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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / This isn't funny anymore

This isn't funny anymore Çeviri İspanyolca

71 parallel translation
I'm a shadow of myself and this isn't funny anymore.
Soy el fantasma de mí mismo, no puedo hacer más el tonto.
- This isn't funny anymore!
- ¡ Esto ya no es divertido!
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto ya no es gracioso.
Stop it. This isn't funny anymore.
Déjalo, ya no tiene gracia.
This guy Legba isn't funny anymore.
El tal Legba ya no resulta gracioso.
Eric, this isn't funny anymore.
¿ Qué haces en la chimenea?
Hey, come on, guys. This isn't funny anymore.
Vamos, muchachos, ya no es divertido.
This isn't funny anymore guys.
¿ Qué muera quien? TU.
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto ya no es divertido.
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto no tiene gracia.
[Taylor, Microphone Off] This isn't funny anymore!
Esto ya no es divertido!
I finally realize this isn't funny anymore.
Por fin entendí que no es divertido.
This isn't funny anymore. This isn't cute.
Esto ya no es divertido.
Okay, this... This isn't funny anymore.
Está bien, esto ya no me causa gracia.
Adam, this joke isn't funny anymore!
¡ Adam, esta broma ya no tiene gracia!
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto ya no es más gracioso.
You know, this isn't funny anymore.
Esto ya no tiene gracia.
Okay, Frasier, this isn't funny anymore.
Bueno, Frasier, esto no es gracioso.
Listen Klaus, this isn't funny anymore.
Escuche Klaus, esto ya no es gracioso.
Maybe I'm just a spoilsport, but dad is dead, and this isn't funny anymore, and you, little brother, need to grow the fuck up.
Puede que sea una aguafiestas, pero papá está muerto y esto ya no tiene gracia, y tú, hermanito, madura de una maldita vez.
This stuff isn't even funny anymore.
Esto ya ni siquiera es gracioso.
Okay, this isn't funny anymore.
De acuerdo, esto no es gracioso.
This isn't funny anymore!
¡ No tiene nada de chistoso!
I think this isn't funny anymore.
Ya no me parece divertido.
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto ya no tiene gracia.
Andrew isn't playing around so much anymore either. Funny, at this point I don't really care. I know where his heart lies.
Andrew ya no anda en busca de aventuras chistoso, a este altura ya ni me importa yo sé donde está su corazón
This isn't funny anymore.
Ya no es gracioso.
This guy won't a nail-cutter anymore, isn't that funny?
Este tipo no tendrá que cortarse más las uñas ¿ no es eso gracioso?
This isn't funny anymore, Frankie.
Esto ya no es divertido, Frankie.
Jill, it's Chuck, you have to open the door! Go away, Chuck! This isn't funny anymore.
Jill, soy Chuck, Tienes que abrir la puerta vete Chuck esto ha perdido la gracia mira, es una emergencia, vale?
Look, this isn't funny anymore!
¡ Ya no tiene gracia!
- This isn't funny anymore!
- ¡ Esto no me gusta!
This isn't funny anymore!
No me parece divertido.
Seriously, this isn't funny anymore.
En serio, esto ya no es divertido.
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto no es divertido.
- Sara, this isn't funny anymore, okay?
- Sara, esto no es más divertido, ¿ de acuerdo?
This isn't funny anymore, Kiara.
Ya no es divertido, Kiara.
Come on, this isn't funny anymore.
Vamos, esto ya no es gracioso.
Okay, you know what, this isn't funny anymore.
Vale, esto ya no es divertido.
This isn't funny anymore. She is still shutting me out.
Esto ya no tiene gracia, sigue dejandome fuera.
This isn't funny anymore, Maurice.
Esto ya no es gracioso, Maurice.
This isn't funny anymore, Ali.
Esto no tiene gracia, Ali.
This isn't funny anymore.
Esto ya no me hizo gracia.
This isn't fuckin'funny anymore. This isn't funny anymore, man.
Esto ya no me hizo gracia, carajo.
Take back your curse. This isn't funny anymore.
Quítame la maldición, no tiene gracia.
! ( Clatter ) If this is you, Noel, this isn't funny anymore!
! ¡ Si eres tú, Noel, esto ya no es divertido! No te lo vas a creer, creo que Noel Kahn acaba de enviarme la grabación de seguridad de su cabaña de la noche que Maya murió. ¿ Qué tal fue tu cita?
Hey! This isn't funny anymore
No tiene ninguna gracia.
This isn't fucking funny anymore, Serge. All right? Can you stop?
Esto ya no es gracioso, Serge. ¿ Puedes parar?
Okay, Sutton, this isn't funny anymore.
Ok, Sutton, Ya no es divertido.
This isn't funny anymore!
¡ Felix, ya no es divertido!
This isn't funny anymore.
No tiene gracia.

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