There's nothing to see Çeviri İspanyolca
530 parallel translation
Doctors knowjack-shit about what goes on in our heads. Brains are a mass of chemical energy. You can't open it to study it, there's nothing to see.
el punto es que los médicos no han Basura idea de lo que está dentro de nuestras cabezas el cerebro es complejo y no puede fácilmente quitarse el borde, esto es un milagro
You see, Mamie, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Mamie, no hay nada que temer.
I can see there's nothing for me to do but to stop by and show your mother how instead of doing your sums, you cover your slate with sketches.
No tendré más remedio que ver a su madre y mostrarle... Y qué dibujo más halagador.
Then, of course, there's the other type of businessman who drives his employees and invents things for them to do if there's nothing else, because he hates to see people idle.
Desde luego, hay otro tipo de empresarios que conduce a sus empleados e inventa cosas para que éstos las hagan si no hay nada más que hacer, pues odian verlos ociosos.
There's nothing for you to do that I can see.
No hay nada que pueda hacer, que yo vea.
You see, there's really nothing for me to do, what with two servants and everything.
Verás, realmente no tengo nada para hacer, con dos sirvientes y todo lo demás.
There's nothing to see.
No hay nada que ver.
There's nothing to keep me here that I can see from this angle.
Aquí no me retiene nada que vea desde este ángulo.
- There's nothing to see here!
- ¡ No hay nada que ver aquí!
Can't you see there's nothing left for me to do but go away at once?
¿ No ves que no tengo más remedio que irme de inmediato?
But there's nothing I want more right now than to see you two married.
Pero ahora no hay nada que desee mas que verles casados.
There's nothing much to see.
No hay mucho que ver.
Easy to see there's nothing on your mind.
Es evidente que no le preocupa nada.
You see, when this steel plate is removed there's nothing to prevent the bullets from going straight into your heart.
Al quitar este plato metálico, no habrá nada que impida a la bala ir directa a su corazón.
Ya verás que no hay nada que temer.
You see? There's nothing to be afraid of.
¿ Ves que no hay nada que temer?
You see, there's nothing to it when you give him the sign.
¿ Lo ves? No es tan difícil cuando les das la señal.
There's nothing unusual about a father wanting to see his daughter.
No hay nada raro en que un padre quiera ver a su hija a solas.
And there's nothing to see anyway.
Y eso que no hay nada que ver.
So you see, there's really nothing for you to concern yourself with, further.
Así que al final no tiene nada de que preocuparse.
There's nothing to see here,
No hay nada para ver aquí.
You see, Terry, I'm convinced there's something quite recent in this woman's history... that we know nothing about, which I'm almost sure would lead to the origins of her illness.
Hay algo reciente en la historia de esa mujer que ignoramos y que nos llevará al origen de su enfermedad.
There's nothing more to see.
Aqui ya no queda nada para ver. Váyanse.
There's nothing to do but see to it that none of them get off.
Sólo hemos de procurar que ninguno de ellos baje del tren.
No hay nada que a los tipos como usted les guste más que ver como hacen daño a alguien.
That's why Ben's out there on Printing-house Square. To see that nothing ever goes wrong on Park Row.
Por eso Ben está en la Plaza de los Impresores para vigilar que nada vaya mal en Park Row.
- There's nothing to see.
- No hay nada que ver.
There's nothing left to see now.
Ya no hay nada más que ver.
There's nothing to see.
Esto ya está, pueden irse.
Even a blind man can see there's nothing to be won with this gherkin.
¡ Lo ve hasta un ciego, que con este pepino no hay forma de ganar nada!
Go away, there's nothing to see.
No os quedéis aquí. Es una curiosidad vana.
There's a trail for a few feet to the other side of those reeds... and then nothing but muddy water as far as you can see.
Las huellas siguen hasta esas cañas. Luego sólo hay agua y cieno.
I guess there's nothing for me to do but see this thing through, huh?
Supongo que tengo que ver cómo termina esto.
Well, if there's nothing to see up on deck, I'm going back to bed. Good night.
Si no hay nada que ver en cubierta, me vuelvo a la cama.
You see, there's nothing to worry about.
¿ Lo ven? No hay nada de que preocuparse
There's nothing to see here.
Aquí no hay nada que ver.
Go away! There's nothing to see!
¡ Retroceded, dejaos de escándalos!
Ya te dije que había poco que ver aquí.
- there's nothing that to see.
- No hay nada que ver.
There's nothing to see.
Aquí no hay nada que ver.
There's nothing to see.
No queda nada que ver.
There's nothing to see!
¡ No hay nada que ver!
But there's nothing to see.
Pero no hay nada que ver.
There's nothing to see so if she looks for a while, it means that you're in.
No hay nada que ver por tanto, si mira mucho, significa que está receptiva.
I was determined to see the city, but everybody wanted to go on and, well, to avoid arguments, in short, there's nothing wrong with the fluid link.
Estaba decidido a ver la ciudad, pero todos queríais marcharos... y para evitar discusiones, resumiendo, el enlace del fluido no está mal.
- There's nothing special to see.
- No es nada especial.
It's past quitting time now, so there's nothing we can do tonight... but tomorrow morning, you're gonna have all that equipment transferred to clear ground... and you're gonna supply me with all the trucks and labor I need to move the Whitlock memorials... and I'm gonna see the job gets done.
Ya se ha terminado la jornada laboral, así que no podemos hacer nada hoy... pero mañana trasladarás todo el equipo a la tierra despejada... pondrás los camiones y unos peones para mover lo de los Whitlock... y yo me encargaré de que eso se haga.
Oh, yeah, there's really nothing to it, see.
Sí, no es la gran cosa.
There's nothing to see, only to hear.
No hay nada que ver. Sólo hay que escuchar.
Well, there's nothing to see but sea.
Esto es porque no hay nada que ver.
So you see, there's been no murder. You really have nothing to tell anyone.
Por lo tanto, no ha habido asesinato.
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing here 275
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing here 275
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing i can do 295