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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Tell them what you told me

Tell them what you told me Çeviri İspanyolca

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- Tell them what you told me.
- Diles lo que me contaste.
Tell them mrs Mcdaniel. Tell them what you told me.
Diles lo que me contaste.
Tell them what you told me just now, about Helene.
Diles lo que acabas de decirme acerca de Helena.
- Now tell them what you told me.
- Diles lo que me dijiste a mí.
You have to tell them what you told me.
Tienes que decirles lo que me dijiste.
For start, I want you to tell them what you told me.
Para empezar, quiero que les cuentes lo que me dijiste a mi. Que fuimos traidos enforma deliberada
Tell them what you told me earlier.
Dígales lo que me dijo antes.
You tell them what you told me.
Diles lo que me dijiste.
Tell them what you told me.
Diles lo que me dijiste.
Now. You just tell them what you told me.
Ahora sólo diles lo que me has dicho a mí.
Tell them what you told me about the half-inch pipe.
¿ Por qué no les cuentas lo que me contaste del tubo de media pulgada?
By the way, these gentlemen are on my board of directors... so why don't you just tell them what you told me.
Por cierto, estos caballeros están en mi mesa directiva... ¿ por qué no les dices lo que me dijiste?
Tell them what you told me.
Dígales lo que me dijo.
Tell them what you told me.
Cuénteles lo que me ha contado a mi.
Tell them what you told me.
Cuéntales lo que me contaste a mí.
Tell them what you told me.
Diles a todos lo que me dijiste, Frank.
Carrie, tell them what you told me.
Carrie, cuéntales lo que me dijiste.
Tell them what you told me.
Cuénteles lo que me ha contado.
Frasier, Frasier, tell them what you told me.
Frasier, Frasier, diles lo que me dijiste a mí. Freud... es el Jung de los pobres.
Ray, tell them what you told me.
Ray, cuéntales lo que me dijiste.
Dr. Cottle, would you... would you please tell them what you told me this morning?
Dr. Cottle ¿ podría por favor, contarles lo que me dijo esta mañana?
Tell them what you told me.
¡ Diles, Eko!
Son, tell them what you told me.
Hijo, diles lo que me dijiste.
Jill, would you please tell them what you told me, about how the fruit punch might actually be a clue.
Jill, harías el favor de decirles lo que me has dicho a mi, acerca de como el polvo frutal podría en realidad ser una pista.
Tell them what you told me.
Diles lo que me dijiste a mi.
Tell them what you told me about Liu Sheng.
Diles lo que me dijiste sobre Liu Sheng.
Tell them what you told me.
Cuéntales lo que me contaste.
Just tell them what you told me.
Sólo diles lo que me dijiste.
Tell them what you told me.
Diles lo que me dijiste a mí.
Tell them what you told me.
Dime lo que me dijiste.
Why don't you tell them exactly what you told me?
¿ Por qué no le dices exactamente lo que me dijiste?
Mrs. Lynton, I wouldn't want to force you to go before a judge and a jury and have you tell them what you just told me.
Sra. Lynton, no quisiera obligarla a comparecer ante un juez y un jurado y tener que contarles lo que Ud. me acaba de contar.
Now, when the police come, you will tell them... exactly what you told me.
Cuando venga la policía tenéis que decirle Lo que me habéis dicho a mí.
Last night the girl came and told me to put you back together again, so she must know what why were released and so do I. They want the diamonds and they know you'd never tell them.
Anoche vino y me dijo que te curara. Sabe por qué te hirieron. Y yo también.
Thibaud... I came back with a bullet in my shoulder. Tell them what state I was in when I told you Castille was dead.
Thibaud, tú que me has visto llegar con una bala en el hombro diles cómo estaba cuando te dije lo de la muerte de Castille.
Now, you tell them just exactly what you told me :
Dígales lo que me ha dicho a mí.
Well, there's only one thing you can do. Go and see'em. Tell them what happened, like you told me.
Les tendrás que contar lo que pasó.
What you told me to tell them. That we...
Lo que me dijiste que les dijera.
I told them exactly what you told me to tell them. Yes.
Exactamente lo que me dijiste.
You did. That's what you told me. Now I want you to tell them.
Eso es lo que me dijo, ahora quiero que se lo diga a ellos.
Why don't you tell them... what you told me about me not being high maintenance.
¿ Por qué no les dices eso que decías de que no soy mandona?
Doc, tell them what you just told me.
Doc, repítales lo que me ha dicho.
You tell them exactly what you told me.
Exactamente lo mismo que a mí.
Now, I want you to tell them exactly what you told me.
Diles exactamente lo que me dijiste a mí.
If you don't tell them... what Wilson told you, they're going to kill me.
Si no les dices lo que Wilson te dijo, van a matarme.
Your buddy told me you talked to the cops. What did you tell them?
Tío, dime que le has contado a la policía. ¿ Qué les has dicho?
I'll tell you what : backup's on the way. You tell them exactly what you just told me and we'll see what kind of deal they cut you.
Haremos una cosa los refuerzos están en camino, diles esa historia y veremos qué trato te dan.
Tell them what you just told me.
Tienes que decirles lo que acabas de contarme.
Now you tell them what you just told me.
Ahora diles lo que acabas de decirme
Tell me what you told them.
Dime qué les dijiste.
She heard what you were saying on the phone last night, and she told me to tell you she doesn't like either of them.
Oyó lo que decías anoche por el teléfono y te manda a decir que no le gusta ninguna opción.

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