That's all i have Çeviri İspanyolca
2,967 parallel translation
You have your whole life ahead of you, and the fact is, you and I are all that's left of this family.
Tienes toda una vida por delante, y el hecho es que tú y yo somos todo lo que queda de esta familia.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Y eso es todo lo que tengo que decir al respecto.
- That's all I have to say about that.
- Es todo lo que tengo para decir.
I'm going to just have a quick look at your knee if that's all right.
No. ¡ No lo harás! ¡ No lo hagas!
That's all I know about it, look you have to go now.
Eso es todo lo que sé, mire tiene que irse ahora.
You know, that's all I wanted was to, like, be with you, and I know that we could have been so great if only you would just let me in.
Tú sabes que eso es todo lo que quería, estar contifo, y sé que podríamos haber estado tan bien si simplemente me hubieras dejado entrar.
I-I think what Laura's trying to say - - and I don't mean to speak for her - - is that... Uh - -... we all have T.K.'s best interest at heart.
Creo que lo que Laura trata de decir... y no quiero hablar por ella... es que... todos queremos, de corazón, lo mejor para T.K.
My job begins again'cause I have to go back in there, and that's - that's all - also kind of difficult because here you sit with this individual eight or ten hours, all day long, and now the last thing you're doing is removing those straps.
Mi trabajo comienza de nuevo porque debo regresar ahí y eso es también difícil porque estás ahí sentado con esta persona ocho o diez horas durante todo el día y ahora lo último que haces es quitar esas correas.
In all my years in this business, I have never seen a penis do that... not even Ringo's!
En todos mis años en este negocio, nunca he visto un pene hacer eso... ni siquiera de Ringo!
I have in the past, but that's one of the things that you don't have to do when you go off to college, deal with moms and dads and all that.
Lo hice en el pasado, pero eso es una de las cosas que no tienes que hacer cuando vas a la universidad, lidiar con las mamás y los papás y todo eso.
Or maybe I should have called Dan Costello and asked him for the job because that's what they all think I do anyway!
¡ O quizá debería haber llamado a Dan Costello y pedirle el trabajo porque es lo que van a pensar de todos modos!
From one industry professional to another, it's really stupid to have all your messengers ride the same bike and dress the same, too, though I don't think that's intentional.
De un profesional de la industria a otro, es una estupidez que todos tus mensajeros vayan en la misma bici y que se vistan igual, aunque creo que esto último no lo has hecho a propósito.
Hey, I just wanna have a conversation, that's all.
Sólo quería tener una conversación eso es todo.
Like, I dress differently, I kiss girls, you know, like, have a gay job... like, everything's just kinda gay, and I don't know if she's ready to absorb all of that.
Como, me visto de manera diferente, beso chicas, ya sabes, como, tener un trabajo gay... como, todo es sólo un poco gay, y no sé si está lista para todo eso.
I just want you to have everything,'cause you're my perfect boy, that's all.
Sólo quiero que tengas todo, porque eres mi niño perfecto, eso es todo.
That's as important as me losing $ 25,000! ( sighs ) This money is all I have, man.
¡ Es tan importante como que yo haya perdido 25.000 dólares! Ese dinero es todo lo que tengo, tío.
After shaking that man's hand, I better count and make sure I have all my fingers.
Después de estrechar la mano de ese hombre, tuve que contar y asegurarme de que tenía todos mis dedos.
But my body automatically responds to the feeling of fear, that's all. So I can understand very well that right now, you have no fear
Pero mi cuerpo automaticamente responde a el sentimiento de temor, eso es todo asi que puedo entender muy bien eso.
¶ And it's all that I have ¶
¶ And it's all that I have ¶
I think we can all agree that while it would be a good thing to have him in the governor's office in Springfield, it might be an even better thing to have him in the mayor's office right here in Chicago.
Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que aunque sería bueno tenerle en la oficina del gobernador en Springfield, sería incluso mejor tenerle en la alcaldía aquí en Chicago.
I'm sorry. Maybe if the Intersect wasn't stifled in the van, we would have all known that ahead of time, and I wouldn't have had to take out all of Wesley's guards.
Quizás si el Intersect no estuviera reprimido en la camioneta, lo habríamos sabido con anterioridad y yo no tendría que haberme encargado de los guardias de Wesleys.
It's a little serendip... Itous that I'm gonna vomit, because now I don't have to feel guilty about eating all those nachos.
es un poco cas.. ual voy a vomitar porque ahora no tengo que sentirme culpable por comerme todos esos nachos.
That--that's all I have to do?
¿ Eso... eso es todo lo que tengo que hacer?
Well, that's all very fascinating, but I don't have time for this.
Bueno, eso es muy fascinante, pero no tengo tiempo para esto.
My name is Jason Baldwin. And I want to thank all of the supporters, all of the people out there who have written me over the years, who've researched the case, did their- - you know, whatever it is in your means- - that did your best, you know, to let me, Damien and jessie and our families know that, you know, what's happened to us
Y quiero dar las gracias a todos cuantos me apoyan, a toda la gente que me ha escrito a lo largo de los años, que ha investigado el caso, que ha hecho lo mejor fueran cuales fueran sus medios para permitir que Damien y Jessie y yo y nuestras familias sepamos que no seremos olvidados y que se solucionarán las cosas.
