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Thatcher Çeviri İspanyolca

1,013 parallel translation
Go upstairs and tell Miss Thatcher her father is here.
Sube y dile a la Srta. Thatcher que su padre está aquí.
I'm sorry, Miss Thatcher, that my servant scared you.
Srta. Thatcher, siento que mi mayordomo la haya asustado.
This is your room, Judge Thatcher.
- Éste es su cuarto, Juez Thatcher.
Judge Thatcher.
Juez Thatcher.
Greetings, Judge Thatcher.
Bienvenido, Juez Thatcher.
Bateman, see that Judge Thatcher lies down.
Bateman, ayuda al Juez Thatcher a acostarse.
It will be sweet, Judge Thatcher.
Será dulce, Juez Thatcher.
Where's Judge Thatcher and Jean, old boy?
¿ Dónde están el Juez Thatcher y Jean?
They took Thatcher through this panel.
Metieron a Thatcher por este panel.
Too bad, Judge Thatcher cannot be with us.
Lástima que el Juez Thatcher no pueda venir.
You go to Thatcher.
Tú ve por Thatcher.
Judge Thatcher, the newly elected Magistrate of our county, has consented to make the presentation of the Bible prize to Sydney Sawyer.
El juez Thatcher, recientemente elegido magistrado de nuestro condado, ha dado su consentimiento para hacer entrega de la Biblia premiada a Sidney Sawyer.
Rebecca Thatcher?
¡ ¿ REBECCA THATCHER? ! ¿ Fue usted?
Come up here, Rebecca Thatcher.
Venga aquí, Rebecca Thatcher.
He was with Becky Thatcher, in the cave.
Él estaba con Becky Thatcher en la cueva.
Is Becky Thatcher in your wagon?
¿ Está Becky Thatcher en tu carricoche?
Fifty seven years later, before a congressional investigation Walter P. Thatcher, grand old man of Wall Street for years chief target of Kane papers'attacks on trusts recalls a journey he made as a youth.
Cincuenta y seis años después, ante una averiguación del Congreso Walter P. Thatcher, patriarca de Wall Street por años objetivo principal de los ataques de los periódicos de Kane recuerda un viaje que hizo de joven.
Tomorrow I'll go to Philadelphia, to Thatcher Library, to see his diary.
Mañana voy a la Biblioteca Thatcher, en Filadelfia, a revisar su diario.
The directors of the Thatcher Memorial Library have asked me to remind you about the conditions under which you may inspect certain portions of Mr. Thatcher's unpublished memoirs.
Los directores de la Biblioteca Thatcher Memorial me pidieron que le recordara las condiciones bajo las cuales Ud. puede revisar ciertas partes de las memorias inéditas del Sr. Thatcher.
You will confine yourself, it is our understanding to the chapters in Mr. Thatcher's manuscript regarding Mr. Kane.
Tenemos entendido que se limitará a los capítulos del manuscrito del Sr. Thatcher que hacen referencia al Sr. Kane.
Yes, I'll sign those papers now, Mr. Thatcher.
Sí, firmaré estos documentos ahora mismo, Sr. Thatcher.
It's going to be done exactly the way I've told Mr. Thatcher.
Se hará exactamente como le dije al Sr. Thatcher.
Where do I sign, Mr. Thatcher? Right here.
- ¿ Dónde debo firmar, Sr. Thatcher?
Go on, Mr. Thatcher.
Prosiga, Sr. Thatcher.
This is Mr. Thatcher, Charles.
Este es el Sr. Thatcher, Charles.
Mr. Thatcher is going to take you on a trip with him tonight.
Esta noche, el Sr. Thatcher te llevará con él en un viaje.
You're gonna live with Mr. Thatcher from now on, Charlie.
De ahora en adelante, vivirás con el Sr. Thatcher, Charlie.
I'm sorry, Mr. Thatcher.
Lo siento, Sr. Thatcher.
In closing may I remind you your 25th birthday, which is now approaching marks your complete independence from the firm of Thatcher Company, as well as acquiring the full responsibility for the world's sixth largest private fortune.
Para terminar puedo recordarte tu cumpleaños número 25, que está ya próximo y que marcará tu independencia absoluta de la firma Thatcher Compañía, y a la vez te otorgará la total responsabilidad de la sexta fortuna más grande del mundo.
"Dear Mr. Thatcher." It's from Mr. Kane.
- "Querido Sr. Thatcher." - Es del Sr. Kane.
Mr. Bernstein, I'd like you to meet Mr. Thatcher.
Señor Bernstein, quisiera presentarle al Sr. Thatcher.
Mr. Thatcher, my ex guardian.
El Sr. Thatcher, mi antiguo tutor.
We have no secrets from our readers. Thatcher is one of our devoted readers.
No tenemos secretos para nuestros lectores, y Thatcher es tan devoto.
I'll let you in on another little secret, Mr. Thatcher :
Le contaré otro pequeño secreto, Sr. Thatcher.
I've read it, Mr. Thatcher, just let me sign it and go home.
Ya lo leí, Sr. Thatcher, sólo permítame firmar y volver a casa.
You're too old to call me Mr. Thatcher, Charles.
Eres demasiado viejo para llamarme Sr. Thatcher, Charles.
"In consideration thereof, Thatcher Company agrees... "... to pay to Charles Foster Kane, as long as he lives "
"Al considerar el asunto, Thatcher Compañía acuerda pagar a Charles Foster Kane, mientras viva..."
I haven't seen anybody else, but I've been through Walter Thatcher's journal.
No he visto a nadie más, pero vi el diario de Walter Thatcher.
Thatcher never did figure him out. Sometimes even I couldn't.
Thatcher nunca lo comprendió, y en ocasiones tampoco yo pude.
- Good evening, Mr. Thatcher.
- Buenas noches, Sr. Thatcher.
What are you doing here, Thatcher?
¿ Qué haces aquí, Thatcher?
George, this is Mr. Morrison, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Conderley.
George, ellos son el Sr. Morrison, el Sr. Thatcher y el Sr. Conderley.
These are Mr. Thatcher's, and these are Mr. Conderley's.
Éstas son del Sr. Thatcher, y éstas, del Sr. Conderley.
I mean, calls other than Mr. Morrison's and Mr. Thatcher's and Mr. Conderley's?
Además del Sr. Morrison, el Sr. Thatcher y el Sr. Conderley.
Thatcher's here, Morrison's here, Conderley's here.
Están Thatcher, Morrison y Conderley.
Job, Mr. Conderley, Mr. Thatcher, Mr. Forbish and Mr. Morrison.
El Sr. Conderley, el Sr. Thatcher, el Sr. Forbish y el Sr. Morrison.
- Hello, Thatcher.
- Hola, Thatcher.
- This is my old friend, Bill Thatcher.
- Mi viejo amigo, Bill Thatcher.
- Thatcher.
- Thatcher.
Hey, Thatcher, have a look at some real country.
- Eh, Thatcher, mira un verdadero paisaje.

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