That's my father Çeviri İspanyolca
2,442 parallel translation
That was my father's first and favourite weapon.
Era la primera arma de mi padre y su preferida.
Alas, what is certain is that her father, the poor Marquis of Montezelos, my father's distant cousin, forced her to enter a convent, before arranging her a husband.
En fin, lo cierto es que su padre, el pobre marqués de Montezelos, primo lejano de mi padre, la había hecho entrar en un convento, antes de encontrarle marido...
That's how I found out my father died. "
Así es como me enteré de mi padre murió. "
I came all the way over here in a canoe risking my father's wrath, and that's all you have to say to me?
Vine hasta aquí en una canoa, arriesgándome a la ira de mi papá... ¿ y eso es todo lo que tienes para decirme?
You are the father of at least one of my children, and you are going to get in there and work that pole till it's a nub.
Usted es el padre de al menos uno de mis hijos, y usted va a llegar allí y el trabajo que hasta el polo es un nudo.
You have no idea what that's gonna mean to my father.
Mi papá va a estar muy orgulloso.
You know, my father was a preacher, and every preacher has to have a hook that's gonna bring the people in, that's gonna get them saved and, well, frankly, get them in their wallet,'cause a church doesn't run on love,
Mi padre era predicador, y todo predicador tiene su gancho para involucrar a la gente, para salvarlos... Reverendo Cotton Marcus... y para que suelten dinero para mantener a la iglesia.
- Because that's not my father.
- Porque ese no es mi padre.
I don't believe that. my father's not gay
N creo eso. Mi padre no es gay.
After that.. I was my father's son and his constant companion.
Luego.. soy el hijo de mi padre y su unica compañía.
My patron Father Ciço, who is up there. crouched right next to Our Lord's right side knows that until this day I only killed in defense of the honor or my life.
Mi Padim Pade Ciço, que está allá arriba acurrucadito... del lado derecho de Dios, Nuestro Señor, sabe que hasta ahora sólo maté en defensa... del honor y de la vida.
I suppose it's only just that I suffer for the sins of my father.
Supongo que es justo que yo sufro por los pecados de mi padre.
That's my father!
¡ Es mi padre!
Tell my father he's made a mistake, that there's no one more loyal than Tarin.
Dile a mi padre que ha cometido un error, que no hay nadie más leal que Tarin.
That's what I'm saying, you're not my father..
Eso es lo que estoy diciendo, que no eres mi padre...
- That's between me and my father.
- Eso es entre yo y mi padre.
Because that's what my father did.
Porque eso era lo que mi padre hacía.
That's what my father used to say.
Eso es lo que mi padre solía decir.
I was infοrmed, after the fact, that my father's... My father's last wοrds were "Bertie has mοre guts than the rest οf his brοthers put tοgether."
Según me informaron, las últimas palabras... de mi padre fueron "Bertie tiene más cojones que todos sus hermanos juntos".
- After my father died, that's what I decided
- Eso decidí cuando mi padre murió.
Did you tell my mother that it looked like Marcus was my father's son?
Le has dicho por casualidad a mi madre ¿ qué parecía Marcus el hijo?
I can only have one thought excited for my father that would have been so proud of her daughter. And it is in his memory solemnly declare that I want me, Suzanne Pujol Michonneau born, I will continue dad's work, benefactor of this city.
En esta emocionante noche de victoria solo puedo pensar emocionada en mi padre, Raoul Michonneau quien estaría muy orgulloso de su hija y es en su memoria que me presento ante ustedes y declaro solemnemente que yo, Suzanne Pujol Michonneau seguiré con la obra de papá en los derechos obreros.
For many years now, I have been asking that my father's title be restored to me, along with his castle and his land.
Por muchos años ya, he solicitado se me restituya el título de mi padre junto con su catillo y sus tierras.
That's my father-in-law, ladies and gentlemen.
Ese... es mi suegro, - Señoras y señores. - ¿ Qué estás haciendo?
I borrowed $ 5 from my father last week, And he's decided that now Would be an appropriate time to collect.
Pedí prestados 5 $ de mi padre la semana pasada, y ha decidido que ahora seria un buen momento para recuperarlo.
Is that my father's bat?
¿ Es ese el bate de mi padre?
A few months ago a rumor circulated among my parents'friends that Philip wasn't my father's son.
Hace unos meses un rumor circulaba entre los amigos de mis padres de que Felipe no era hijo de mi padre.
