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Undefeated Çeviri İspanyolca

546 parallel translation
Gerard got a new coaching job, Ronny and Arthur's team is undefeated,
Gerard consiguió un nuevo trabajo como entrenador, equipo Ronny y de Arthur está invicto,
If you'll resign from the ring... the undefeated champion of the world... I'll make you my partner in the dairy business.
Si cuelgas Ios guantes como campeón invicto, te haré mi socio en eI negocio de Ios lácteos.
The Hog Wallow Boys, undefeated champions of Sangamon County, led by Buck Troop!
¡ Los How Wallow Boys, campeones invictos del Condado de Sangamon, liderados por Buck Troup!
And that is, that wherever she goes, there is always in her life a permanent and undefeated rival.
- Y es... que siempre habrá en su vida un permanente e imbatible rival.
Ladies and gentlemen, you've just witnessed a masterful exhibition of bag punching... by the undefeated marvel of the prize ring... and contender of the world's heavyweight championship, Killer Kane!
Acaban de presenciar una magnífica exhibición de boxeo... por parte de la invencible maravilla del cuadrilátero... y aspirante al título por los pesos pesados : ¡ Asesino Kane!
The undefeated champ.
La campeona invencible.
Not 100 percent undefeated.
No totalmente invencible.
- Still the undefeated champ!
- ¡ Es todo un campeón! - ¡ Y aficionado!
No undefeated, but retired.
No invicto, pero retirado.
The youngster, undefeated in 22 professional encounters, Kid Rodriguez,... and the veteran, Davey Gordon, who's emerged victorious in 88 fights,... while losing nine and drawing two.
El joven Kid Rodriguez, ganador de 22 encuentros profesionales, y el veterano Davey Gordon, victorioso en 88 combates y perdedor en nueve, con dos empates.
And introducing, for his first appearance in the United States the heavyweight champion of South America the wild man of the Andes, undefeated in 39 fights at 278 pounds, Toro Moreno.
Y, en su presentación en Estados Unidos el campeón de Sudamérica el salvaje de los Andes, ganador de 39 combates con 125 kilos, Toro Moreno.
I was afraid he might retire undefeated... and deprive me of the immense personal satisfaction... of seeing him lose this election.
Temía que se retirara invicto... y que me privara de la inmensa satisfacción personal... de verlo perder esta elección.
Everything about him was old except his eyes. They were the same color as the sea, cheerful and undefeated.
Todo en él era viejo, salvo sus ojos, estos tenían el color mismo del mar y eran alegres e invictos.
I am racing my whites against the noble tribune's undefeated blacks. I will back my own poor horses.
Voy a enfrentar a mis blancos contra los del noble tribuno los magníficos, indestructibles negros pero pienso apoyar a mis propios pobres caballos.
The German soldier facing us is still an undefeated enemy.
El soldado alemán al que nos enfrentamos aún no ha perdido.
So this is the face of the undefeated enemy.
Así que éste es el rostro del enemigo no derrotado.
defeated and yet undefeated, order.
Vencidos y sin embargo invictos, orden.
He'll come to Sarmizegetusa and will crown you himself as king of Dacia and subject of undefeated Rome.
El vendrá a Sarmizegetusa y te coronará personalmente como rey de Dacia y súbdito de la invicta Roma.
And I want them to see the kind of CONTROL agents we really are- - proud and undefeated.
Y quiero que vean la clase de agentes de CONTROL que realmente somos : Orgullosos e invictos.
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
Hablando de suerte, J.R. Bonner tiene la suerte de haberle tocado el toro número uno del país invicto en 29 montas la 29.a siendo- - ya adivinaron- - la de J.R. Bonner.
Hemingway wrote a great short story... about an old bullfighter called "The Undefeated."
Hemingway escribió un magnífico cuento acerca de un torero llamado "El Invicto".
At the north end of the list, the undefeated champion of the tournament, earless, brutal, unforgiving, the Red Knight!
En el extremo norte tenemos... al campeón invicto del torneo... intrépido, brutal, implacable... ¡ El Caballero Rojo!
The undefeated champion!
¡ La campeona imbatible!
Yes, the undefeated champion, are you?
Sí, es el campeón imbatible, ¿ no?
To His Highness, the undefeated Jan Kazimierz King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania Prussia, Mazowie, Jmud, Inflanty and heir to the Swedish throne.
