She's not in there Çeviri İspanyolca
319 parallel translation
She's not the kind of girl to get drunk. Brandy in the flask, was there?
Y está la pregunta de que si alguien más entró a la casa.
There's a fair chance that she's fallen for you, but she's not in love with you.
Es probable que ella esté prendada de ti... pero no está enamorada de ti.
We want to have them just the same, day in and day out, and you don't see what the president's about, and mother declares she'd just as soon not look at a paper, there's so many murders,
Queremos que estén igual, día sí, día también, tú sin ver lo que el Presidente va a hacer, y mamá diciendo que pronto va a dejar... de leer el periódico, ¡ hay tantos asesinatos!
Well she's not in a hurry, your buddy there.
¡ No parece tener mucha prisa su acompañante!
He's got a woman in there, and she's not registered.
Tiene una mujer ahí dentro, y no está registrada.
No, she does not work at the Hippodrom, but if you really want to know, she's working as a saleswoman for my friend Wellenkamp in his store, that's all there is!
No, no trabaja en el Hipódromo, pero... si quiere saberlo, trabaja de vendedora, con mi amigo Wellenkamp, en la tienda... aparte de eso, nada...
Yes, but... You expect me to believe that she's not in there?
¿ Espera que me crea que no está ahí adentro?
No, she's not there. She's, uh, in the doorway.
No, no.
Oh, she's not there. She's downstairs in the car.
- Está en el coche.
She's not in there.
No está allí.
- I know what she said... Believe me, there's not a word of truth in it.
- Sé lo que le dijo... y créame, es totalmente falso.
There's not a lot goes on in the world, even in West Hampshire, that she cares to miss.
A ella le gusta saber casi todo... lo que pasa en el mundo, incluyendo West Hampshire.
Well, she's not back there with the nuts and bolts, but she's here, in this town somewhere.
Bueno, no digo que esté en esta casa, pero sí en algún lugar de la ciudad.
Like most husbands, I'm no angel, but Lucie is my wife, and there's not a better person in the world. She must not be jeopardised!
Tengo mis defectos, como todos los maridos, pero Lucie es mi mujer, no permitiré que nadie la ponga en peligro.
I guess she's not in there.
Creo que no está ahí dentro.
I just came out of there. - She's not in there.
- Acabo de salir de allí y no está.
There is a poetess... with her husband, but she's not famous... a certain Parker, who isn't in the encyclopedia.
Allí, una poetisa, junto a su marido, pero no es famosa. Una tal Parker, no está en la enciclopedia.
Oh, in the Common Room, I suppose. No she's not,'cos I went in there when I was looking for you!
No, no lo está, porque pasé por allí cuando le estaba buscando!
She's not alone in there.
No debe estar sola.
She's never gonna be able to see the simple wonder of a leaf in her hand,..... because there's not gonna be any trees.
Nunca podrá ver el simple milagro de una hoja en su mano, porque no habrá más árboles.
There's no truth in it, and K.C. knows she'll not be traded.
Es mentira, K.C. sabe que no la venderemos.
They're not in there now, she's in there alone.
Ellos no están ahí ahora Ella está sola.
As soon as there's an expensive fabric on sale, she buys it all, so that in all Moscow, and not only in Moscow, in all Russia, only she had a dress like that.
En cuanto se pone en venta una tela cara, Ia compra todita, para que en todo Moscú, ¿ Qué digo yo... Moscú!
Hoy Sybil vive en paz en un pequeño pueblo universitario... donde es profesora de arte.
If she's not here in five minutes... there's going to be so many violations against this place... that you won't be able to open a can of beer tonight.
Sino está aquí dentro de 5 minutos, .. se van a encontrar tantas infracciones en este teatro, .. qué ni siquiera podrá estrenar está noche.
- She's not in there.!
Llamaré a la policía. No está.
If you please, Miss, gypsy says there is another young single lady in room, and she'll not go on until she's seen thee.
Por favor, miss, la gitana dice que hay otra dama en este lugar, y que no se irá hasta que la haya visto.
- If she's not in there, then tell me.
- Si ella no está ahí,...
