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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / This is funny to you

This is funny to you Çeviri İspanyolca

179 parallel translation
- This is funny to you.
- Esto es divertido para ti. - No.
- This is funny to you? - Yes.
- Marianne- - ¿ Esto te parece divertido?
This is funny to you, huh?
, ¿ te parece gracioso?
This is funny to you?
¿ Te parece gracioso?
This is funny to you?
¿ Te parece divertido?
Oh, oh, this is funny to you?
¿ Te parece gracioso? ¿ Sí?
I'm glad that this is funny to you.
Me alegra que te divierta.
This is funny to you.
Para usted, esto es gracioso.
- This is funny to you?
- ¿ Te parece cómico?
This is funny to you, huh?
Estoy es muy divertido para ti, no?
This is the first time I've ever asked you to break that funny little rule of yours.
Es la primera vez que te pido que violes esa rara regla que tienes.
This is funny, me telling you not to let anyone make a fool of you.
Esto tiene gracia, yo diciéndote que no dejes que ninguna mujer te embobe.
Jerry, this is no time for you to be funny. All right, then, you be funny.
Jerry, no es momento para bromas.
This is a funny place to ask you. It's a funny time, too, but...
Un lugar y un momento extraños para preguntártelo, pero...
- This is a funny place for you to be.
- Un sitio divertido para encontrarte.
Maybe this is a funny kind of praying to you guys, but it "s what I" m thinking and praying.
Os parecerá una oración rara, pero es lo que pienso y rezo.
Darling, this is a funny way for a man to find out he's a father, but you are.
Querido, esta es una forma extraña... para que un hombre se entere de que es padre... pero lo eres.
Listen, don't you think this is a funny way to get hurt?
¿ No le ha extrañado esta quemadura?
He said, "Don't you think this is a funny way to get hurt?" Or something like that.
"No cree que esta quemadura es muy rara?" A algo así.
What you tryin'to be funny? - This is funny?
¿ Qué pasa, te parece gracioso?
Only have to say thank you, this is so funny.
Decir sólo gracias es extraño.
You think this is funny to you?
¿ Les hace gracia?
Oh, uh, this is a funny question to be asking your own brother but you're not married, are you?
Bueno, una pregunta curiosa para hacérsela a un hermano. No estás casado, ¿ verdad?
If this is your idea of a funny joke Bud, let me tell you this. Someone is going to pay through the nose. ─ Now, wait a minute.
Si esta es tu idea de una broma divertida, Bud, deja que te diga que alguien va a pagar con su nariz.
Now the question I want to ask you is not a serious one, it's funny. Answer it as you like, maybe even with a joke. This is the question :
Habéis visto a un joven que deja su mundo antiguo... con sus viejos dioses y creencias, etc., hijo del jefe de la tribu, como en el fondo es Agamenón, y llega a experimentar el mundo occidental, moderno :
- Oh, is this the way pheasant's supposed to taste? - It tastes funny. - Oh, Margaret, I assure you.
Habría apostado a que no podían meter a cuatro en un saco de dormir.
And you think this is funny to me?
¿ Y a mí crees que me hace gracia?
And he looked at me... real funny, sort of sad like... and he said, "So this is all it takes to make you happy."
Y me miró de un modo extraño. De una forma triste. Y dijo : "¿ Esto es lo que necesitas para ser feliz?".
You know, this is going to sound kind of funny, but I remember when I was a kid, I used to go to church.
Sabes, esto sonará gracioso pero recuerdo que de niño solía ir a la iglesia.
You know, the funny thing about this baby is that It's going to be growing up with alf.
- Lo curioso es que este bebé..... se criará con Alf.
Katie, this is not funny. You know what this does to me.
Katie, esto no es gracioso.
Daddy, I just wanted to let you know that even though some of these demented lowerclassmen think this Wally Sparks is funny, I find the man a complete and total abomination.
Papá, solo quería que supieras que aunque algunos locos bajos piensen que Wally Sparks es cómico, yo hayo que el hombre es un completamente repulsivo.
Why is this funny to you?
¿ Por qué te parece divertido?
I am not able to, I don't make this wants and don't go is you made love until that we lived in that together funny world.
Nunca te amé, ni lo haré mientras vivamos.
Well, you don't have to dissect it if you could just tell me why this is supposed to be funny.
No tiene que hacerle disección si me dice por qué se supone que es gracioso.
Is this where you try to be funny and tell me that Cher is coming?
¿ Aquí es donde tratas de ser cómico y me dices que vendrá Cher?
- Is this funny to you?
- ¿ Esto te divierte?
You see, we're on the same cover. And a little funny thing that I like to do with this is to go like this. Watch this :
Compartimos la portada y me gusta hacer algo gracioso con ella, hago esto miren esto, Julia y yo.
Is this shit funny to you?
¿ Te hace gracia esta mierda?
Hey, Max, if Fluffy is going all funny, You think this has anything to do with...?
Max, si Pelusa está raro, ¿ no crees que...?
- Funny, sir... how you always seem to find yourself in an Alliance-friendly bar come "U" Day... - See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia... all paranoid and crotchety- - breaks the heart. - looking for a quiet drink.
Qué raro, señor, pero siempre resulta estar... en un bar de la Alianza, el Día U, buscando beber algo.
Before we talk about this, it's so funny, my mom has just been dying to ask you... how your wife is doing.
Antes de hablar de esto, mi madre se muere de ganas de preguntarle... cómo está su esposa.
This is pretty funny to you, huh?
Esto es bastante gracioso, ¿ eh?
Why is this funny to you?
¿ Qué tiene de gracioso?
Maybe I'm just a spoilsport, but dad is dead, and this isn't funny anymore, and you, little brother, need to grow the fuck up.
Puede que sea una aguafiestas, pero papá está muerto y esto ya no tiene gracia, y tú, hermanito, madura de una maldita vez.
This is funny. You're just too close to it.
Es gracioso. ¡ Así eres tú!
You know, it's so funny. What I notice about this group of six is that, as far as I can tell, no one wants to take a leadership position and say,
lo que note de este grupo de seis es que, hasta donde puedo decir, nadie quiere tomar la posición de liderazgo y decir,
This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild, and clever you really are.
Es porque quieres que la gente sepa lo bueno, lo atractivo, lo generoso, lo gracioso, lo salvaje y lo inteligente que eres.
And also, you know, another thing is that you had this brilliantly funny tag that you wrote that I was lucky enough to perform and the critics loved and what do they do?
Y además, otra cosa es que teníamos... ese brillante parlamento que tú escribiste... y que fui afortunada de decir y los críticos lo amaron.. ¿ Y qué hacen?
You think someone threatening to kill this girl is funny?
¿ Te hace gracia la amenaza de matar a esa chica? No.
I know none of this is funny, except that I can't believe that you all have to resort to this sort of behavior to deal with your spouses.
Sé que nada de esto es divertido salvo que no puedo creer que todos ustedes deban recurrir a este tipo de conducta para lidiar con sus esposos.

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