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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Tell me that you love me

Tell me that you love me Çeviri İspanyolca

610 parallel translation
Only tell me that you love me, and I'm yours.
Sólo dime que me amas, y seré tuya.
Oh, Martin, dime que me amas.
Oh, do tell me that you love me.
Díme que me amas.
Now, tell me that you love me.
Ahora, díme que me amas.
Primero dime que me quieres.
Dime que aún me quieres.
Will you look into my eyes and tell me that you love me now?
¿ Ahora puedes mirarme a los ojos y decirme que me amas?
Tell me that you love me. Tell me.
Dime que me amas.
Tantas mentiras sólo para decirme que me querías.
Tell me that you love me. Then kill me.
Dime que me amas y después mátame.
Tell me that you love me.. then kill me.
Dime que me amas y después mátame.
You, you never tell me that you love me.
Tú, tú nunca me dices que me amas.
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me?
Franz : Supongo que mi marido te lo ha dicho todo. Bueno, es culpa tuya que yo me encuentre en esta situación.
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me? Franz :
Franz :
If you like I can tell you about my case, how it was "love" that caused me to end up like this.
Si quiere, puedo contarle mi caso, cómo el "amor" me llevó a terminar así...
Sure, I know what you'll be wanting to tell me soon, if not this minute that you love me.
Sé lo que me dirás en cualquier momento que me amas.
You're not going to tell me that love is anything lasting.
No vayas a decirme que el amor es algo duradero.
I'm not gonna try and tell you much about that, except this. Instead of thanking you, I could kill you and love it.
No pienso hablar de eso, sólo esto : en vez de agradecértelo, me encantaría matarte.
- I know! You want to tell me you love me and that you cannot live without me!
¡ Ya sé que me amas y que no puedes vivir sin mí!
Tell me, if you looked back on that long life and saw that you had gained neither love gratitude nor respect of any human being it would be a bitter reflection, wouldn't it?
Dígame, si mirara atrás en esa vida y viera que no se ha ganado ni el amor ni la gratitud ni el respeto de ningún ser humano sería una reflexión amarga, ¿ no?
The truth is that you love some other woman, but won't tell me.
La verdad es que quieres a una mujer y no me lo dices.
Tell me that you love him, Mary, and I'll let you go.
Dime que lo amas, María, y te dejaré ir.
Tell me you love me. That's it.
Dime que me quieres.
You tell me that you love him.
Usted me dijo que lo ama.
I came back to Paris to tell you that I despise you, and I do. But I love you too. Say you'll go away with me.
Volví a París a decirte que te desprecio pero te amo, también te amo.
Dare to tell me that you love him, you're free of me forever.
Atrévete a decir que lo amas, y te librarás de mí para siempre.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
Mr. Lodge. Do you mean to tell me that you don't love my sister?
Sr. Lodge. ¿ me está contando que no ama a mi hermana?
Tell me, Rudolph why is it that I love you now when I never even liked you before?
Dime, Rudolph... ¿ cómo es que te amo ahora cuando nunca antes te quise?
Julie, tell me, something that only you can tell me... does Pres still love you?
Julie, dime algo que sólo tú puedes decirme ¿ Preston aún te quiere?
Tell me that you still love me, tell me
¡ Dime que todavía me quieres! ¡ Dímelo!
I don't have to tell you that I'm in love with you... and that I've always hoped someday you'd marry me.
No tengo que decirte que estoy enamorado de tí... Y siempre he pensado que te casarías conmigo.
But let me tell you first that I love you.
Ya lo sé.
And after what you've been through, marrying the men I did love, I wanted you to tell me that maybe the honeymoon part isn't important.
Y después de lo que ha pasado casándose con los que yo sí quería, quería decirle que tal vez lo de la luna de miel no es importante.
- Are you trying to tell me that you don't love me, that you married me just because I was so kind?
- ¿ Estás diciéndome que no me quieres, que te casaste conmigo por ser amable?
Tell me, Victoria... has there ever been any doubt in your mind that I love you better than anything in the world?
Dime, ¿ sabes que eres lo que más quiero en el mundo? Lo se papa.
Are you trying to tell me because he comes and they see her with him, driving and all that they think that they were right in saying that she was in love with him before?
¿ Estás tratando de decirme que porque él vino y la vieron con él, conduciendo y todo eso piensan que ellos tenían razón al decir que estaba enamorada de él antes?
Did anyone tell you when a girl like you starts talking about a fellow like me it means only one thing, that you're falling madly in love with him?
¿ Alguien te dijo que cuando una chica como tú habla de un hombre como yo solo significa que te estás enamorando locamente de él?
Do you mean to stand there and tell me that your friendship for Millie... would mean more to you than your love for me?
¿ Me estás diciendo que tu amistad con Millie... significa más para ti que tu amor por mí?
Didn't you tell me that she and Frank have always been in love?
¿ No dijo usted que ella y Frank siempre habían estado enamorados?
I will stand up and tell her that I love you.
Me levantaré e iré a decirle que te quiero.
Would you tell me what it was about Rosemary's letters that made you think you were in love with her.
¿ podría decirme qué le hizo enamorarse de ella?
They tell me they already love and admire you and that nothing would make them happier.
Me han dicho que la quieren y la admiran. Y que nada las haría más felices.
Tell her you saw me and that I still love her.
Dile que me visteis, y que aun la quiero.
For our conclusions on love, madam, let me tell you that you can have it.
En lo que respecta al amor, señora, le digo que se lo puede quedar usted.
You could so easily tell me that I've said that all along, and that my love hasn't done you any good.
Podrías responderme que siempre digo lo mismo y que mi amor no te hace ningún bien.
If you love him so much, tell me where he is, so that I can save him.
Por el bien de él debéis decirme dónde está. Quiero salvarlo.
Tell me that you love me, come on.
¡ Di que me quieres mucho, vamos!
It tell me that you love to me.
Dime que me amas.
Why can't you tell me the truth, that you don't love me anymore?
¿ Por qué? Dime por qué no me amas. ¿ Tanto te cuesta ser sincero?
Did you wanted me to tell her that she's in love with a man who's unattainable?
¿ Quería que le dijera que se enamoró de un imposible y por su culpa?

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