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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Tell her i love her

Tell her i love her Çeviri İspanyolca

755 parallel translation
But I wanna tell her I love her, and I'll break up if I do that.
Pero le diré que la amo. Me derrumbaré si lo hago.
Would you please tell her i love her and not to be afraid?
- Muy bien. Dígale que la quiero y que no tema.
- Tell her I love her.
- Dígale que la quiero. - Se lo diré, Se lo diré.
No, don't tell her I love her. Tell her to go home and forget me.
No, no, no le diga que la quiero, dígale que se vaya a casa y me olvide.
Tell her I love her.
Dígale que la quiero.
Will you tell her I love her mouth and her nose and her ears and her eyes... just the way they are?
Dile que amo su boca su nariz, sus orejas y sus ojos tal cual son.
Tell her... tell her I love her very dearly.
Dígale... dígale que la amo con toda mi alma.
I love Claire and whatever you try to do to stop it, I'll marry her and tell your husband what you've done. I don't want to hear anymore of your pleas.
Amo a Claire y aunque intente impedirlo, me casaré con ella y le contaré a su marido lo que ha hecho.
I love Claire and whatever you try to do to stop it, I'll marry her and tell your husband what you've done.
Amo a Claire y aunque intente impedirlo, me casaré con ella y le contaré a su marido lo que ha hecho.
"But I tell you, I love her!"
"¡ Pero os digo que la amo!"
You must tell her... that I... her... love
Tiene que decirle... que la... quiero...
And I keep telling him, you silly boy, I'm telling him, if you love her, you can be her employee a thousand times, you simply have to tell her!
Pone lo profesional por encima de todo. ¿ Por eso...? ¡ Por supuesto!
I love to buy things for her and tell her I adore her
Me gustaría decirle lo hermosa que es...
Tell her I'd love to see her.
- Me encantará verla.
I could tell you things about Eadie That would make you love her.
Si te contara cosas de Eadie, te acabaría gustando.
She won't believe it when I tell her, but it's her I love.
Sí. Ella no me creerá si le digo, pero mi corazón le pertenece.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
Yes, tell her I'd love to meet her.
Sí, dile que me encantaría conocerla.
Tell her that I love her... that I'm sorry I acted like such a heel.
Dile que la quiero... que siento mucho haberme portado como un idiota.
I'll tell him that I love him and then he can't marry her.
Le diré que lo amo y no podrá casarse.
Say, Dooley, if a redhead calls, tell her I'm finding out about love, will you?
DooIey, si llama una pelirroja, dile que estoy investigando el amor, ¿ sí?
I just want to tell her that I love her.
Sólo quiero decirle que la quiero.
She's not gonna tell me I don't love her.
Ella no va decirme que no la quiero.
I love her. I'd do anything, even tell the Doctor.
La amo, haría cualquier cosa, hasta decírselo todo al Doctor.
I will stand up and tell her that I love you.
Me levantaré e iré a decirle que te quiero.
I have to find her to tell her I'm not in love with her. Because I'm in love with someone else.
Para decirle que estoy enamorado de otra.
Tell her you saw me and that I still love her.
Dile que me visteis, y que aun la quiero.
Tell her that I love her.
Dígale que la quiero.
She won't try to hold you. I know, but to stand up to her and tell her that I love someone else...
Yo... sólo quería explicarte por qué no vine a cenar anoche.
Just tell her I'm back, and I'm happy, and I'm well and that I love her.
Dile que regresé, que estoy feliz y bien y que la amo.
Tell her to say grandpa... to love her much... like I wanted to.
Enséñenle a llamarme nono... que me quiera mucho... como yo lo habría querido.
Colonel Thursday, sir, what I've been trying to tell you, sir is that I love your daughter. And I ask her now, in your presence, to be my wife. Yes, Michael.
Mi coronel, intentaba decirle... que amo a su hija y le pido en su presencia que se case conmigo.
Give her my love and tell her i'll be down to see her in a day or two. Bye.
Dile que iré a verla dentro de un par de días.
I'll tell Agathe you love her and have shed your delusions of grandeur
Le dirás a Agathe que la amas, y le mostrarás tus ilusiones de felicidad.
Mr. Stanton, when you see her, will you tell her that I love her?
Mr. Stanton, cuando la vea, ¿ le dirá que la quiero?
Love was a game to her. It made her laugh, I tell you.
El amor era un juego para ella, un juego...
If you see her, tell her to cheer up and that I love her.
Si la ve, dígale que se anime y que la amo.
Tell Clancy I love her too. Good-bye.
Ah, dile a Clancy que la quiero.
I can't tell her that I love her...
No puedo decirle que la quiero...
I'm leaving... but tell Rosario that I love her!
Ya me voy. Pero dígale a Rosario... que la quiero. - ¡ Ah eso queres usted que le diga!
Tell her... I love and forgive her.
Dile... que la amo, y que la perdono.
I'll give Denise the money back but I'll tell her that I don't love her that I love you and that I think you love me
- No. Iré contigo. Se lo devolveré a Denise.
Forgive me if I tell you how much I'm in love with her.
Perdóname por contarte lo enamorado que estoy de ella.
- Well, you know, I'm in love with that angel of Pupella.. so, you should tell her, please...
- Usted lo sabe, estoy enamorado de Pupella y debe decírselo, por favor.
So she said I loved her and that I would have left you. The more I was with her, the more I realised how much I love you. I tried to tell her, but it was hard.
Le dije que la quería, que te dejaría,... pero luego supe que te amaba a ti,... y busqué la forma de decírselo,... y cuando se lo dije, ocurrió lo que ocurrió.
Tell her that I love her very much.
- Dile que la quiero mucho.
I suppose he would have said, "Tell Jane I love her."
Pero supongo que dijo, "Dígale a Jane que la quiero."
She makes me tell her 10 times a day how much I love her.
Me hace decir diez veces al día cuánto la quiero.
Will you tell that stupid dame I love her the way she is?
¿ Podrías decirle a esa muchacha estúpida que la amo tal cual es?
I'll go away and I'll vanish into thin air if you just tell me, are you in love with her?
Me iré y desapareceré si me lo pides, ¿ estás enamorado de ella?
I'd just like for her to tell me that she loves me from time to time, that she wants to make love.
Me gustaría que alguna vez, aunque fuese sólo una, me dijese : "Me gusta. Ven a hacer el amor".

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