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She was a beautiful woman Çeviri İspanyolca

105 parallel translation
Mmm. She was a beautiful woman... and she had a beautiful soul.
Ella era una mujer hermosa y tenía un alma hermosa.
She was a beautiful woman.
Era un mujer hermosa.
She was a beautiful woman, wearing a big hat.
Una señora guapa con un sombrero.
She was a beautiful woman, I have seen the photos.
Era una mujer bella : he visto las fotografías.
She was a beautiful woman.
Era una mujer muy bella.
She was a beautiful woman.
Era una linda mujer.
She was a beautiful woman... my mother.
Era una mujer hermosa, mi madre.
She was a beautiful woman.
"Tienes los ojos más bellos de cualquier hombre que he conocido."
There were 5,000 men on this ship and she was a beautiful woman.
Había 5.000 hombres a bordo y ella era una mujer guapa.
Everyone said she was a beautiful woman.
Todos decían que era una mujer hermosa.
She was a beautiful woman, we were soulmates.
Era una hermosa mujer. y éramos espiritus afines.
My first wife, Marita, Katie's mother she was a beautiful woman.
Mi primera mujer, Marita, la madre de Katie era una mujer preciosa.
She was a beautiful woman.
Ella era una persona encantadora.
She was a beautiful woman, I was flattered.
Ella era hermosa, me sentí halagado.
She was a beautiful woman and a great dancer too.
Era divina, Y una super bailarina.
Anyone who knew Simone knew that she was a beautiful woman. And I'm not just talking about in magazines or on the internet.
Cualquiera que la haya conocido sabe que era una mujer hermosa y no hablo sólo de las revistas ni de Internet.
Oh, she was a beautiful woman.
Ella era una mujer hermosa.
Friends... she was once a beautiful woman.
Amigos, hubo un tiempo en que fue una mujer preciosa.
She was beautiful. What a woman!
Era hermosa. ¡ Vaya mujer!
She was a very beautiful woman.
Era una mujer muy hermosa.
She was a very beautiful woman.
Era una mujer bellísima.
She was a beautiful woman.
- Era una mujer hermosa.
She was a very beautiful woman.
Era una mujer muy bella.
She was a very beautiful woman- - tall, dark, exquisitely dressed.
Era muy hermosa... - alta, morena, elegantemente vestida.
She was a very beautiful woman and she can't deal with getting old.
Era bellísima, y no supo resignarse a envejecer.
She was still a beautiful woman.
Aún era una hermosa mujer.
- And the woman? She was 30, maybe 35, a blonde, beautiful. With a very determined attitude.
La mujer tendría entre 30 y 35 años... rubia, muy guapa... con aspecto decidido.
She was a nice kid. She was a beautiful woman.
Era una buena chica.
- She was just a beautiful woman.
- Ella era sólo una bella mujer.
- She was just a beautiful woman.
- Ella era una hermosa mujer.
Elvira was a very beautiful woman after she had her operation.
Elvira era una mujer muy bella después de que la operaran.
She was not a highly educated woman, or even beautiful.
No era una mujer muy culta ni muy guapa.
I looked over at her... and I never saw a woman more beautiful than the way she was looking at you.
Yo la miré a ella... Nunca he visto a una mujer más guapa que ella mirándote de esa forma... ¡ Dios!
Inspector, she was a very beautiful woman.
Inspector, fue una mujer bellísima.
Once... I met a woman in the street. She was beautiful, blonde.
Una vez... encontré en la calle a una mujer... linda... rubia... igual a Marilyn Monroe.
You didn't tell me she was this beautiful. She's a woman, huh?
No dijiste que era tan linda.
She was a beautiful woman.
Era una mujer hermosa.
She was a very beautiful, very gentle woman.
Ella era una mujer muy hermosa y muy dulce.
She was beautiful woman, with a mysterious smile.
Era una mujer hermosa y distinguida, con una misteriosa sonrisa.
I can't believe my luck that she was still available, a beautiful woman like that.
No puedo creer lo afortunado que fui que una mujer hermosa como ella todavía estuviese disponible.
She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
Era, sin duda, la mujer más guapa que había visto jamás.
On one hand she was a beautiful... honest and affectionate woman willing to use each second... of her life to make me a superior man.
Por un lado, una mujer hermosa honesta, apasionada, dispuesta a dedicar cada segundo de su vida a hacer de m ¡ un hombre superior.
I picked up a woman once because she was wearing a beautiful necklace... with gold serpents and green stones.
Una vez me ligué a una mujer sólo porque tenía un hermoso collar con agujas de oro y piedras verdes.
I picked up a woman once because she was wearing a beautiful necklace... with gold serpents and green stones.
Una vez me levanté una mujer porque tenía un lindo collar... con agujas de oro y piedras verdes.
A long time ago in Ethiopia, there was this queen named Cassiopeia, who thought she was the most beautiful woman in the entire world, and there wasn't anybody in the kingdom who wasn't offended by this woman's relentless vanity.
Hace mucho tiempo, en Etiopía... había una reina llamada Casiopea... que creía que era la mujer más bella del mundo... y no había nadie que no se ofendiera... por la pasmosa vanidad de esta mujer.
Did you know, in Greek mythology... a Siren was a beautiful woman who sang so sweetly... that she could make sailors crash into the rocks?
¿ Sabías que en la mitología griega... una sirena era una mujer hermosa que cantaba tan dulcemente... que hacía que los marineros chocaran contra las rocas?
Friends... she was once a beautiful woman.
Amigos... ella era una mujer hermosa.
And the funny thing is he's managed to get himself involved in a sexual relationship with a beautiful woman which reminds me of my first film, actually except she was what we call underage so we don't talk about that.
Lo gracioso es que tiene una relación sexual con una bella mujer lo que me recuerda a mi primera relación. Solo que ella era menor de edad, así que no hablaré de eso.
Remember that classic tomboy that could beat you at all the sports, and then she grew up and was a beautiful woman and could still beat you?
¿ Recuerdan la marimacho que les ganaba en todos los deportes... y que cuando creció se convirtió en una mujer bella que aún les ganaba?
Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world, she's married to a Greek king but she is spirited away to the magnificent city of Troy after she's seduced by the Trojan Prince, Paris.
Helena, era la mujer más hermosa del mundo estaba casada con un rey griego, pero es raptada y llevada a la magnífica ciudad de Troya luego de ser seducida por el príncipe de Troya, Paris.
She was a beautiful woman She was a prostitute
Y se nos puede perdonar si... No se trata de rogar perdón.

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