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Sully Çeviri İspanyolca

1,477 parallel translation
Sully lives wide.
Sully vive a sus anchas.
Sully wants me to run off with him.
Sully quiere que me escape con él. - Ve.
How did Sully find Harper so quickly?
¿ Como hizo Sully para encontrar a Harper tán rápido?
You know, Sully's a nice guy.
Sabes, Sully es un buen tipo.
We take him down when Sully puts his cap in his back pocket.
Lo bajamos cuando Sully ponga su gorra en su bolsillo trasero.
Sully, you chase him, I'll head him off, okay?
Sully tú lo persigues, yo me adelanto, ¿ si?
- Go watch Sully play basketball.
- Ve a ver a Sully jugar al baloncesto.
So the question is, is this Sully damaged goods...
Entonces la pregunta es... ¿ Sully tiene muchos fracasos encima o simplemente respetuoso?
- Scotty says Sully won't shower with the other guys.
Scotty dice que Sully no se ducha con los demás.
Take Sully for a little test drive.
Lleva a Sully a dar unas vueltas.
- So when they call Sully Peanut...
- A Sully le dicen Maní- -
I slept with Sully last night.
Anoche me acosté con Sully.
I took Sully.
Lleve a Sully.
Like when you were with Sully.
Es como cuando estabas con Sully.
I shouldn't have brought up Sully before.
Yo no debí involucrarme con Sully antes.
It's just... this feels like a couples thing, and now that Sully is gone...
Es solo que... esto parece un problema de pareja, y ahora que Sully se marchó...
Ever since Brennan let Sully sail off into the sunset without her.
Mas aun desde que Brennan dejó que Sully se fuera a navegar sin ella.
You're both afraid that the reason Dr. Brennan with her boyfriend Sully might have been because of her ties to Agent Booth.
Ambos tienen miedo de que la razón de que la Dra. Brennan no partió rumbo a la puesta de sol con su novio Sully podría ser la de sus lazos con el Agente Booth.
Why didn't I go with Sully?
¿ Por qué no fui con Sully?
Sully is perfect.
Sully es perfecto.
According to the psychiatrist, we were both concerned that Booth was the reason I didn't run off with Sully.
De acuerdo al psiquiatra, ambos estamos preocupados de que Booth sea la razón por la cual no me fui con Sully.
Brennan didn't run off with Sully because she cannot live a life without focus. She stayed because of Booth.
Brennan no se fue con Sully no porque no pueda vivir una vida sin un motivo se quedó por causa de Booth.
You sully Islam.
Tu tonto Islam.
You know, maybe get a drink at sully'S. Yeah.
Sabes, puede que tome un trago en Sully ´ s. Sí.
All right, sully's at 8 : 00.
Muy bien, En Sully ´ s a las 8 : 00.
She Only Comes To Sully'S Once Every Six Weeks To Make A Delivery.
Ella sólo viene a Sully'S una vez cada seis semanas para hacer una entrega.
She'S Coming To Town Tomorrow On Her Keg Delivery Run To Sully'S, And She Has Accepted My Offer Of A Gratitude Lunch.
Viene a la ciudad mañana para repartir los barriles en Sully's y ha aceptado mi invitación de una comida de gratitud
Sully, Draft For Me And A Round For My Friends.
Sully, una Draft para mi y una ronda para mis amigos.
Well, According To Sully
Bien, según Sully
Oh, Come On, Man. You Can'T Believe Sully,
Oh, venga ya, tio, no puedes creer a Sully,
I Ran Into Mack Hill At Sully'S-The Loan Guy.
Corrí a Mack Hill en Sully's... El del préstamo.
I went over to Sully's.
Fuí a Sully ´ s.
Really, sully, I Need A Job.
En verdad, Sully, necesito un empleo.
I Gotta Respectfully Disagree With Sully, 'Cause You And I Both Know There'S At Least One Soul Willing To Hire You.
Tengo que respetuosamente discordar con Sully, porque tu y yo ambos sabemos que por lo menos hay un alma dispuesta a contratarte.
Thanks, sully, but No, thanks.
Gracias, Sully, pero no gracias.
Welcome To Karaoke Night At Sully'S!
¡ Bienvenidos a la noche de karaoke en Sully's!
Sully and his crew didn't just miss the bull's-eye last night - they missed the entire wall, which takes a certain amount of skill in and of itself.
Sully y su equipo no sólo no dieron en el blanco anoche... no le dieron ni a la pared, lo que requiere cierto grado de destreza.
I'm gonna go meet owen at sully'S.
Quiero encontrarme con Owen en Sully's.
these are rock-hard times, sully.
Estos son tiempos difíciles, Sully.
I want chicken wings- - sully's finest wings, as many as you got back there.
Quiero alas de pollo... las mejores alas de Sully, tantas como tengas ahí atrás.
Take me going to Sully's to find the amazing woman who saved my life.
Llévame hasta lo de Sully a encontrar a la mujer asombrosa que salvó mi vida.
We're going to Sully's.
- Vamos a Sully's.
Wait. You work at Sully's.
- Espera, tú trabajas en Sully's.
Rooster said she only comes to Sully's once every six weeks to make a delivery.
Rooster dijo que solo viene a lo de Sully's... una vez cada 6 semanas para hacer un encargo.
And if Bon Temps is as close as you say it is, then I'll see them soon, and I do not wish to sully our reunion.
Y si Bon Temp está tan cerca como usted dice, entonces los veré pronto, y no deseo mancillar nuestra reunión.
They didn't let us into their kingdom and they'd rarely sully themselves by venturing into ours.
No nos dejaban entrar a su reino y raramente se animaban a pisar el nuestro.
Let's go sully it.
Vamos a ensuciarla.
It'd sully my reputation as an expert in the field if I were investigating missing pussycats or dead bunny rabbits.
Socavaría mi reputación como experto en la materia si aceptara tomar una investigación sobre pajaritos perdidos o conejitos muertos.
All right, Sully, look,
De acuerdo, Sully, mira.
Sully bought that boat.
Sully compró el bote.
Come on. - Sully's lookin'good.
- Sully luce bien.

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