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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Thelma

Thelma Çeviri İspanyolca

740 parallel translation
What are you going to do, write him off your income tax? Why don't you ask Georgia Mansfield or Thelma Joyce how much he mooched out of them?
Si yo fuese tú, le preguntaría a Thelma y a Georgia cuanto les debe él.
Hey, Thelma, what are you, An oomph girl or an it girl?
Thelma, ¿ eres una chica bombón o del montón?
No, thelma is a girl. Come on.
No Thelma es una chica diez.
To Thelma. She's closed her account and left no address.
La de Thelma, ha cerrado su cuenta y no ha dejado dirección.
It's not like Thelma to cut herself off from her family.
Thelma no haría algo así, desaparecer sin dejar rastro.
Thelma can take care of herself.
Ya es mayor para cuidar de sí misma.
Who'd honeymoon three months with Thelma?
¿ Quién querría pasar tres meses solo con Thelma?
That's not Thelma.
¡ Thelma no haría algo así!
Something terrible's happened to Thelma!
¡ Algo terrible le ha ocurrido a Thelma!
I have a registered letter for Madame Thelma Varnay.
Traigo una carta certificada para Madame Thelma Varnay.
Thelma, darling. A registered letter, my dear.
¡ Thelma, querida, una carta certificada para ti!
- Do you know a Mme Thelma Varnay?
- ¿ Conoce a Madame Thelma Varnay?
Thelma Varnay.
Thelma Varnay.
It's too bad he didn't jilt Thelma. You're to be congratulated.
Es una pena que no le diera plantón a Thelma, debería alegrarse.
Oh, Thelma.
¡ Thelma!
Poor Thelma.
¡ Pobre Thelma!
Who is it?
- ¿ Quién es? Thelma.
- Thelma Graham.
- Thelma Graham.
- I'm Thelma Edwards.
- Y yo Thelma Edwards.
Thelma... wish me luck at Kenley.
Thelma, deséame suerte en Kenley.
Thelma, we ought to think about getting married.
¿ Sabes una cosa, Thelma? Deberíamos pensar en casarnos.
Thelma knew that in golf, as in everything he would drive himself too hard.
Thelma sabia que con el golf, como en todo, se acabaría cansando.
I've an engine in front of me, armour plate behind, and tin legs underneath.
Thelma Bader, tengo un motor delante, una plancha blindada detrás y las piernas de metal.
Thelma do you know something I'd forgotten what a very pretty girl you are.
Thelma. ¿ Sabes qué? No me acordaba de lo bonita que eres.
I wish you good luck, Thelma.
Te deseo buena suerte, Thelma.
You see Thelma.. you forgot that on the documents we figure as husband and wife.
Verás, Thelma, olvidas que figuramos como marido y mujer en los documentos.
- Thelma.
- Thelma.
Moreover, George.. well, he's not good looking, but he's the kind of guy - women like.. - I forbid you to go, Thelma!
Más aún, George no es guapo, pero es la clase de persona que gusta a las mujeres.
Find Thelma and the professor.
Encontremos a Thelma y al profesor.
- Thelma, where is that door leading to?
- Thelma, ¿ a dónde da esa puerta?
We've got a problem, Thelma.
Tenemos un problema, Thelma.
I'll free you, Thelma. I'll free you from the monster.
Yo te liberaré del monstruo, Thelma.
- No, Thelma knows where they are.
- No, Thelma sabe dónde están.
¡ Thelma!
- Thelma.
- ¡ Thelma!
My wife Thelma, she's a young woman.
Mi esposa, Thelma, es joven.
Not so fast, there was... a witness, Thelma someone-or-other. She saw it all.
No es difícil, recuerde que había... un testigo, una tal Thelma nosequé.
I'm Thelma.
Soy Thelma.
Thelma Morris.
Thelma Morris.
Your father is here with me, Thelma.
Tu padre está conmigo, Thelma.
Now, Thelma, hold it tightly in your hand.
Ahora, Thelma, sujétalo fuertemente en tu mano.
And your hand on Thelma's.
Y su mano en la de Thelma.
Now, Thelma, you must completely relax.
Ahora, Thelma, debes relajarte completamente.
Thelma, will you get my wife on the phone, please?
¿ Thelma, podrías llamar a mi esposa?
Aunt Thelma!
¡ Tía Thelma!
- Thelma's husband.
- ¡ El marido de Thelma!
Thelma, I won't take a ground job.
No, no lo haré, Thelma.
in any case... I care about you, Thelma.
... de cualquier forma, me preocupo por ti.
Fill her up, Thelma.
Llénalo, por favor.

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