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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Tickled

Tickled Çeviri İspanyolca

482 parallel translation
I only tickled you. ( GIGGLING ) Stop that!
Solo te hago cosquillas Sueltame!
I'm tickled to death.
Estoy como unas castañuelas.
I personally am tickled to death. - Aren't you, Pete?
Desde que este desafortunado Williams... ha sido realmente indultado,
I'd be tickled to death if you'd be my guest some night when I get back.
Me encantaría invitarlo a cenar cuando regrese.
Tickled pink.
Now Marvin, everyone tickled to death to know that you're going to be right in.. Well.. in the camp of the enemy, day and night.
Ahora todos se alegran de tenerte en el campo de enemigo.
You ought to be tickled to death you're washed-up with him.
Deberías alegrarte de habértelo quitado de encima.
I'm tickled to death.
Soy muy feliz.
In fact, you tickled me.
De hecho, me hizo cosquillas.
Here, sign that and I'll be tickled to death to get a divorce.
Toma, firma esto y estaré contentísima de obtener el divorcio.
Exhibitors everywhere will be tickled pink to get ready-made prologues.
Los exhibidores estarán complacidos al conseguir prólogos ya hechos.
Will my wife and kids be tickled to death!
Mi mujer y mis hijos estarán encantados.
My wife and daughter would be tickled to death to see you.
Mi esposa y mi hija estarían encantadas de conocerla.
You tickled me.
Me hizo cosquillas.
Nick, am I tickled to death to see you.
Nick, no sabes cuánto me alegro de verte.
Selma will be tickled to death to see me.
Selma estará encantada de volver a verme.
They're tickled to death, and they buy our cars.
Ellos son muy felices, y compran nuestros coches.
Gosh, honey. I thought you were gonna be tickled to death I got a raise.
Cielos, cariño, creí que estarías encantada de la vida con mi aumento de sueldo.
Tickled to death to be traveling with you.
Estoy encantado de viajar con Ud.
¿ Te hizo cosquillas?
He's tickled pink.
Está emocionado.
I've never tickled a woman's fancy before.
Ninguna se ha cruzado en mi camino.
After I give Cynthia the air, she'll be tickled even with you, Beezy.
Y cuando deje a Cynthia, estará feliz incluso contigo, Beezy.
Most actors would be tickled to death to get as close to a lamb chop as you.
A cualquier actor le ilusionaría estar tan cerca de una chuleta de cordero.
And Mary's father will be tickled to death.
El padre de Mary estará contentísimo.
Boy, will he be tickled. Him so broke, and with $ 40,000 worth of merchandise in an upstairs closet.
En bancarrota y con mercancía por 40.000 dólares en un armario.
Then during the act, he tickled the wound with his whip.
Entonces durante la actuación, le arañaba en la herida con su látigo.
- He must have been tickled pink.
- Ha debido morirse de risa.
Plenty of the girls are tickled to death!
¡ Muchas de las chicas mueren de la risa!
Buck and I are tickled to death to be rid of you.
Estaremos muy felices de deshacernos de ti.
¿ Has pensado en...
If Williams has been reprieved, I'm tickled to death. Aren't you?
Si han indultado a Williams, yo me alegro. ¿ Y tú, Pete?
- Does she like to have her ears tickled?
¿ Le gusta que le hagan cosquillas?
Don't mind them, Mike. We're all tickled pink you got a break.
Nos alegramos por ti, Mike.
Una sorpresa maravillosa, Merrick. ¡ Una sorpreas maravillosa!
Oh, Burton, tráenos algo de beber, ¿ quieres?
Why, she was tickled pink.
Estaba en la gloria.
I got a couple of guys who'd be tickled to buy a girl like you a drink.
Tengo dos amigos a los que les encantaría invitar a una belleza como tú a una copa.
I am tickled to death to have callers.
Estoy contentísima de tener visitas.
Oh, he'll be tickled pink.
Sí, contentísimo.
Not that I'm not tickled to death to see you.
No es que no me alegre mucho de verte.
I'm tickled pink.
Estoy muy contento.
And if my face is red, it's because I'm tickled pink to be here.
Y si estoy sonrojada es porque estoy encantada de estar aquí.
Perhaps his horse tickled him in the ribs.
Quizá su caballo le hizo cosquillas.
I'm tickled to death to have you worry about me.
Me divierte mucho tu preocupación por mí.
Yes, and I'm tickled to death.
Sí, tengo curiosidad.
No, no, he was tickled to death about the whole thing.
No, no, estaba muerto de risa con todo esto.
It tickled.
Will Mrs. Smith be tickled pink!
La Sra. Smith se pondrá contentísima.
Tickled pink.
Tickled to death to see me, huh? Tickled to death, eh, kid?
Tony, lleva a estos caballeros a una buena mesa, ¿ quieres?

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