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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Selfridge

Selfridge Çeviri İspanyolca

934 parallel translation
Let's tell them that one was Selfridge's.
Les decimos que uno de ellos era Selfridge's.
M says it's much more in and Harina-ish than Miss Selfridge's.
Dice que nos queda mejor que Miss Selfridges.
We've got Selfridge on the command post right now.
Selfridge está en puesto de comando ahora mismo.
We got two F-16s out of Selfridge, Chevy flight, airborne, coming to our freq now.
Dos F-16 de Selfridge, vuelo Chevy, en el aire, entrando en frecuencia.
We got two F-16s coming out of Selfridge, but they're unarmed.
Tenemos dos F-16 de Selfridge, pero desarmados.
We still got the Selfridge planes, sir.
Aún están los de Selfridge, señor.
You've got to go to Selfridge's and get those eiderdowns.
Debes buscar los edredones en casa de los Selfridge.
- Copy that. - Sir, we have two F-18s on route from Selfridge. Four more are arming up,
Vienen dos F-18 de Selfridge.
- I'm going to Selfridge.
- Iré a ver a Selfridge.
I'm not about to let Selfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this thing.
No permitiré que Selfridge y Quaritch controlen esto.
I need Spargo to take me to Selfridge's.
Necesito que Spargo me lleve a Selfridge's
First Sergeant Freeman, from Selfridge ANG here soldier Michael J. Wright to pick.
Sargento Primero Freeman, de Selfridge ANG, vine aquí para recoger al soldado Michael J. Wright.
I am so sorry, Mr Selfridge.
Lo siento mucho, Sr. Selfridge.
Look our best for Mr Selfridge's return.
Tenemos que lucir lo mejor posible para el regreso del Sr. Selfridge.
Careful, please, this is the Selfridge's perfume.
Con cuidado, por favor, este es el perfume del Selfridges.
Good morning, Mr Selfridge!
¡ Buenos días, Sr. Selfridge!
Of course not, Mr Selfridge.
- porque no estoy aquí para comprobar. - Claro que no, Sr. Selfridge.
Mr Selfridge!
- Sr. Selfridge.
I hardly think we stand still, Mr Selfridge.
No creo que estemos quietos, Sr. Selfridge.
To... To us, Mr Selfridge?
¿ Hasta nosotros, Sr. Selfridge?
Ah, Mr Selfridge!
- ¡ Sr. Selfridge!
This is Mrs Selfridge.
Esta es la Sra. Selfridge.
Oh, trust me, Mrs Selfridge, a writer never wearies of that one particular phrase.
Confíe en mí, Sra. Selfridge, un escritor nunca se cansa de esa frase en particular.
But, er... for Rose Selfridge.
Pero... Para Rose Selfridge.
For Rosa Selfridge.
Para Rosa Selfridge.
And this too, I assume, is to ROSE Selfridge.
Y esto también, supongo es para ROSE Selfridge.
Our esteemed guest... from the same side of the pond as you, Mrs Selfridge.
Nuestro estimado invitado... Del mismo lado del charco que usted, Sra. Selfridge.
I hear Mr Selfridge has recovered from his accident.
- Oí que el Sr. Selfridge se había recuperado de su accidente.
Would that be agreeable, Mr Selfridge?
¿ Sería aceptable, Sr. Selfridge?
It's... It's delicate, Mr Selfridge.
Es delicado, Sr. Selfridge.
We should never shy away from being at the forefront of progress and discovery here at Selfridge's.
Nunca debemos rehuir de estar a la vanguardia del progreso y el descubrimiento en el Selfridges.
Thank you very much, Mr Selfridge.
Muchas gracias, Sr. Selfridge.
Mrs Selfridge.
Sra. Selfridge.
Mr Selfridge, I felt a strong spirit drawn to you. A malign male force, I'm sorry to say.
Sr. Selfridge, sentí que atraía usted a una fuerza maligna.
Like when you were on your tea break from Selfridge's.
Como cuando tenía su descanso para el té en Selfridges.
Looks like it's going to be quite a day for Mr Selfridge.
Parece que va a ser un gran día para el Sr. Selfridge.
Mr Selfridge.
El Sr. Selfridge.
I shall broach the subject with Mr Selfridge.
- Trataré el tema con el Sr. Selfridge.
The Chairman of the bank and his deputy are here, Mr Selfridge.
El Presidente del banco y su adjunto, Sr. Selfridge.
If I might, I wouldn't recommend being too forceful, Mr Selfridge.
Si pudiera, no recomendaría ser demasiado enérgico, Sr. Selfridge.
Mr Selfridge.
- Sr. Selfridge.
We tend to leave shopping to our wives, Mr Selfridge.
Tenemos tendencia a que sean nuestras esposas quienes compren, Sr. Selfridge.
We too like forward thinking, Mr Selfridge, but at a steady pace.
Nos gusta la visión de futuro, Sr. Selfridge, pero a un ritmo constante.
There's the question of recent press, Mr Selfridge.
Ahí está la cuestión en la prensa reciente, Sr. Selfridge.
Oh, just bringing Mr Selfridge to the markets, that's all.
Llevando al Sr. Selfridge a los mercados, eso es todo.
And Mr Selfridge is being...
Y el Sr. Selfridge está...
Well... Mr Selfridge?
Bien... ¿ Sr. Selfridge?
Excuse me, Mr Selfridge.
Perdone, Sr. Selfridge.
Now, you listen to me Rosalie Selfridge.
Ahora, escúchame Rosalie Selfridge.
Lady Loxley is here, Mr Selfridge.
Lady Loxley está aquí, Sr. Selfridge.
A burglary at Selfridge's?
¿ Un robo en Selfridge?

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