seabury wanted five bob off him.
Seabury quería sacarle 5 chelines.
Come along, Dwight. I want you to meet Seabury.
Vamos, Dwight. Quiero que conozcas a Seabury.
¡ Seabury!
Don't run, Seabury, dear.
No corras, Seabury, cariño.
Mr Stoker, espousing the cause of his son aimed a powe _ ul kick at Master Seabury.
El Sr. Stoker, apoyando la causa de su hijo intentó dar una fuerte patada al Señorito Seabury.
Hello, young Seabury.
Hola, joven Seabury.
- What ho.
- ¿ Qué tal, Seabury?
There you are, Seabury.
Ahí estás, Seabury.
I do hope you can come, Seabury.
Espero que puedas venir, Seabury.
Uncle Chuffy's had a disagreement with Mr Stoker, Seabury, and we felt... I haven't.
Tío Chuffy ha discutido con el Sr. Stoker, Seabury, y pensamos que... Yo no.
Yes, it would have been nice, Seabury, dear.
Sí, habría sido bonito, Seabury, cariño.
You like the minstrels, do you, Seabury?
Te gustan los "minstrels", ¿ verdad, Seabury?
Seabury, you mustn't be rude.
Seabury, no debes ser grosero.
( Myrtle ) Seabury.
I was endeavouring to entertain Master Seabury by dressing as a minstrel.
Me esforzaba por entretener al Señorito Seabury vistiéndome de "minstrel".
Seabury was unappreciative.
Seabury fue un ingrato.
No, no, I feel a distinct warming towards you now that you managed to give little Seabury one or two on the spot indicated.
No, no, siento un claro cariño hacia usted ahora que ha conseguido darle al pequeño Seabury una o dos en el lugar indicado.
- 419, we're over at Seabury Court.
419, estamos en Seabury Court.
I'm Norma Seabury from next door.
Soy Norma Seabury su vecina.
- Good to see you again, Ms. Seabury.
- Un gusto verla de nuevo Sra. Seabury.
Ms. Seabury, what...?
Señora Seabury, ¿ qué...?
Ms. Seabury?
¿ Señora Seabury?
Ms. Seabury? Hey!
¿ Señora Seabury?

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