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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Sharkey

Sharkey Çeviri İspanyolca

132 parallel translation
Sharkey wouldn't stand for it.
Sharkey no lo toleraría.
- We're just trying something different, Mr. Sharkey.
- Probamos algo diferente, Sr. Sharkey.
Sharkey did us a favor.
Sharkey nos hizo un favor.
Johnny, I was looking for you while you was acting over at Sharkey's, but I couldn't wait.
Te estaba buscando cuando actuabas en el Coliseo, pero no pude esperar.
And you were worrying about us getting kicked out of Sharkey's.
Y te preocupabas porque nos echaron del Coliseo.
Why, Johnny's smarter than Sharkey or any of'em.
Johnny es más listo que Sharkey y el resto.
- What do you mean, Sharkey, by bothering these good people? - Well, I -
¿ Por qué está molestando a esta gente buena, Sharkey?
I got everyone but you and Sharkey. You better kick in.
Todos pagaron menos Sharkey y tú.
- Hey, Sharkey.
- Oye, Sharkey.
Wonder where we'd all be now if we'd been satisfied just plugging along... on that old act we tried out at Sharkey's that night.
¿ Dónde estaríamos todos si nos hubiéramos conformado... con el número que probamos en el Coliseo esa noche?
# Then my heart am a-pinin'#
Mi corazón estará suspirando EL COLISEO DE SHARKEY
Here we all are, back at Sharkey's again.
Henos aquí, de regreso en el Coliseo.
It's the only place we could get a job, and Sharkey only hires us...'cause every time he gets cockeyed, he enjoys throwing us out again.
Sólo aquí conseguimos empleo y Sharkey sólo nos contrata... porque cada vez que enloquece, disfruta despedirnos.
Robert Emmet Sharkey of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Robert Emmet Sharkey, de Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Bob Sharkey was twice captured by the Germans in World War I... and both times escaped with a brilliant record of achievement behind enemy lines.
Los alemanes lo capturaron dos veces en la 1 ª Guerra Mundial... y ambas veces escapó con un récord de logro brillante... tras líneas enemigas.
- Sharkey, O77.
- Sharkey, O-77.
- Hello, Mr. Sharkey.
- Hola, Sr. Sharkey.
- Oh, yes, he's expecting you, Mr. Sharkey.
- Sí, lo espera, Sr. Sharkey.
- Hello, Sharkey.
- Hola, Sharkey.
Mr. Sharkey said 0600, and Mr. Sharkey is a singularly punctual gentleman.
El Sr. Sharkey dijo a las 6 : 00. Y el Sr. Sharkey es un caballero muy puntual.
Well, Sharkey, you've done a great job.
Qué gran trabajo hiciste, Sharkey.
Just three questions, that's all, Sharkey :
Sólo tres preguntas, eso es todo, Sharkey.
We'll make you tell, you know that, Sharkey.
Te obligaremos a hablar.
This is Detective Sharkey.
Este es el Detective Sharkey.
- Sharkey.
- Sharkey.
McADOO : All right. Where's Sharkey?
De acuerdo. ¿ Dónde está Sharkey?
Yeah Sharkey?
Sí, Sharky.
Sharkey, get on the phone.
Sharky, al teléfono.
What is it? Tunney? Sharkey?
¿ Pues quién eres, El Pescaílla?
Sharkey, you filthy slob.
Sharkey, sucio mugroso.
Sharkey, how long you gonna wait?
Sharkey, cuanto más hay que esperar?
Sharkey, word's gotten around that you've been drinking a lot.
Sharkey, por allí se dice que has estado bebiendo mucho.
He took the numbers from Sharkey.
Le quitó las apuestas a Sharkey.
His name's Sharkey, Doc.
Se llama Sharkey ;
Sharkey, you'll be a corpse if you don't quit yowling'.
Sharkey, vas a ser un cadáver si no dejas de dar alaridos.
That sailor Sharkey walked out of here a couple of minutes ago.
El marinero Sharkey acaba de salir. Se recuperó completamente.
Well, well, Mr. Sharkey, I believe.
El Sr. Sharkey, ¿ verdad?
- Sharkey, I need your help.
- Sharkey, necesito su ayuda.
You're the only one who can do it, Sharkey.
Sólo Ud. puede hacerlo, Sharkey.
Sharkey, I'm sure some doctor must have bled you at some time... for the pox, or some other disorder?
Sharkey, seguramente algún doctor le sacó sangre... si es que tuvo viruela o algo así.
¡ Sharkey!
La sangre de Sharkey.
But the cop said Sharkey was dead.
El policía dijo que estaba muerto.
This doesn't mean a thing, except maybe that Henderson was wrong, too... and Sharkey wasn't cured at all.
Henderson también se equivocó... y Sharkey no estaba curado.
One bullet solved the problem of Sharkey.
Una bala solucionó el problema de Sharkey.
'Remember that old road we used to use'when we was working with Sharkey?
¿ Recuerdas esa vieja ruta que usábamos?
"Ship's officers, Captain Miles Sharkey. " Navigational Officer Lauren MacMillan, Science Officer Anthony O'Connor.
Oficiales del buque : capitán Miles Sharkey,... oficial de navegación Lauren MacMillan, oficial científico Anthony O'Connor.
- It broke off there.
"Sharkey llevado vivo con Abwehr El Havre yo tengo -". Ahí se interrumpió.
Where, Sharkey?
¿ Dónde, Sharkey?
Sharkey -

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