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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Sizi

Sizi Çeviri İspanyolca

7 parallel translation
Sizi, you're so beautiful! I'm jealous of everyone that looks at you.
Sizí... eres muy bella, y yo estoy celoso de todo aquél que te mira.
Sizi, Monday 22nd, believe me.
Sizí... el lunes 22, créeme.
We had a flaming affair, Sizi and I.
Tuvimos una ardiente aventura, Sizi y yo.
- Sizi?
- ¿ Sizi?
- Sizi, he is called by his friends.
- Sizi, como le llaman los amigos.
He's gone, Sissi.
Él se ha ido, Sizi.
My dear Sizi, I'm leaving for America, I decided at the last minute.
" Mi Sizí, me marcho a América...

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