The DNA test proved that Philip is in fact my father's son.
La prueba de ADN demostró que Felipe si es en realidad hijo de mi padre.
I was misguided... to let one of my father's girlfriends Allow me to question that, To hope things may be different.
Estaba equivocado... al dejar que una de las novias de mi padre me permitiera cuestionar eso, esperando que las cosas pudieran ser diferentes.
You told me that my father's criminal past didn't matter.
Me dijiste que el pasado criminal de mi padre no importaba.
- What is that? - It's from my father, and it's been opened.
- Es de mi padre, y lo han abierto.
That I took my father's company, that I drove it into the ground and then I walked away because somebody made me a nice offer and it was the easiest thing to do?
¿ Que me encargué de la empresa de mi padre, que la hundí, y luego me marché porque alguien me hizo una buena oferta y era lo más fácil que podía hacer?
Obviously there were incidents with room service at the palace, But that was my father's hotel. I was a kid.
Obviamente hubo incidentes con el servicio de habitaciones del Palace, pero ese era el hotel de mi padre, yo era un niño.
Actually, i only wear purple Because my father loathed it. Or maybe that's what he wanted you to think.
En realidad, sólo visto violeta porque mi padre lo detestaba. O puede que es lo que él quería que pensaras.
Doing my father when i came to visit him? Well, that's -
Bueno, eso...
That's when my father was born, so that can't be the same woman I saw.
Eso es cuando nació mi padre, por eso no puede ser la misma mujer que vi.
That's how I know my father wouldn't take out a second mortgage to play blackjack.
Por eso sé que mi padre no hubiera firmado una segunda hipoteca para jugar blackjack.
that's not my father.
no es mi padre.
Listen, I see a tac team preparing to enter a building that I think my father's in.
Escuche, veo un equipo táctico preparado para entrar en un edificio en el que creo que esta mi padre.
I even wrote a letter to my father, but when I realized that dn't know where to send it, you know, that's when it hit me.
Incluso escribí una carta a mi padre, pero cuando me di cuenta de que no sabía dónde mandarla, sabes, es cuando esto me golpeó.
My father's estate is just west of that river.
Las tierras de mi padre están al oeste del rio.
My death, of course will quickly vindicate those who called me naive or idealistic but they must know that I will be freed of a burning curiosity and, God willing, will immerse my gaze in the Father's and contemplate with him his children of Islam as he sees them.
Mi muerte será, obviamente... parecerá darle razón a los que me trataron de ingenuo... o de idealista... pero estos necesitan saber que por fin voy a ser liberado... de mi más punzante curiosidad... y que, con la voluntad de Dios, podré fundir mi mirada en la del Padre... y contemplar con Él a sus hijos del Islam... tal como Él los ve.
I mean, it never bothered any of you that my father's French.
Quiero decir, nunca se molestaron en saber que mi padre es francés.
That's the man who killed my father.
Ese es el hombre que mató a mi padre.
If he's still alive, we can find out who ordered this medallion,... and maybe that'll lead us to discover where my father is. Whoever he might be.
Si sigue vivo podré averiguar quién le ordenó este medallón, y quizás así llegue hasta donde está mi padre.
So serena's father sends her this letter saying that He and lily were together when she came to see him... Hoping it would cause problems between lily and my dad,
Así que el padre de Serena le mandó esa carta contándole que él y Lily habían estado juntos cuando ella vino a verle... esperando que causase problemas entre Lily y mi padre,
My Earth father warned me not to play God, not to reach for power that's not mine.
Mi padre terrenal me advirtió que no jugara a ser Dios que no buscara el poder que no es mío.
But what's my father ever done that's so great - - School superintendent?
Y qué ha hecho mi padre que lo haga tan importante ¡ ¿ Inspector de escuelas?
He... he is the father of my child, Addison, and there's a bond there, and maybe I shouldn't expect you to understand that.
Es... es el padre de mi hija, Addison, y hay un vínculo ahí, y quizás no debería esperar que lo entendieses.
My name is Vivian Winters, and I'm going to assume you're her father since that's what she's led me to believe.
Me llamo Vivian Winters, y supongo que usted es supadre. Ya que es lo que ella me ha hecho creer.
My mother was saying that we'll go back.. .. to my father's house.
Mi madre estaba diciendo que nosotros volveremos a casa de mi padre.
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my baby 48
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25
that's my girl 410
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's my baby 48
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that's my husband 82
that's my mom 88
that's my boss 25