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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ U ] / Unkind

Unkind Çeviri İspanyolca

564 parallel translation
Mr Carl Laemmle feels it would be a little unkind to present this picture without just a word of friendly warning.
El Sr. Carl Laemmle opina que no sería correcto presentar esta película sin antes hacerles una advertencia.
Not that I mean to be unkind.
No creas que pretendo ser cruel.
- Was anybody unkind to you?
- ¿ Alguien te trató mal?
Don't you think you were a little unkind?
- ¿ Has sido un poco malvado?
- You were so unkind.
- Fuiste muy cruel.
We had a silly little argument last night, and I said something unkind- -
Anoche tuvimos una pequeña discusión y dije algo hiriente...
No quiero ser descortés, Anna.
In my eagerness, I may have acted mistakenly, stupidly, tactlessly but to call my conduct underhanded, deceitful is more than unkind.
Por impaciencia, podría haber actuado erroneamente, estupidamente, sin tacto.. pero decir que mi conducta fue tramposa, es cruel.
I don't want to be unkind.
No quiero ser insensible.
Now, Uncle Hubert, don't be unkind. The Siamese twins married one girl.
- Los siameses se casaron con una chica.
It's most unfair And unkind.
Es muy injusto y poco amable.
And during the eight years that you've lived here, he's never said one unkind thing about you.
Durante los ocho años que has vivido aquí... jamás ha dicho algo malo de ti.
I'm not throwing it in your face or trying to be unkind, but I can't sit here and listen to both you and your son continually belittling my father.
No estoy echándoselo en cara, ni pretendo ser hiriente... pero no puedo quedarme callada oyendo como usted y su hijo... continuamente menosprecian a mi padre.
- You are unkind, Demetrius.
- Eres cruel, Demetrio.
I think you're very unkind to make fun of me. I'm sorry.
Es desconsiderado que se burle de mí.
That is unkind.
- Eso es una descortesía.
I can't tell you how unkind I've been to poor Marvin.
He rechazado siempre los galanteos de Marvin.
Why, has he been inconsiderate or unkind?
¿ Por qué? ¿ Ha sido desconsiderado o poco amable?
You wrote me an unkind letter.
Me escribiste una carta muy cruel.
- How unkind of him.
- Qué poco amable.
That's unkind.
Qué descortés.
And if anybody's unkind or cruel to you... they've committed an offense against the Crown.
Y que si alguien no es amable o es cruel contigo... cometerá una ofensa contra la corona.
Aren't you being just a little unkind to Michael?
¿ No está siendo un poco desconsiderado con Michael?
You were the kindest man i ever knew. But now you've grown selfish and unkind.
Antes eras amable y generoso eras el hombre más amable que conocía.
- She is not unkind.
- Que no es mala persona.
You couldn't be that unkind to me.
No puedes ser tan malo conmigo.
You mustn't say unkind things about my sister-in-law.
No debe decir cosas malas de mi cuñada.
" Fate can be, oh, most unkind
" " cruel destino sufriréis
Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness, hard and unkind.
La ciencia nos ha hecho cínicos, la inteligencia, duros.
It's harsh with that sad associations and other people being so dreadfully unkind.
Esta casa, con tantas historias tristes y toda esa gente siendo tan cruel.
By the way, my dear, don't think that I mean to be unkind, but you were just a teeny-weeny bit forward with Mr. De Winter.
Por cierto, querida, no quiero ser rigurosa pero estuviste un poco atrevida con el Sr. de Winter.
Oh, Miss Miller you're being a bit unkind. After all, we've worked hard to stay in college this long.
Trabajamos duro para quedarnos en la universidad.
Unkind fate, this is too unfortunate.
Maldito destino, esto es demasiado terrible. Mira.
Those you find here were unkind.
Los que encontré aquí fueron malvados.
I don't want to be disagreeable or unkind.
No quiero ser desagradable o antipática.
Oh, that's rather unkind. I shouldn't have said it.
Ay, qué comentario más cruel, no debí decirlo.
I've said unkind, wicked things.
He dicho cosas tan horribles, desagradables.
The jungle has been unkind to you.
La selva no ha sido amable con vosotros.
Has Alicia been unkind to you?
¿ Ha sido Alicia desconsiderada contigo?
You haven't changed at all, dimitrios, always impetuous, always a little unkind.
No has cambiado nada, siempre impetuoso. Siempre tan grosero.
- How unkind we are today!
- ¡ Qué poco amables estamos hoy!
That was silly and unkind.
Eso ha sido estúpido y desagradable.
- That's unkind of you.
- ¡ Eso no es justo!
Why? Is she unkind to you, darling?
¿ Tu hermana no es buena?
Now, there's no need to be unkind about Joe.
No hay necesidad de ser cruel.
You know, Iris, I don't want to be unkind, but I despair sometimes of being able to help you.
Sabes, Iris, no quiero ser desagradable,... Pero, a veces, me desespera tener que ayudarte...
That a man is darned unkind
# Que ese hombre era perverso
The wheel has been unkind to me tonight.
La ruleta fue injusta conmigo esta noche.
I call a person bad who lies and cheats and is unkind.
Una persona mala es alguien que miente y engaña... y es cruel.
So unkind.
Qué cruel.
Was I ever unkind to you when you were alive?
¿ Alguna vez dejé de ser amable contigo cuando estabas viva?

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