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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / This one's on the house

This one's on the house Çeviri İspanyolca

80 parallel translation
This one's on the house.
Corre por cuenta nuestra.
- No. This one's on the house, folks.
- No, invita la casa, amigos.
- It's alright, lady. This one's on the house.
Invito yo.
Get right on up there,'cause this one's on the house.
Siéntate, porque la casa invita.
Whatever you say, Mac. This one's on the house.
Está en mi ruta.
This one's on the house.
No tiene una definición médica.
And this one's on the house.
Y esto va por la casa.
This one's on the house.
Ésta es gratis.
No, this one's on the house.
No, a esta, invito yo.
Lady, if you're game for this one, he's on the house.
Señora, si le apetece esto, invita la casa.
This one's on the house.
Invitación de la casa.
- This one's on the house.
- Esto lo paga la casa.
This one's on the house.
Y va por cuenta de la casa.
This one's on the house.
Es gentileza de la casa.
This name was perhaps not unnaturally accredited to Combayne Fallstoward, the house's new occupant, apparently much to her annoyance, but it did not go unnoticed that she signed her letters on more than one occasion with the initials WS.
Este nombre se acreditaba naturalmente a Combayne Fallstoward, la nueva ocupante de la casa, lo cual le daba mucha rabia, pero no le pasó desapercibido que firmara sus cartas en más de una ocasión con las iniciales WS.
- This one's on the house.
- lnvita la casa.
Guess this one's on the house then.
Entonces éste corre por cuenta de la casa.
- this one's on the house.
Ah, y Sam, - Ese es uno de la casa.
This one's on the house.
Está en la casa.
This one's on the house.
- A ésta invita la casa.
This one's on the house.
Se trata de su casa.
And this one's on the house.
Y la casa invita.
- This one's on the house.
- A este invita la casa.
Nah, this last one's on the house.
No, a esta última invita la casa.
If there's a second execution or a third execution- - and this sometimes occurs when they have more than one execution at the same time- - the guards in the death house now have to work and stand on a floor... that's dampened and wet... with this highly conductive urine.
Si hay una segunda o tercera ejecución... - y a veces sucede cuando hay más de una ejecución a la vez - los guardias tienen que trabajar y pisar en un suelo que está húmedo y mojado con orina que es altamente conductora.
This one's on the house.
La casa invita.
This one's on the house if you do me one favor.
Este es una invitación de la casa... -... si me haces un favor.
This is the house's style : two front pockets, one on the back.
Éste es eI estilo de Ia casa : dos bolsillos adelante, dos atrás.
This one's already been house broken... take it easy on the face.
Ésta ya está adiestrada, no le deis en la cara.
tell you what, this one, it's on the house.
¿ Sabes qué te digo? A esta invita la casa.
No, don't worry, this one's on the house.
- Es que yo no... - La casa invita.
This one's on the house, right, Gypsy boy?
Guarda eso. Invita la casa, ¿ verdad, gitano?
This one's on the house.
Este es de la casa.
This one's on the house.
Invita la casa.
There's only one way to win the war on dirt in this house.
Hay sólo una forma de ganarle la guerra a la suciedad en esta casa.
You're right, I don't, so this one's on the house.
Tienes razón, no te la debo, así que esta va por cuenta de la casa.
This one's on the house. Well, I reallyappreciate that, but I do like to pay my own way.
Bueno, en verdad lo aprecio, pero me gustaría pagar a mi manera.
Can you draw a map to Sissy's house on my hand... and a map to the hospital on this one?
¿ Me dibujas el mapa a casa de Sissy en ésta... y el mapa al hospital en esta otra mano?
This one's on the house.
- La casa invita.
This one's on the house.
Éste lo invita la casa.
- This one's on the house.
- A esta invita la casa.
I tell you what, this one's on the house.
Este es cortesía de la casa.
This one's on the house, Darwin.
Va por cuenta de la casa, Darwin.
Well, this one's on the house.
- Este va por la casa.
Who's the one who put the down payment on this house?
¿ Quién fue la que puso el adelanto para la casa?
This one's on the house.
Esta es de parte de la casa.
On one condition though you'll wear what i ask you to there's one designer in this house... booking in the name of rahul sareen? Vert good idea!
Muy bien
Yes, because of the few possessions I have left in this house, there isn't one that hasn't made an appearance on some Antiques Roadshow Flog It Up David Dickinson's Arse.
Sí, porque de las pocas pertenencias que he dejado en esta casa, falta una, que no ha aparecido en ningún "Antiques Roadshow", ni en "Flog It Up" ni en el culo de David Dickinson.
This one's on the house. - Thanks, but...
La casa invita.
This one's on the house. Thank you, Pony.
Esta es la casa.
This one's on the house.
Ésta va por la casa.

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