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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / There's nothing wrong with him

There's nothing wrong with him Çeviri İspanyolca

119 parallel translation
There's nothing wrong with him that the Army won't put right.
Los problemas de Davenport pasarán de aquí a unas semanas...
There's nothing wrong with him.
No tiene nada raro.
There's nothing wrong with him except he's busy fixing up the world for everybody.
Está ocupado arreglando el mundo para todos.
There's nothing wrong with him, Mr. Bakas.
No le pasa nada, señor Bakás.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No hay nada de malo con él.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No tengo nada contra él.
- There's nothing wrong with him physically.
- Bien, no le pasa nada físicamente.
For example, it does not explain how a man can have two bullets inside his body and have them removed without a whimper. It does not explain how this man's pulse can be as strong and as steady as if there was nothing else wrong with him than a cold.
Por ejemplo, no explica como un hombre puede tener dos balas dentro de su cuerpo y dejar que se las extraigan sin quejarse.
There's nothing wrong with him, he's just very tired
Tu marido no tiene nada, sólo está muy cansado.
Looks like there's nothing wrong with him.
No se preocupe por él.
Then there's nothing wrong with him? - Absolutely nothing. I told him that in my office on Friday.
- Ni lo más mínimo, ya se lo dije el viernes.
There's nothing wrong with him.
- No le pasa nada. Correrá muy bien.
It's useless, there is nothing wrong with him.
Es inútil, no hay nada mal con él.
- There's nothing wrong with him?
- No hay nada malo con él?
There's nothing wrong with him, I can prove it.
No hay nada malo en él. Puedo probarlo.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No le pasa nada.
Of course he's looking well. There's nothing wrong with him.
Claro que tiene buen aspecto.
There's nothing wrong with him.
Está bien.
- Well, there's nothing wrong with him, it's... it's just with me not being here for the next 2 weeks. - Why?
- ¿ Por qué?
Buck's vet says there's nothing wrong with him.
El veterinario de Buck dice que es nada esta mal con él.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No hay nada malo con él.
There's nothing wrong with him.
Se encuentra perfectamente.
There's nothing wrong with him painting Mom's portrait.
No tiene nada de malo que pinte el retrato de mamá.
No le pasa nada a la caldera.
There's nothing wrong with him, Quark.
- No le pasa nada.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No tiene nada malo.
Because there's nothing physically wrong with him, and I have four other patients.
No tiene ningún problema físico y tengo otros cuatro pacientes.
There's nothing wrong with him, I didn't say that.
No le pasa nada. Yo no dije eso que le pasara algo.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No hay nada malo con él
I know, but there's nothing wrong with him.
Lo sé, pero no le pasa nada.
There's nothing wrong with him?
¿ No le pasa nada malo?
I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with him.
Creo que no tiene nada en lo absoluto.
There's nothing physically wrong with him.
Físicamente está en perfecto estado.
There's nothing wrong with him.
No tiene nada de malo. Es un gran chico.
Because there's nothing wrong with him.
Porque no hay nada malo con él.
To Tom's pop, the old doctor, who imagined he had a new ailment every single day and was thus increasingly addicted to the simpler coordination tests from his medical school days, she had to be severe, telling him that there was nothing wrong with him.
Con el padre de Tom, el viejo doctor, que imaginaba que tenía una nueva afección cada día y se volvía crecientemente adicto a los más simples test de coordinación de sus días de universidad, ella tenía que ser severa, diciéndole que no tenía nada malo.
You go tell him there's nothing wrong with him.
Vaya usted y dígale que no tienen ningún problema.
There's nothing physically wrong with him.
Físicamente está bien.
Physically, there's nothing serious wrong with him.
Físicamente, no tiene nada malo.
Take him away, there's nothing wrong with him.
- Llévenselo, no le pasa nada. - ¿ Nada, eh?
- There's nothing wrong with him.
- No tiene nada de malo.
So with all his complaining, his incapacitation... that pinched look on his face... there's nothing wrong with him?
Con todas sus quejas, su incapacidad su mala cara ¿ no padece nada?
- There's nothing wrong with him?
¿ No hay nada malo en él?
There's nothing wrong with him.
- Él no está loco.
What? No, there's nothing wrong with him.
No tiene ninguna falla.
He's a good guy, there's nothing wrong with him.
ÉI es un muchacho simpático.
You named him Dylan. The doctors say there's nothing wrong with me.
Los doctores dicen que no tengo nada.
- There's nothing wrong with him. You're talking about my brother here, okay?
No le pasa nada malo, estás hablando de mi hermano ¿ vale?
There's nothing wrong with him.
No hay nada mal con el bebe.
There's nothing wrong with me,... apart from being poisoned by him.
A mí no me pasa nada,... aparte de haber sido envenenada por él.
There's probably nothing wrong with him.
- Probablemente no tiene nada.

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