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Subtitle Çeviri İspanyolca

1,151 parallel translation
After a long, grim winter without northerners in the house, the old south relives in the spring its economic boom.
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The north today buys cotton at $ 10 per hundred kilograms.
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The south sells its high-quality, slave-grade cotton at $ 1 per ball.
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Nixon devalues the dollar by 7 % 0.
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The south revalues its old Confederate dollar by 107 % 0, exchanging it equally.
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The boom goes on.
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Someone found an old column in the cellar and sliced it up.
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Today, the old white south can be bought by the slice.
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$ 10 a slice, and the Negro, posing as a slave, keeps half of the proceeds.
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New York, Fifth Avenue. It's Easter.
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A religious extremist waves a flag and a Bible.
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He yells something to do with Negroes, but no one can understand him.
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On the most bourgeois street in the world, they celebrate Easter with the spring parade, and spring is the most bourgeois of the seasons.
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Up here, far from the rotting crowd below, a chosen few have found an altar close enough to the sky, even though it's been sullied by the arrival of the police.
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"We're here," they say, "to declare our contrition over the sins of the world."
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"Naked?" The police ask.
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"We're not naked, we're undressed."
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Satisfied, they kiss. Today the police no longer trust the penal code.
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A crime looks like a crime.
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Then, it turns out that it's an ideological crime, and they look like idiots.
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Might as well drop the whole thing.
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Today, being white, as well as being shameful, is also a grave sin.
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One of the many ways to atone is to cover smear paint on one's body.
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Each smear is a sin, and each sin has its color.
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Red for wars, massacres and the like, yellow for gold and riches and all the evils associated with wealth.
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Black for racism, Nazism, fascism and lots of other - isms.
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The evil one, meaning the devil, is white.
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The devil's first victim, according to these penitents who are ashamed of their white bottoms, is the Negro, who seems here to feel slightly out of place.
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"Abracadabra, I'm going to exorcise you."
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For centuries the white devil kept the Negro in hell.
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He forced him to squirm on the ground like a worm.
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He imprisoned him, flogged him, tortured him.
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Then he dragged him in chains through his American ordeal.
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He chose him over Barabbas.
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He betrayed him likeJudas. He crucified him in Vietnam.
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But today it's Easter, and the Negro is reborn and ascends to the sky, to take his place at his father's side, because the Negro is the son of God, because God is black.
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In fact in Detroit, in the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart,
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Jesus has been painted black. Is it antiracism or reverse racism?
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Once upon a time they said, "When God was white, the Negro was not a man, because God, who had made man in his image, was not black."
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That must mean that today, since God is black, we'll say this,
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"God made man in his image, and since God is no longer white, the white man is no longer a man."
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The Negro community has flocked to this church where all the saints, and even the Virgin Mary are all black.
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We can't help but think back to the famous black Manifesto written in August, 1969, and still extant, in which the Negroes claimed that the Church owed them
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300 billion dollars in damages for what they'd been put through.
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The Lord's Prayer says :
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"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
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So now who will pay, if the father who forgives trespasses is no longer white, nor is anyone in his family?
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They had only just begun to hear about it, but already that white God, who promised a heaven with no slaves and no masters, fascinated them.
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He seemed to be one of them.
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He was humiliated, flogged, crucified.
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And for his whole life he had eaten out of the same plate as the poor.
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