Unintentionally Çeviri İspanyolca
187 parallel translation
That's why the accident happened unintentionally.
Por eso sucedió el desafortunado accidente.
"This child who thought she was saving her brother unintentionally condemned him."
"Esta niña que pensaba salvar a su hermano, lo ha condenado sin querer."
I would be sorry to do you harm, unintentionally.
Me haría disgustado haberte perjudicado, sin querer.
You know, I believe that most of the good things that are done in this world. are done unintentionally. I wonder.
Muchas veces hacemos el bien, sin alguna intención Es posible.
I've revealed my age unintentionally.
He revelado mi edad sin querer.
I have made amends for the great tragedy... that my father and brother unintentionally brought to this community.
He compensado la gran tragedia... que mi padre y mi hermano trajeron involuntariamente a esta comunidad.
I say, I never burn anyone unintentionally.
Yo nunca quemo a nadie sin intención, cariño.
You see, Mr. Craster, these things mostly happen unintentionally. - That's why it is worth remembering... that it is much more disheartening to have to steal... than to be stolen from, hmm? - I know.
Estas cosas pasan sin querer.
Adeline told the truth unintentionally.
Adeline dijo una verdad sin pretenderlo.
The truth is that I've been too considerate. And so became unintentionally cruel.
La verdad es que he sido demasiado considerada y, sin desearlo, fuí cruel.
A gentleman is one who never insults one unintentionally.
Un caballero es alguien que nunca insulta a otro sin intención.
- It's been unintentionally.
- Ha sido sin querer.
Tambi? N was unintentionally.
También fue sin querer.
I said unintentionally.
Lo he dicho sin querer.
Always unintentionally.
Siempre es sin querer.
It has been unintentionally.
Ha sido sin querer.
It was unintentionally.
fue sin querer.
We mustn't forget the lesson that Curtway unintentionally gave me.
No debemos olvidar la lección que Curtway involuntariamente me dio.
Otsu-san, now that I reflect back, I have unintentionally lied many times.
Otsu-san, ahora que miro atrás, te he mentido sin querelo en muchas ocasiones.
Perhaps those who caused the accident, though unintentionally, will agree to pay you, if only to compensate for his earnings.
Quizás las personas que fueron el motivo involuntario de su muerte... acepten pagarle a usted, aunque sea por la pérdida de sus ingresos.
Also, being unfamiliar with Samurai etiquette... I didn't accept the sword presented by the Kendo master... thus unintentionally insulting the Samurai spirit.
Además, al no conocer el protocolo Samurai no acepté la espada que me ofreció el maestro de Kendo insultando sin intención el espíritu Samurai.
We may not know what happened to those first two expeditions, but we know now what they unintentionally did to the Martians.
No sabemos que pasó con las expediciones pero sabemos lo que hicieron sin intención a los marcianos.
He could still press that button intentionally or unintentionally.
Aún puede apretar el botón, con o sin intención.
And especially'cause I might unintentionally kill him.
Y sobre todo porque... podría matarlo sin intención...
We passed three or four houses, half an hour ago, I passed a house and looked inwards unintentionally, and I saw...
Y a tres o cuatro casas de la suya, hace una media hora, pasé ante una casa y miré hacia adentro, sin querer,
unintentionally to be a history...
sin querer ser una historia...
This man has killed unintentionally
Este hombre ha matado sin intención de hacerlo
And unintentionally you mess in the lion's den.
Y sin querer te metes en la boca del lobo.
And now you, Buckaroo Banzai, have unintentionally helped John Whorfin with the success of your oscillation overthruster.
Y ahora usted, Buckaroo Banzai, ayudó sin quererlo a John Whorfin... con el éxito de su turbopropulsor oscilante.
Sorry, unintentionally!
¡ Lo siento, fue involuntario!
But I'm glad she unintentionally drew my attention to my genitals.
Pero estoy feliz a la vez porque sin intención llevo toda mi atención a mis genitales.
Sarek may unintentionally be projecting emotions onto others.
Sarek puede estar proyectando sin querer emociones a otra gente.
That's you making a contribution to IRA funds... unintentionally, of course.
Aquí está usted contribuyendo a las arcas del IRA involuntariamente, por supuesto.
I didn't bring this out to defend myself, but I embarrassed England unintentionally.
No saco esto a relucir para defenderme, pero avergoncé al país involuntariamente.
"As often as you read about girls who become pregnant unintentionally, you cannot imagine the feelings until you believe you are in the situation yourself."
"Tanto como se lee de chicas que quedan embarazadas sin querer no imaginas qué se siente hasta que crees que tú estás en esa situación".
Billy Budd was a saintly sailor, beloved by his shipmates, he unintentionally kills evil petty officer John Claggert.
Billy Budd era un marinero muy querido por sus camaradas, pero sin quererlo mata al malvado oficial John Claggert.
You know, you get to do the one thing you would've done before you died... except you didn't get to do it on account of some guy... unintentionally cut your lives a little... short.
De hacer aquello que hubieran hecho antes de morir pero, que no pudieron hacer porque alguien involuntariamente, les acortó la vida... un poco.
You are concerned about unintentionally hurting Ensign Tyler's feelings.
Le preocupa herir sus sentimientos sin querer.
Boy. OK, when I made this thing... I kind of made this promise to myself... that I wasn't going to think about... where it was gonna end up because I didn't want to... unintentionally commercialize it.
Cuando hice esta cosa me prometí que no iba a pensar dónde terminaría porque no quería...
I mean, I think you should definitely... not unintentionally do anything... that you're not comfortable with.
Creo que realmente no debes hacer nada sin querer si no estás conforme.
Unintentionally, maybe I did for him what he never dared do himself :
Sin intención, quizás lo hice por él, puesto que él no se atrevía :
Harry had unintentionally given his daughter some practical advice.
Harry inintencionalmente le dió a su hija un práctico consejo.
But what bothers me is it's not something you'd do unintentionally.
Pero lo que me preocupa, es que no es algo que harías sin querer.
Mr Bean is an anarchist, unintentionally, I guess, though.
Supongo que Mr. Bean es un anarquista involuntario.
Maybe it was something that I did unintentionally.
Podría ser algo que hice sin querer.
Si nos tenemos que disculpar cada vez que, sin querer, ofendemos a alguien, ¿ dónde termina eso?
Rafael,... You've turned thirteen, and... unintentionally I've overheard some things you and your friends say, and... the truth, these things are no longer of childish matters.
Rafael,... ya has cumplido los trece, y... pues sin querer me he dado cuenta de las cosas que dicen tú y tus amigos, y... la verdad, ya no son pláticas de niños.
0'Shea is concerned about many of the animals that are being brought up from the deep, most of them unintentionally,
O'Shea está preocupado por muchos de los animales que están siendo traídos de las profundidades, la mayor parte de ellos involuntariamente.
You should know That bits of your mouth are unintentionally Sprinkled around here
Debes saber, que hay pedazos de tu boca, sin querer, regados por aquí ;
Honey, did you... somehow, unintentionally, lead him on in any way?
Cielo, ¿ sabes si de alguna manera le has hecho creer algo que no es?
Are you mad just because I've dropped your pencil-case unintentionally?
A la izquierda.