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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / There are so many of them

There are so many of them Çeviri İspanyolca

135 parallel translation
There are so many of them.
Sí, señor.
There are so many of them...
Hay muchos, muchísimos.
There are so many of them...
Ah, hay tantos.
There are so many of them.
Hay muchos.
There are so many of them.
Hay tantos.
You were mad to buy those roses, there are so many of them in the garden.
Estas rosas son una locura, el jardín rebosa de ellas.
But there are so many of them.
Pero ellos son muchos.
No, but there are so many of them.
- No, pero hay muchos amarrados.
There are so many of them.
Hay por todas partes.
There are so many of them down there... that they eat up all the crops.
Hay tantas allá que se comen los cultivos.
There are so many of them.
Tiene muchos.
There are so many of them and increasing.
Son tantos y siempre vienen más.
those habits of seclusion that in the eyes of the fools - and there are so many of them - risk to be considered, contempt.
esos hábitos de aislamiento que - a los ojos de los tontos - y hay demasiados de ellos - corren el riesgo de ser considerados desprecio.
There are so many of them.
Son demasiados.
There are so many of them.
Son tantos jóvenes.
A burial this morning. That's why there are so many of them.
Un entierro hoy, por eso son tantos.
Silly, there are so many of them!
¡ Idiota! Hay demasiada gente.
But, your highness, there are so many of them, and they will not cooperate.
Pero, su Alteza, existen muchos de ellos, y no van a cooperar.
There are so many of them about.
Hay muchas de ellas hoy en día
There are so many of them here.
Hay muchos de ellos por aquí.
"There are so many of them... whom will I call my lover?"
Aquel que me abrace, me trate con amor, de él soy su querida.
"There are so many of them... whom do I call my lover?"
Aquel que me toque, nunca me olvidara, de él soy su querida.
It may be that there are so many of them that it will take time... for the flush and deactivate command to spread through their ranks.
Puede que al ser tan numerosos la orden de salida y desactivación tarde en propagarse a todos ellos.
But there are so many of them.
Pero eran demasiadas
God, there are so many of them!
¡ Mi Dios, hay tantos aqui!
Yeah, there are so many of them.
Sí, son muchos.
There are so many of them in my neighborhood.
allá para mis lados es Io que más hay.
There are so many of them!
¡ Hay tantos de ellos!
There are so many of them.
Hay muchas.
There are so many of them.
Son tantas.
There aren't many virgins left, so some of them are turning to babies.
No quedan muchas vírgenes por lo que algunos de ellos están recurriendo a los bebés.
I recall taking a prize ship off of Peru once and there was too many of them to share the treasure with so Flint and me, we waits till all hands are asleep...
Una vez, cerca de Perú había demasiada gente para repartir el tesoro así que Flint y yo esperamos a que estuviesen dormidos...
I took so many people there! And all of them are well and happy.
A cuántos he llevado que hoy están más contentos que unas pascuas.
Yes, there are far too many of them... so you might as well kill him.
Sí, hay demasiados... podríais matarle también.
But there are so many rich young men around these days, loads of them.
Pero hay tantos jóvenes ricos por ahí estos días.
Now we don't know how many of them there are, so we'll have to tread carefully.
No sabemos aún cuántos de ellos hay, por lo que tendremos que andar con cuidado.
Why, there are so many chickens now... that we can eat some and let some of them live... in order to supply us with eggs.
Mira... Ahora tenemos muchas tantas que podemos comernoslas y aun dejar alguna con vida solo para que nos proporcionen huevos.
- Yes, I know. There are more of them now, many more. And as their numbers increase, so, it seems, does their aggression.
Hay más ahora, muchos más, y mientras aumente su número, así aumentará su agresividad.
Why are there so many of them in a war?
? Por qué hay tantos en una guerra?
There are so damned many of them!
Son requete muchas.
It isn't easy, uh, to select a favorite period of time, so many of them are attractive, but there are little periods of time that, um, that you might relate to.
No es fácil, uh, seleccionar un período de tiempo favorito, muchos de ellos son atractivos, pero hay pequeños períodos de tiempo que, um, con los que podrían identificarse.
There are so many things here you can't understand, and a linear induction corridor is one of them.
Hay demasiadas cosas aquí que no entiendes,... y un corredor de inducción lineal es una de ellas.
So many skiers and holiday-makers here atthis time of year, and many of them are unregistered. There's no way of telling who they are.
Hay tantos esquiadores y turistas aquí en esta época del año... y tantos no están registrados en hoteles que es imposible identificarlos.
There are so many plants on the Earth that there's a danger of thinking them trivial of losing sight of the subtlety and efficiency of their design.
Hay tantas plantas que se corre el riesgo de trivializarlas de olvidar la sutileza y eficiencia de su diseño.
The killer wouldn't have had much time to get rid of them and there are so many places where they could have hidden them. Apart from the fact that they could have buried them in the garden.
El asesino no tuvo mucho tiempo para deshacerse de ellos... pero hay montón de lugares para esconderlos en esta casa... y creo que a menos que lo imagines, los cuerpos aún... están aquí.
I don't know how many of them there are, so be ready for anything.
No sé cuántos son, prepárense para lo peor.
But there are so many government officers and leaders who fill their own pockets in the name of the motherland who fire bullets at poor people, and deprive them of their living.
Hay funcionarios del gobierno y tantos líderes que se llenan los bolsillos en nombre de la patria que abren fuego contra los pobres, además de privarles de la vida.
But there are so many cards, and some of them are under the table, too.
Hay tantas cartas, y muchas de ellas están bajo la mesa.
There are so many young girls in the house, what if he woos one of them?
Hay tantas chicas jóvenes aquí, ¿ y si corteja a una de ellas?
There are so many kinds of sweets... but i  s the water that makes them special.
Hay muchas clases de dulces, pero es el agua lo que los hace especiales.
I used to know everybody in this country but there are so damn many of them now.
Yo conocía a todo el mundo en esta tierra Pero hay condenadamente muchos de ellos ahora.

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