There's a way Çeviri İspanyolca
10,089 parallel translation
I highly doubt it, but even if you are right, it's a long way from here to there.
Lo dudo mucho, pero aunque tengas razón, hay un largo camino de aquí a allá.
Are you suggesting there's a way to turn the pope against Mary?
¿ Estás sugiriendo que hay una manera de poner al papa en contra de María?
There's only one way we can be sure that Catherine won't betray us again.
Solo hay una manera de estar seguros de que Catalina no nos va a traicionar de nuevo.
... becoming the Black Canary, and you never would have told me that there's a way to save my sister.
... no querías que fuera Black Canary, y nunca me hubieras dicho que había una forma de salvar a mi hermana.
I've been trying to trace to Ray's message back to its point of origin, but he must have ping-ponged it off of like a thousand servers, and the back trace algorithm won't compile, which means there's no way of finding him,
He estado intentado rastrear el mensaje de Ray hasta su punto de origen, pero debe de estar rebotando desde miles de servidores, y el algoritmo de rastreo no recopilará, lo que significa que no hay forma de encontrarle, y...
There's got to be a way to get rid of this.
Tiene que haber una forma de deshacerse de esto.
There's no way Stefan didn't see Caroline's broadcast.
De ninguna manera Stefan vendrá a ver la emisora de Caroline.
There's no way she would get her mail before she left for work tomorrow. I can undo this!
No es posible que reciba el correo antes de que salga a trabajar mañana. ¡ Puedo deshacer esto!
There's no way we're running it.
De ninguna manera vamos a publicarlo.
There's only one way to save my brothers now.
Ahora solo hay una manera de salvar a mis hermanos.
No, but I'm thinking of opening a practice. Hmm. There's something about the way the skin feels.
No, pero estoy pensando abrir una consulta.
Surely you can't be so conventional as to think there's only one way to bring up a child?
Seguramente no puedes ser tan convencional como para pensar que solo hay una manera de criar a un niño.
You know, there's no way you're getting on that train to Paris without getting busted.
Sabes, no hay ninguna manera de meterte en ese tren a París sin que te atrapen.
Ah. There's always a way.
Siempre hay un modo.
Maybe there's still a way to make it work with Dmitri.
Quizás todavía hay una manera de hacer que funcione con Dmitri.
no, there's a way.
No, hay una forma.
There's always a way out.
Siempre hay un camino de salida.
Because there's... the society and the way that you treat people, the way that you treat your neighbors.
Porque está... la sociedad y el modo en que tratan a la gente el modo en que tratan a sus vecinos.
How can you, in a way, come home and feel well if you know there are so many people that can't eat, they're sick, they can't go to the doctor's, they can't get any education?
¿ Cómo puede de modo alguno sentirse bien en su casa si sabe que hay tanta gente que no puede comer que está enferma, que no puede ir al médico que no puede recibir educación?
Yes, if there's a deal happening, we want to be included in a meaningful way.
Sí, si este trato va a tener lugar, queremos ser incluidos de manera significativa.
It's just... It's obvious that somebody is listg to our conversations and then writing about it, and we're just wondering if there's any way that we could have a look at the security camera footage.
Es que... es obvio que alguien está escuchando nuestras conversaciones y escribiendo sobre eso, y nos preguntábamos si hay una manera de que podamos mirar las cámaras de seguridad.
We're funneling as many people as we can through the basement subway connect, but there's no way we're gonna evacuate the whole building in time.
Estamos sacando a tantas personas como podemos que conecta a través del sótano del metro, pero no hay forma de evacuar todo el edificio a tiempo.
It doesn't look like there's a fast way out here.
No visualizo una manera rápida para salir de aquí.
You look at this granite bust of Meritaten, where her head extends all the way back, there's no hair, and you tell me that if a guy actually made that as a mistake that he would still be allowed to work
Miras este busto de granito de Meritatón, donde su cabeza se extiende hacia atrás, no hay cabello, y dime : si realmente alguien lo hizo así por error,
So if there's any sort of defect in the embryo along the way, it could get stalled out at that earlier state.
Así si hay alguna clase de defectos en el embrión a lo largo de su camino, podría quedar completamente estancado en la etapa temprana.
There's a massive Z storm headed your way.
Hay una tormenta masiva de zombis dirigiéndose hacia vosotros.
There's a massive Z storm headed your way.
Hay una tormenta enorme de zombis dirigiéndose hacia vosotros.
There's gotta be a way out.
Tiene que haber una salida.
There's no way to connect us to those murders.
No hay manera para conectarnos a esos asesinatos.