Your Honor, that's all I have.
Su Señoría, es todo.
That's all I have in your head and in your mouth as well.
Es lo único que tienes en la cabeza yen la boca.
I don't have all the details, but it seems that no one's seen or heard from her since she called me last night.
No tengo todos los detalles, pero parece que nadie la ha visto o ha sabido de ella desde que me llamó anoche.
What's valuable is the rich and rewarding, life-affirming relationships that I have with you all.
Lo que es valioso son las ricas relaciones que tengo con todos ustedes.
Sorry, that's all I have.
Lo siento, es todo lo que tengo.
That's all I have to say.
Es todo lo que tengo que decir.
She's all about trust and-and honesty ; two things that I can never have with her.
Ella es todo confianza y sinceridad ; dos cosas que nunca he tenido con ella.
Thanks, that's all I have to say.
Gracias, es todo lo que tengo que decir.
Course that's all I said, or I would have told you, would I?
Porque eso es todo lo que le dije, o sino le hubiera dicho.
I put her in a bad way six years ago, and now I have a chance to help her, that's all.
La coloqué en una mala situación hace seis años. y ahora tengo oportunidad de ayudarla, eso es todo.
Okay, daddy, I'm gonna have this today and two marshmallow peeps, and that's all, if I'm good.
Bueno Papá, hoy me bastará con ésto y dos chupitos de marshmallow, y eso es todo, si voy bien.
What if he's horribly disfigured, and I have to identify him, and all that remains are his private parts?
Y queda horriblemente desfigurado, y tengo que identificarlo, y todo lo que queda son sus partes privadas?
That's all I have.
Es todo.
But before I go any further, the wonderful thing about musicals is that something has to happen that brings them all together. I mean, you can have a really great musical and one aspect of it could be wrong, whether it be the production, whether it be something to do with how it's staged or anything, and it might get buried and then take years to find again.
Pero antes de seguir adelante, la cosa más maravillosa sobre los musicales es que algo pasa que los une a todos es decir, puedes tener un gran musical y alguna parte de él puede estar mal, la producción,
And I'm not perfect, and the garden that is all of this is gonna have some flowers and it's gonna have some weeds, and I know that it's gonna drive you crazy sometimes, babe, but you got to let me have my weeds.
Y no soy perfecto, y el jardín que es todo de esto tendrá algunas flores y tendrá algunos hierbajos, y sé que eso te volverá loca a veces, cariño, pero tienes que dejarme que tenga mis hierbajos.
I just thought you might care I have homework, that's all.
Creí que te importaría que tengo tarea, es todo.
You think I want to hear a story that's gonna make people all sympathetic towards you when I have you for conspiracy to murder either way?
Tu crees que quiero oir una historia que hara que la toda la gente sea simpática contigo cuando de cualquier manera te tengo por conspiracion de muerte
I just, you know, it just makes me think that you believe all you have going for you is your looks, and that's just- - it's not true.
Solo, sabes, me hace creer que crees que todo lo que tienes es tu apariencia. y es que... es verdad.
It's kind of all I do, and I know I'm probably gonna have to do something about it someday soon, but the truth is, I haven't got that much left to lose.
Es lo único que hago, y sé que probablemente voy a tener que hacer algo pronto, pero la verdad es que no he tenido mucho que perder.
That's why I'm encouraging all alumni to donate as well, which is why we have set up the donation cube.
Eso es por lo que estoy animando a todos los alumnos a donar también, que es por lo que hemos montado el cubo de donación.
While simultaneously also knowing that I have all the qualities, let's call them gifts, required to be one.
Aunque al mismo tiempo sé también que tengo todas las cualidades, llamémoslas dones, que se necesitan para serlo.
I just have to get this figured out, that's all.
Solo tengo que averiguar esto.
I would have just appreciated a heads-up, that's all.
Sólo te hubiera agradecido que me avises, eso es todo.
That's all I have left of my husband.
Es lo único que me queda de mi marido.
I have managed to save money in all sorts of places here and that's good but I really could only afford to armour one side.
Logré ahorrar algo de dinero en todos lados aqui y eso es bueno... Pero sólo pude costear blindar un lado
There's six minutes left, and I look over, and I'm realizing that I have all these eggs left, and I still have sugar.
Hay seis minutos, y me veo otra vez, y me estoy dando cuenta que tengo todos estos huevos a la izquierda, y todavía tengo el azúcar.
that's all i have to say 53
that's all 8171
that's all i got 169
that's all i wanted to say 33
that's all for now 108
that's all that matters 302
that's all i want 130
that's all right 2318
that's all i can say 75
that's all it takes 78
that's all 8171
that's all i got 169
that's all i wanted to say 33
that's all for now 108
that's all that matters 302
that's all i want 130
that's all right 2318
that's all i can say 75
that's all it takes 78