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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Shogun

Shogun Çeviri İspanyolca

690 parallel translation
What do you mean? Shogun Ieyasu has written a list of restrictions to all daimyo everywhere.
Esta conversación no tuvo lugar.
Within those there is a line in which none of them is to employ rebels.
Shogun Ieyasu ha escrito, para todos los daimyo, una lista de restricciones.
I sensed there would be an assassination attempt on the Shōgun ordered by Lord Ikeda Terumasa while that Lord was sojourning at Edo Castle but you were certainly taking part in it...
Sentí que habría un intento de asesinato en Shogun ordenado por Ikeda Terumasa... mientras el Señor estaba residiendo en el Castillo de Edo... pero que tú estaba tomando parte en ello...
But I hadn't yet turned that pistol on the Shogun.
Pero aún no había usado esa pistola en el Shogun.
- Quiet! Kochiyama answers to no one but the Shogun.
Yo, Kochiyama, no doy explicaciones más que al Shogun.
Your late father received it from the Shogun himself.
El propio Shogun en persona se la entregó a su difunto Padre.
When the Shogun himself saw this blade, he said that it looked very similar to the small knife that he presented to Lord Izumo some years ago.
El Shogun tuvo ocasión de verla. Y dijo que se parecía a la que entregó al Sr Izumo.
Since it's such a special knife, presented by the Shogun himself, it's hardly possible that it could be lost.
Como es una pieza tan especial, entregada por el Shogun en persona, Estoy seguro de que no la habrán perdido.
The knife given to my late father by the Shogun?
¿ Tenemos la pequeña daga que el Shogun entregó a mi difunto padre?
This is what my late father received from the Shogun, the masterpiece by Goto Yujo.
Esta es la daga que el Shogun entregó a mi padre. La obra maestra de Yujo Goto.
I beg to differ, sir, and I can assure you that the knife is definitely the one given to the late lord by the Shogun.
Siento comunicar a mi Señor que el Sr Dokai tiene razón. Compré esta daga falsa después de que la original me fuera robada.
Lord Izumo... If the Shogun knew that you had lost the knife, you wouldn't be forgiven.
Lord Izumo, si llega a oidos del Shogun el hecho de que haya perdido la daga,... podría no ser perdonado.
Lord Izumo, this knife is surely the one which your father received from the Shogun.
Lord Izumo, Esta daga es con seguridad..... la que le fué entregada a su padre por el Shogun.
March 14, 1701- - Tsunayoshi is the 5th shogun.
14 de Marzo de 1701 Tsunayoshi es el quinto shogun.
After the shogun... receives them... I will tell you.
Después que el shogun... les reciba... te lo diré.
I bear no ill will toward the shogun.
No guardo hostilidad alguna hacia el shogun.
He cherished no ill will towards the shogun.
El no abrigaba hostilidad alguna hacia el shogun.
The shogun praised Kira for his good behavior.
El shogun alabó a Kira por su buen comportamiento.
He was in the castle... and near the shogun's chambers.
Él estaba en el castillo... y cerca de las habitaciones del shogun.
As you know, Lord Tsunatoyo will enter Edo Castle... and become the 6th shogun.
Como bien sabes, Lord Tsunatoyo entrará en el castillo de Edo... y se convertirá en el sexto shogun.
If I ask the shogun... Asano house will be restored.
Si se lo pido al shogun... la casa Asano será restablecida.
If the shogun... permits restoration of Asano house... there will be no revenge.
Si el Shogun... permite el restablecimiento de la casa Asano... no habrá venganza.
I hear the shogun is a suspicious man... and hates popular lords.
He oído que el shogun es un hombre muy receloso... y que odia a los Lords populares.
Is it because you'd be... suspected by the shogun if you cared?
¿ Acaso porque si lo hacías, serías sospechoso... a los ojos del shogun?
Trouble is, Konoe is urging me to appeal... to the shogun for Asano... in the intention of... acquiring Oishi.
El problema es que Konoe me está urgiendo que apele... al shogun por la casa Asano... con la intención de... procurarse a Oishi.
If his appeal... is received by the shogun... you can't attack Kira, no matter how you wish.
Si su petición... es atendida por el shogun... No puedes atacar a Kira, por mucho que lo desees.
What if seeing him affects the shogun?
¿ Qué pasa si el verle afecta al shogun?
This is Minamoto, the shogun's birthplace.
Esto es Minamoto, el lugar de nacimiento del Shogun.
"The Shogun's Envoy."
"El Enviado de Shogun."
The rebels who attacked the procession were ronins opposed to the shogun. They've all been arrested.
Los culpables de la invasión son antiguos guerreros que nos odian.
He's very grateful, especially to the men who were protecting the palanquin.
El Shogun ha entrado en el castillo sin sufrir daño alguno.
To show his gratitude, he is inviting you to celebrate your feat.
El Shogun está muy agradecido por el trabajo de los guardianes.
Our master sees quite a lot of shogun's enemies.
Me preocupa que el maestro tenga relación con ellos.
" The shogun's army arrived to Kyoto.
"El clan Tokugawa está en Kioto."
War has been declared between the shogun army and the imperial forces. The shogun is against the regime change.
Ha empezado la guerra entre los fieles al gobierno y los que se oponen al Emperador.
The victorious Yoshitsune Minamoto should have paraded proudly through the broad avenues of Kyoto, but his brother, Shogun Yoritomo, was famed for his suspicious mind His advisor Kagetoki Kajiwara falsely accused Yoshitsune of sedition and convinced Yoritomo to have him killed
El victorioso Yoshitsune debía de haber estado desfilando por todo Kyoto pero el receloso Shogun Yorimoto desconfiaba incluso de su propio hermano y fue aconsejado por Kagetoki Kajiwara para intentar matar a Yoshitsune.
I guess a fight with his brother is a big deal for a shogun
Yo creo que cuando eres Shogun, luchar con tu hermano es absurdo.
Hideyoshi, the lowly soldier who became shogun.
Hideyoshi, el soldado humilde que llegó a Shogun.
The lords of our clan are direct descendants of the great Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Esta familia está emparentada con el shogun Tokugawa. Los descendientes del gran leyasu Tokugawa.
The owner is very hard to please and just as particular.
Los miembros de la familia Shogun son buenas personas, respetables...
Let's all go to the general's office and appeal!
- ¡ Vayamos todos ante el Shogun! - ¡ Esperad!
That was why our master opposed the general's demand for more men to fight his war and the increase of taxes on rice.
Por eso mismo, se ha opuesto a la voluntad del Shogun, porque sabe que os explota y que no podéis darle el arroz que os reclama.
If you do this now, you too will be punished!
Él hará todo lo que pueda para evitar que el Shogun sea injusto y que abuse de vosotros.
When grinding the sesame seed, they say that the Shogun parade is happening again
Al moler la semilla de sésamo, dicen que llega otra vez el desfile del Shogun
When milling the sesame seed, they say the Shogun parade will come again
Al moler la semilla de sésamo, dicen que llega otra vez el desfile del Shogun
Lord Shogun's teacher?
El señor maestro del Shogun?
It was the Shogun's political and military headquarters
Era el cuartel general del Shogunato, politica y militarmente
When will you see the Shogun's teacher?
Cuando verá ud al instructor del Shogun?
Lord Yagyu might've recommended you to the Shogun
El Señor Yagyu podria haberle recomendado al Shogún
for the pistol you'll use I will bury that with my own hands beneath the camellia tree inside the castle.
Cuando llegue la oportunidad, mata al nuevo Shogun, Hidetada, con una pistola.
Then you would- - I'm going to ask the shogun.
Entonces deberías...

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