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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Tedesco

Tedesco Çeviri İspanyolca

110 parallel translation
Mr Tedesco, you have yourself a deal.
Sr. Tedesco, trato hecho.
- Mr Tedesco, how are you?
- Sr. Tedesco, ¿ qué tal?
- About a man named Frank Tedesco.
- Sobre un tal Frank Tedesco.
What the hell does Kay Neeley got to do with the Haiti-Tedesco connection?
¿ Cómo se relaciona Kay Neeley con la conexión Haití-Tedesco?
See what you can find out about Frank Tedesco.
Ve qué puedes averiguar sobre Frank Tedesco.
She was sent by Frank Tedesco.
Fue enviada por Tedesco.
- Tedesco?
- ¿ Tedesco?
I'm running a check on Frank Tedesco with our Intelligence.
Voy a investigar a Tedesco con nuestra Inteligencia.
But I had dinner with a young Italian girl who works for our Intelligence and she reminded me that the Italian word for German is tedesco.
Pero cené con una chica italiana que trabaja en Inteligencia y me recordó que la palabra italiana tedesco significa alemán.
Tedesco was very precise with his instructions.
Tedesco fue muy preciso en sus instrucciones.
Tedesco is famous for his precise instructions.
Tedesco es famoso por sus instrucciones precisas.
Frank Tedesco.
De Frank Tedesco.
I want you to set up a meeting for me with Tedesco.
Quiero que organices una reunión con Tedesco.
Tedesco is in Berlin.
Tedesco está en Berlín.
I'm Frank Tedesco.
Soy Frank Tedesco.
You had Tedesco order Obermann to invite Neeley to Berlin ostensibly to explore the possibilities of reconstituting the Genesis team.
Tedesco le ordenó a Obermann que invitase a Neeley a Berlín para reconstruir el equipo de Génesis.
The point, Mr Tedesco, is that we are happy to let you continue the distribution of our software.
El asunto, Sr. Tedesco, es que le permitimos continuar distribuyendo nuestra mercancía.
No insult was intended, Mr Tedesco.
No pretendía insultarle, Sr. Tedesco.
No, parlo tedesco.
No hablo alemán.
This guy, Tedeschi or Tedesco, he was hired before me, but he died.
Un tipo, Tedeschi o Tedescho, lo habían contratado antes, pero se murió.
My name is Maria Tedesco, and my age is none of your business.
Mi nombre es María Tedesco, y mi edad no es de tu incumbencia.
Call Tedesco.
Llama a Tedesco.
Come on. Tedesco can't move 40 containers in an hour.
Vamos, Tedesco no puede mover 40 contenedores en una hora.
Dr. Tedesco said we have to be sure to get every drop of blood off you.
El Dr. Tedesco dijo que tenemos que limpiar toda la sangre.
Dr. Tedesco.
Dr. Tedesco.
Tracked down this guy Tedesco.
He localizado a Tedesco.
You got this from Dr. Michael Tedesco?
¿ Se lo ha dado el Dr. Michael Tedesco?
I understand you're the one who made the appointment, Ms. Tedesco?
Entiendo que la cita la pidió usted, Srta. Tedesco.
Patient's name is Hannah Tedesco. T-E-D-E-S-C-O.
La paciente se llama Hannah Tedesco, T-E-D-E-S-C-O.
So's the publicity that this Tedesco surgery is gonna bring in.
Igual que la publicidad que nos dará la cirugía de Tedesco.
You were there- - That night in the crowd in the parking lot at pizza world, When I took dominic tedesco.
Estabas allí esa noche en el público, en el estacionamiento de Mundo Pizza cuando me enfrenté a Dominic Tedesco.
Famed studio guitarist Tommy Tedesco has died.
El afamado guitarrista de estudio de Tommy Tedesco ha muerto.
Tommy Tedesco was arguably the king of Los Angeles session guitarists.
Tommy Tedesco era discutible el rey de Los Ángeles guitarristas de sesión.
Tedesco died of cancer Monday at his home in Northridge, California, at the age of 67.
Tedesco murió de cáncer Lunes en su casa de Northridge, California, a la edad de 67.
- "Tony Tedesco." -... instead of Tommy.
- "., Tony Tedesco " -... En lugar de Tommy.
Okay. " Tedesco started playing, and Jan says," Stop, wait. "And he went over and looked, and he said," Tedesco, what are you doing? "
Tedesco comenzó a jugar, y Jan dice : "Stop, espera." Y él se acercó y miró, y él dijo : "Tedesco, ¿ qué estás haciendo?"
I would not go in a studio if I didn't have Tommy Tedesco, Hal Blaine, people of that nature.
Yo no iría en un estudio si yo no tenía Tommy Tedesco, Hal Blaine, la gente de esa naturaleza.
And I say, "All right." So I got Tommy Tedesco and the boys, in the studio we went, and we did No Matter What Shape. "
Y yo digo : "Muy bien." Así que me dio Tommy Tedesco y los chicos, en el estudio que nos fuimos, y lo hicimos sin importar la forma ".
The guitar players that were in these various groups, when they realized guys like Tommy Tedesco was gonna be playing, they wanted to sit around and watch.
Los jugadores de la guitarra que se encontraban en estos diversos grupos, cuando se dieron cuenta los tipos como Tommy Tedesco se va a estar jugando, querían sentarse y mirar.
He would ask Tedesco, " How does that figure go
Pediría Tedesco, " ¿ Cómo esa cifra vaya
I remember Tedesco playing on...
Recuerdo Tedesco jugando en...
... Tommy Tedesco!
... Tommy Tedesco!
Constantine and Ileana Tirescu, sunteþi vinovaþi Florin Cojocaru's killing... and therefore condemn you to death.
Constantine y Milana Tedesco. Los encontramos culpables del asesinato de Florin Coyokaru... y por este crimen los sentenciamos a muerte.
And it has upset Constantin Tirescu So standby, must have been good.
Constantine Tedesco, así que no pudo haber sido tan malo.
Have you received any serious donaþie from Mr. Tirescu... before the burial and without harboring authorities'?
Supongo que no habrás recibido una gran donación de parte del señor Tedesco. Por lo que decidiste enterrarlo sin decirle a las autoridades.
- Tirescu Lord built the church.
El señor Tedesco construyó esta iglesia.
- I listen to God, not by Mr Tirescu.
Yo le respondo a Dios. No a los Tedesco.
Have you talked with Mr. Tirescu?
No. ¿ Hablaste con el señor Tedesco?
We are searching Mr. Tirescu?
¿ Vino a ver a Don Tedesco?
I left a few things Ms. Tirescu.
Yo... solo vine a dejar cosas para la señora Tedesco.

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