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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ U ] / Unruh

Unruh Çeviri İspanyolca

9 parallel translation
And the idea is that Hank Hardy Unruh, the representative from the World Trade Organization, is going to go and wear this breakaway business suit that's gonna be pulled off of him during the middle of the keynote address to the conference.
Y la idea es que Hank Hardy Unruh, el representante de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, use este innovador traje que le van a arrancar en medio del discurso central de la conferencia.
There, our representative-the same guy who is Hank Hardy Unruh here... was Dr, andreas Bichlbauer there.
Nuestro representante--el que hace de Hank Hardy Unruh aquí era el Dr. Andreas Bichlbauer allí.
Because, actually, a lot of the things that business leaders of the world say in relation to these issues are actually sort of very similar to what Unruh Hank Hardy says, even though maybe Unruh Hank Hardy is a little bit more frank about it.
Porque muchas de las cosas que los líderes comerciales del mundo dicen sobre estos temas en realidad se parecen mucho a lo que dice Unruh Hank Hardy aunque Unruh Hank Hardy es un poco más franco, tal vez.
Unruh Hank Hardy was the first speaker-Hank Hardy Unruh.
Unruh Hank Hardy era el primer disertante--Hank Hardy Unruh.
Hello, I'm Hank Hardy Unruh.
Hola. Soy Hank Hardy Unruh.
I went over to the table where Unruh...
Fui a la mesa donde Unruh- -
So, listen, do you remember when I said the similarities of the equations of general relativity and hydrodynamics suggest you could find the equivalent of Unruh radiation in a large body of water?
Escucha, ¿ te acuerdas cuando dije que las similitudes de las ecuaciones de la relatividad general y la hidrodinámica sugieren que se podría encontrar el equivalente de radiación Unruh en una gran cantidad de agua?
If you guys prove the existence of Unruh radiation...
Si ustedes pueden probar la existencia de la radiación Unruh...
It has a terrible siren.
Andy / Hank Hardy Unruh Los Yes Men Tiene una sirena terrible.

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