A su Alteza, el invicto Jan Kazimierz Rey de Polonia, Gran Duque de Lituania Prusia, Mazowie, Jmud, Inflanty y heredero del trono sueco.
Undefeated remnants of the enemy still lurk in dark corners!
¡ Aun quedan enemigos, que se esconden por los rincones!
Age 27, middle-weight, undefeated as an amateur.
Edad 27, peso medio, invicto como amateur.
And on my right wearing red, white and blue, weighing 210 pounds, undefeated in 46 fights, The Master of Disaster, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world,
Y a mí derecha... vistiendo rojo, blanco y azul... y con 95 kilos... invicto en 46 peleas... el Maestro del Desastre... el indisputable campeón mundial de peso pesado...
Undefeated regimental middleweight champion 6 years running, sir
Campeón semipesado por 6 años consecutivos, Señor.
From the great fighting city of Philadelphia "The Italian Stallion," Rocky Balboa. And in the red corner weighing 220 pounds a champion who needs no introduction anywhere in the civilized world. The true master of disaster the undefeated Heavyweight Champion of the world the one, the only, Apollo Creed.
¡ Rocky Balboa! un campeon que no necesita presentacion el único...
La Motta is undefeated, but he's well behind on points.
La Motta está invicto, pero va detrás en puntos.
The undefeated Sugar Ray defeated Jake at Madison Square Garden last October.
El invicto Sugar Ray venció a Jake en el Madison Square Garden en Octubre.
The undefeated Sugar Ray- - his winning ways are in jeopardy.
El invicto Sugar Ray- - Corren peligro sus días de victoria.
... the undefeated Billy Fox.
... ¡ el invicto Billy Fox!
The winner by technical knockout, and still undefeated,
El ganador por knock-out técnico y aún invicto...
Walnut Heights is undefeated. [CROWD BOOS] And Walnut Heights is ranked third in the state.
Walnut Heights está invicto... y Walnut Heights está tercero en el ranking estatal.
My husband and great undefeated heavyweight world amateur champion... Captain Ivan Drago... has come with his trainers to America... to compete as an international sportsman and ambassador of goodwill.
Mi esposo, elgran campeón aficionado mundialinvicto depeso completo... elcapitán Iván Drago... vino con sus entrenadores a losEE.UU... como deportista internacional yembajadorde la buena voluntad.
In the red corner... weighing an even 261 pounds... gold medalist and undefeated world amateur champion... from the Soviet Union... the Siberian Bull...
En la esquina roja... con 1 20 kilogramos de peso... el medallista de oro y campeón aficionado mundial invicto... de la Unión Soviética... el Toro Siberiano...
That's why I'm undefeated. My turn to have fun!
He matado a muchas personas con mi estilo!
And now, returning home, undefeated in their series against Calgary, our own Thunder Bay Bombers!
Y vuelven a casa victoriosos de la serie contra Calgary nuestros Thunder Bay Bombers.
In the blue corner, undefeated champion... Rocko "The Radio" Ratuno. Ding!
¡ En la esquina azul, el campeón invicto Rocky la Radioooo!
Our first finalist, from Jacksonville, Florida undefeated in five years.
El primero, de Jacksonville, Florida invicto por cinco años.
The finalists, undefeated in five years, five-time world champion, Bull Hurley!
¡ Los finalistas, invicto por cinco años, quíntuple campeón, Bull Hurley!
Captain Freedom, out of retirement and still undefeated champion.
El Capitán Libertad salió de su retiro y sigue siendo el campeón invicto.
Only team in Polk history to go undefeated.
El único equipo en la historia En volverse invicto.
We're undefeated too.
Estamos invictos también
And we're late in the fourth quarter, and Polk is six minutes away from an undefeated season.
Oye, número 21 si tu tienes el lugar, yo tengo el tiempo.
He's wrestling Marvin Nedick, Valley's undefeated champion.
Luchará contra Marvin Nedick, el campeón indisputado de Valle.
He's undefeated, you know that?
Aún sigue invicto, ¿ lo sabías?
You're right, Mom. I'd just like to use this occasion to announce my retirement, - undefeated, from the world of video boxing.
Quiero aprovechar la ocasión para anunciar mi retiro... invicto, del mundo del boxeo de video.
We're having a great season this year. Next year, we go undefeated. Right, Coach?
Y quedaremos invictos la próxima.

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