For those of you who feel that way, there's not much I could do at this point to change your minds.
Para aquellos que se sienten así, no hay mucho que pueda hacer a este punto para hacerlos cambiar de parecer.
There's no way they're gonna share all their new shipping lanes with another superpower
No hay manera de que vayan a a compartir todas sus rutas de navegación con otro super-poder
No matter how much you think you know, there's a lot more that you don't know than you do know, and if you keep that idea in your head, if you perceive surfing that way, then you're always going to have fun.
No importa cuánto crees que sabes, hay mucho más que no sabes de lo que sí, y si no olvidas esa idea, si percibes el surf de ese modo, entonces siempre vas a divertirte.
There's only one man who ever looked at me that way.
Solo ha habido un hombre que me ha mirado a mí de esa forma.
There's no way they headed to Canada.
Es imposible que se dirijan a Canadá.
And I think there's a way to use this slippage in our favor.
Y creo que hay una manera de utilizar este deslizamiento a nuestro favor.
There's no way we're gonna get a subpoena for city hall based on hearsay told to a not-blind priest from a pathological liar.
No hay forma de que vayamos a conseguir una orden de cateo para el ayuntamiento basados en rumores dichos a un sacerdote ciego por un mentiroso patológico.
There's only one way to get over a woman walking out on you, and it involves you, me and that bar.
Solamente hay una forma de superar que una mujer te deje, y eso implica que tú y yo tenemos que ir a un bar.
There's still a long way before there's a drug on the market.
Falta mucho hasta poder colocar una droga en el mercado.
I've circumvented a number of blown circuits to see if there's any way to bring this back to life.
He salteado un número de circuitos fritos para ver si hay alguna forma de volverlo a la vida.
There's got to be a smarter way of removing it.
Tiene que haber una manera mas inteligente de removerlo.
There's no way he could've been by any noodle house.
Es imposible que pudiera haber ido a un restaurante chino.
There's no way Kindzi's gonna bring down any more Omec unless she's got something to feed them.
No hay forma de que Kindzi vaya a bajar a más Omec a no ser que tenga algo con que alimentarlos.
But if I can find out what happened to him, maybe there's a way I can let her know without telling her what's in the files.
Pero si puedo averiguar qué pasó con él, tal vez hay una manera de que pueda hacerle saber sin decirle lo que hay en los archivos.
When you're out to extract the maximum from a 240-horsepower motorcycle, there's no other way.
Cuando sales para sacar el máximo de una moto de 240 caballos, no hay otra forma.
You know, some like to make a buck, others are, well, less enthusiastic, but where there's a will there is a way.
Sabes, a algunos les gusta hacer algo de dinero, otros son, bueno, menos entusiastas, pero cuando hay voluntad hay una salida.
Yeah, but every time you solve a problem, you know that there's just more coming your way.
Sí, pero cada vez que resuelves un problema sabes que aparecerán más.
In this spot, there's not enough room in the cathedral for a sniper to lie down in a prone position, so the only way he could take the shot is if he rested his rifle on the ledge.
En este lugar, no hay suficiente espacio en la catedral para que se tendiera el francotirador, así que la única manera en que pudo disparar fue hacer descansar su rifle en la cornisa.
He may have killed people for Marco Ramos, but there's no way he shot Ray Dixon two days ago.
Puede que haya matado gente por orden de Ramos, pero no hay forma de que le haya disparado a Ray Dixon hace dos días.
There's no way they're gonna run by jumping on a commercial flight.
No hay manera de que huyan saltando a un vuelo comercial.
- I've been there- - but it's all gonna be worth it if that steamroller somehow finds its way to Carol.
- He estado allí- - pero es todo lo que va a valer la pena si esa aplanadora de alguna manera encuentra su camino a Carol.
Because there's no way in Norway we're going to Malibu.
Debido a que no hay forma en Noruega vamos a Malibu.
there's a way out 30
there's always hope 39
there's always another way 25
there's a woman 38
there's an 48
there's always something 47
there's always a way 57
there's always one 16
there's another one 165
there's always a choice 42
there's always hope 39
there's always another way 25
there's a woman 38
there's an 48
there's always something 47
there's always a way 57
there's always one 16
there's another one 165
there's always a choice 42
there's a 704
there's a storm coming 49
there's always a chance 17
there's always next year 20
there's a chance 54
there's always a price 16
there's another 63
there's a difference 256
there's another way 51
there's a big difference 58
there's a storm coming 49
there's always a chance 17
there's always next year 20
there's a chance 54
there's always a price 16
there's another 63
there's a difference 256
there's another way 51
there's a big difference 58