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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Tell me what i want to know

Tell me what i want to know Çeviri İspanyolca

403 parallel translation
Tell me what I want to know,
Además, no reñimos.
- Look, Mrs. Devoe, you tell me what I want to know, and I'll tell you what you want to know.
- Claro. - Sra. Devoe dígame lo que quiero saber y le contaré lo que usted necesita.
Now will you tell me what I want to know? But I can't.
Y ahora, ¿ me dirá lo que quiero saber?
Now you're goin'to tell me what I want to know... or if it's the last thing I do in this department...
Me dirás lo que quiero saber. O, aunque sea lo último que haga en esta brigada, haré que te caigan veinte años.
You tell me what I want to know, and I'll hold you as a material witness. If you don't, we'll let you go.
Si me dice lo que sabe le protegeré como testigo material, si no le soltaré.
Are you going to tell me what I want to know?
¿ Vas a decirme lo que quiero saber?
Books will tell me what I want to know.
Ellos me dirán lo que quiero saber.
But only if you tell me what I want to know.
Pero sólo si me dices lo que quiero saber.
Now, if you're a sensible girl, and if you want what I've come to give you, you'll tell me what I want to know.
Ahora, si eres una chica sensata, y si quieres lo que he venido a darte, me dirás lo que quiero saber.
But before you goes to join your mates, tell me what I want to know. Speak up!
Pero antes de que vayas a unirte a sus compañeros, dime lo que quiero saber. ¡ Habla!
You will tell me what I want to know.
Me dirán lo que quiero saber.
He'll become a vegetable, but he'll eventually tell me what I want to know.
Se convertirá en un vegetal, pero al final me dirá lo que quiero saber.
Not if you tell me what I want to know.
Si me dice lo que quiero saber.
You must only make up your minds to tell me what I want to know.
Deben decidirse a decirme lo que quiero saber.
Tell me what I want to know.
Dígame lo que necesito.
If you don't tell me what I want to know, I'll kill you here and now. Is that clear?
Si no me dices lo que quiero saber te mataré aquí y ahora.
You may not tell me what I want to know, but he will.
Quizá usted no me diga lo que quiero saber pero él sí.
You will tell me what I want to know or so help me, I will kill you.
Va a decirme lo que quiero saber o le mataré.
You will tell me what I want to know.
Va a decirme lo que quiero saber.
You will tell me what I want to know.
- Me dirás lo que quiero saber.
- You tell me what I want to know.
- Dime lo que quiero saber.
And if you won't tell me what I want to know Lambert himself will.
Y si no me cuenta lo que quiero saber,... el mismo Lambert lo hará.
You gonna tell me what I want to know, man?
¿ Me lo vas a decir?
Just tell me what I want to know.
Sólo díganme lo que quiero saber.
"Tell me what I want to know..."
"Dime lo que quiero saber..."
You can talk to me, tell me what I want to know and live, or you can persist at being stubborn, in which case I will kill you.
Puedes hablar conmigo, decirme lo que quiero y vivir,... o ser persistente con tu silencio. En ese caso te mataré.
They always show up out of nowhere to tell me what they want me to know and they keep coming around me until I do what they want me to do and torment me to the point where I can't even get any sleep.
Ellos sólo aparecen al azar. Después de decir lo que quieren, siguen apareciendo y me torturan hasta que lo hago.
Everything what you want to tell me, I know already!
¡ Todo lo que quiere contarme, lo sé hace tiempo!
I shouldn't tell you at all, I suppose but before I take him along I want you to know that what happens to you means to a lot me.
Pero antes de llevármelo quiero que sepa... lo mucho que significa Ud. para mí.
Unless you want me to go ashore and tell what I know.
Espera, Povey, no te pongas nervioso.
Look, darling... I know something's been bothering you... and I want you to tell me what it is.
Escucha, cariño... sé que algo te preocupa y... quiero que me digas de qué se trata.
I believe i know what you want to tell me... Kate.
Creo que sé que quieres decirme, Kate.
Look, why don't I save you a lot of trouble and tell you what you want to know... and you can tell Debby and that'll keep you busy until I'm dressed.
Mira. Te ahorraré la molestia y te diré lo que quieres saber. Tú dile a Debby y así estarás ocupada hasta que me vista.
Last night the girl came and told me to put you back together again, so she must know what why were released and so do I. They want the diamonds and they know you'd never tell them.
Anoche vino y me dijo que te curara. Sabe por qué te hirieron. Y yo también.
Is it because she can tell me what I want to know?
¿ Puede decirme lo que quiero?
I know what you want to tell me.
Sé lo que va a decirme.
¿ Cuál es ese problema que tienes?
Do you want me to tell you what I think? Now I know that you or the others, whether Greeks, Italians, Frenchmen, English or Russians, you all want to capture my father alive on your territory...
Ahora comprendo que ustedes, ya sean griegos, italianos o rusos, quieren atrapar a mi padre... y que nadie lo quiere vivo.
After that I'll be free to tell you the truth. Why are you asking me that? Think what you want, I know you think I'm a monster!
Pero te lo ruego, te lo suplico, dame sólo 24 horas.
I know what you want to tell me but you think I'll be hurt.
Yo sé lo que quieres decirme pero tienes miedo de herirme.
En exactamente cinco segundos, cuando esa droga surta efecto me dirá exactamente lo que quiero saber.
Don't tell me what you talked about, because I don't want to know!
¡ No me digas de qué hablasteis porque no quiero saberlo!
- If you want to lecture me inspector, I can tell you that I know what do you want.
- Si va a darme lecciones, inspector,... puedo decirle que sé lo que quiere.
I'll tell you what, though. Keep this here, and keep it out, if you want to get into it... or you want me to take anything, let me know, we'll go that way.
Lo que te quiero decir es que si querés podés tener todo esto así y si querés me llevo todo.
What you do with your life is your decision but I want to know why you waited until now 7 : 14 am on our wedding day to tell me you don't want to get married
Eres tú quien decide sobre tu vida pero podrías explicarme por qué has esperado hasta ahora las 7 : 14 del día de nuestra boda para decirme que no quieres casarte.
I can get him to tell me what you want to know.
Yo puedo lograr que me diga lo que quiere saber.
# I want you to tell me, I long to know # what it is I can not see. #
# Quiero que me cuenten, ansío saber # lo que no puedo ver. #
I can tell you what made me so nervous if you want to know.
Puedo decirle qué me puso nervioso, si quiere saberlo.
And I just want you to know I understand more what you were trying to tell me.
Solo querías que sepas que comprendo mejor lo que estuviste tratando de decirme.
Sir since you want me to tell you what I know I believe it is your steward who has done this.
Monsieur, si quiere que le diga, creo que Monsieur su administrador lo ha hecho.
Mr Finch, whatever, I don't know what your real story is, and the last thing I want is for you to tell me, but I wanna thank you for entertaining us.
Sr. Finch, lo que sea, No sé cuál es su verdadera historia es, y la última cosa que quiero l es para que me digas, pero yo quiero darle las gracias para entretener a nosotros.

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