- She's not in there.
Esta dentro.
- She's not in there.
- No está allá.
You're not going in there while she's away!
Entonces tienes llave de casa de Anna.
- She's not in there.
- No está ahí.
She's not in there!
- No está ahí.
Don't go in, she's not in there!
¡ Ella no está ahí adentro!
Well, I should put some in there anyway just to sort of make sure she's not- -
- Le echo un poco por si acaso.
There's a secret compartment, but she's not in it. It's empty.
Hay un compartimiento secreto, pero está vacío.
She never got out, she's not in there, there's no trapdoors or mirrors.
No está ahí. No hay escotilla.
On the other hand, if there's evidence of premeditation in the killing of Mr Bodine, Berman's not crazy, Mrs Bodine gets to keep her husband's money, and she would have no need to sue you at all, quite the contrary.
Por otro lado, si se encuentran pruebas de premeditación en la muerte del Sr Bodine, Berman no estará loco, la Sra Bodine se quedará con el dinero de su marido, y no necesitará denunciarte.
If she's not there, go have a row with yourself in the toilet.
Si ella no está, arréglatelas tú solo en el inodoro.
But when I arrived in madame's bedroom... she was not there.
Pero cuando llegué al dormitorio de la señora, no estaba allí.
So you have the idea that Karen, although she's standing in front of you there, she thinks that she's standing in a corridor with a row of doors on one side, and she thinks that she's going to be able - indeed she is going to be able - to walk down that corridor. She's not going to actually move her feet very much, she's going to press buttons on the little thing you see her holding in her hand.
Aunque Karen está situada frente a ustedes, ella piensa que está en un pasillo con puertas laterales, y piensa recorrerlo, no con sus pies, sino mediante el control que sostiene en su mano.
There's her cousin, an'she were not possessed with a fury... exceeds her as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December.
Ahí está su prima. Si no tuviera ese genio,... la supera... en belleza como Mayo a Diciembre.
What do we do now? There's something very deep in her so much that she did not want to remember.
Hay algo muy profundo en su tanto que ella no quería recordar.
You'll have to excuse her not getting up. But after her run-in with the Brewsters, there's not much she can do.
Deberá disculparla si no se levanta, pero luego de su encuentro con los Brewsters, no es mucho lo que puede hacer.
The problem is there may not be a tomorrow, because right now there's a young, beautiful girl... named Barbara Whitmore with Gable and with Huston, and she's reading your lines, she's standing in your shoes,
El problema es que quizás no habrá mañana, Por que ahora hay una joven y hermosa muchacha... llamada Barbara Whitmore con Gable y Huston, y ella esta leyendo tus líneas, en tu lugar,
And she gone all the way up there, and your father... he's not checked in no more, is that true?
Ella fue, pero tu padre no aparece más allí. ¿ Es cierto?
There's no trace of amniotic fluid, so she's not in labor yet.
Buenas noticias : No hay líquido amniótico, aún no comenzó el trabajo.
There's no point in trying to convince Wandamae she's not Mary Todd Lincoln.
Es inútil tratar de convencer a Wandamae de que ella no es Mary Todd Lincoln.
Well, not in reason but this is out of all reason. He's been in there 10 days morning, noon and night and neither she nor Mr. Warren nor the maid has once set eyes on him.
Bueno, no razonándolo... pero esto es más allá de toda razón él ha estado ahí más alla de 10 dias mañana, tarde y noche y ni ella, ni el Sr. Warren ni la criada pudieron verle.
You break in, and she's not there?
¿ Y si lo consigues y Christine no está,
Well, she's not back there with the nuts and bolts, but she's here in this town.
Bueno, no está ahí atrás con las tuercas y los tornillos, pero está en esta ciudad.
she's not here 659
she's not worth it 28
she's not there 101
she's not picking up 30
she's not that bad 34
she's not my type 42
she's not 836
she's not my wife 34
she's not here yet 28
she's not dead 149
she's not worth it 28
she's not there 101
she's not picking up 30
she's not that bad 34
she's not my type 42
she's not 836
she's not my wife 34
she's not here yet 28
she's not dead 149