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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They want to talk to you

They want to talk to you Çeviri İspanyolca

360 parallel translation
They want to talk to you and you don't talk...
Quieren hablar contigo, y tú no les hablas.
They want to talk to you.
Maybe they want to talk to you. What can I do about it?
O hablarían con Ud. ¿ Qué puedo hacer?
D.A.'s office. They want to talk to you down there.
El fiscal del distrito quiere hablar con usted.
They want to talk to you, stewardess.
Quieren hablar con usted, azafata.
- They want to talk to you, sir.
- Quieren hablar con usted, señor.
Mrs. Goldstein, they want to talk to you. I'm not going in there.
Sra. Goldstein, ellos quieren hablarle.
- They want to talk to you.
- Quieren hablar con usted.
They want to talk to you.
Quieren hablar con usted.
No, they want to talk to you.
No, quieren hablar con usted. ¿ Y bien?
They want to talk to you about that bomb.
Quieren hablarte de la bomba.
Your father and MacGyver are here. They want to talk to you.
Tu padre y MacGyver quieren hablar contigo.
You're a brave lad. But why should they want to talk to you?
Muy bien, pero habrá tempestad cuando lo encuentre.
There's some cops out front, and they want to talk to you!
Papá. Unos policías quieren hablar contigo.
They want to talk to you too, since you were there.
Quieren hablar contigo, porque estuviste allí.
They want to talk to you about Sam Garcia.
Quieren hablarte de Sam García.
There are three gentlemen waiting down the hall, they urgently want to talk to you.
Abajo en el hall esperan tres caballeros. Quieren hablar urgentemente con Uds.
I want to talk to you about that... they'll blow down this winter anyway.
Quería hablarle de eso... aunque se caerán este invierno.
They... - They don't want me to talk to you.
No quieren que hable contigo.
That's how they want to hear you talk.
Eso es cómo quieren oírle hablar.
- Oh. - They want you to talk on the Crisis of Faith.
- Quieren que hable sobre la crisis de la fe.
They've told me that you don't want to talk either. But people like us will certainly come to an understanding.
Tampoco usted quiere hablar pero la gente como nosotros acaba siempre por entenderse.
Well, you can talk all you want to about Niagara Falls and the pyramids, but they're not in it at all.
Pueden decir lo que quieran de las cataratas del Niágara o las pirámides pero no tiene nada que ver.
Entre mas edad tienen mas fuerte hablan... y entre mas quieren... menos posibilidades tienen de obtenerlo.
Have you ever seen white kids talk to us except when they want something?
¿ Acaso desde que estás en la escuela o en el instituto... has visto que vinieran a hablarte si no era por interés?
They wouldn't talk to you at the sanitarium. Want me to do it?
No te darían información en el sanatorio. ¿ Llamo yo?
And if you want to talk about your oath of office, I'm here to tell you, face to face, President Lyman, that you violated that oath when you stripped this country of its muscles, when you played upon the fear and fatigue of the people, and told them they could remove that fear
Si quiere hablar del juramento de su cargo... le diré que lo ha violado cuando nos arrancó nuestra fuerza.
Happily, Her Majesty's farseeing benevolence provides a sanctuary for sad people like you... who think they can talk to animals and want to treat them like human beings.
Sí tomó seis raciones de tarta de moras. Gracias.
When your children grow up and you want to talk serious I hope they make jokes. - Sorry.
Cuando hables con tus hijos bromearán.
It's because they don't want to talk to you. Only with the toughest man in the company.
No quieren hablar con Ud., sino con el socio más duro de la empresa.
That's how it is - when you want to talk, they're gone.
Pero así son las cosas : cuando quieres hablar con alguien, ya no está.
- You talk like an old woman "a wife... a child" that's what they want to trap you. - How do you know he's dead?
La cuchillada no fue para menos.
What do you mean you want to talk to me. Everybody down there is so goddamn... goddamn cheap they won't buy a goddamn paper.
Todos son una cuerda de limpios no van a comprar un maldito periódico.
"'cos they don't want anything from you, you don't want anything from them, you just hang out, you can be with them and get fun and just talk to them and all that bullshit, maybe hanging out with them.
"Porque no quieren nada de ti, puedes salir con ellos y pasarlo bien. Puedes hablar con ellos, y toda esa mierda."
They tell you they want you to... To talk nice, and act nice...
Quieren que les hables con educación y que te portes bien...
They just want to talk to you.
Ellos sólo quieren hablar contigo.
You don't take it on trust when someone you've never heard of phones and says they work at GCHQ and they want to talk.
Uno no suele fiarse cuando alguien a quien no conoces te llama, te dice que trabaja en el GCHQ y que quiere hablar contigo.
Hablan conmigo. ¿ Qué quieres que haga?
Don't want me to skip and find what they talk about you?
Eso dice la portada. ¿ Voy donde hablan de ti?
All they want to do is talk about how they're going to kill you.
Lo único que quieren es hablar de cómo van a matarte.
They buried Emily Ngubene today... and you want to talk about survival.
Fue enterrado hoy Ngubene Emily y que quieres hablar de la supervivencia.
Talk about what they want to talk about,... or you don't talk at all,... or you wind up talking to yourself.
Habla de lo que ellos quieren hablar... tú no, hablas de todo O uno habla consigo misma.
They say you want to talk to me.
Dicen que quieres hablar conmigo.
You want me to talk with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics see if they have any problems?
¿ Desea que hable con la Agencia Federal de Narcóticos para ver si hay problemas?
Feminists want to tell you how to talk. And they're not alone, they're not alone,
¡ Las feministas quieren decirte cómo debes hablar!
People come to talk to you about things they want to reveal.
La gente acude a ti para hablar de cosas que quieren confesarte.
As Counsellor, you get them to talk about things they don't want to reveal.
Como consejera, les tienes que sacar las cosas que no quieren confesar.
I guarantee that they don't want to talk to you, Captain.
Le garantizo que no quieren hablar con usted, capitán.
Also, I want you to get Abe... to talk to some of those friends of his... see if they can't get this cop transferred... or retired or something.
Dile a Abe que hable con algunos de sus amigos... a ver si pueden transferir o jubilar a este policía.
They don't want you here, and nobody gonna talk to you.
No te quieren aquí y nadie hablará contigo.
You want to talk to Michael about that. He was there when they found the poor mate.
Quiere uste hablar con Michael acerca de ello el se encontraba allí cuando encontraron al pobre hombre.

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