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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ V ] / Vijay

Vijay Çeviri İspanyolca

922 parallel translation
Mr. Vijay, come here!
Sr. Vijay, venga
Mr. Vijay, I'll give you a special massage completely free.
Sr. Vijay le daré un masaje completamente gratis
Vijay! I didn't recognize you.
Vijay, no te reconocí
Vijay, why hide out here? Come inside.
Vijay, ¿ por qué te escondes?
We're delighted we're delighted that Vijay is here and request him to recite a poem.
Nos alegra nos alegra que Vijay esté aquí y le pediremos que recite un poema
- Vijay calls them his poetry.
- Vijay los llama su poesía
Vijay and I hardly know each other.
Mi esposa es peor que una callejera Vijay y yo apenas nos conocemos
- So is mine. I'll ask him if he knows another Vijay-poet.
Vijay - también es el mío
Maybe they're the same person.
Le preguntaré si conoce a otro poeta Vijay
" His name was...
Su nombre era... Vijay.
Vijay's last, unique works.
Las auténticas últimas obras de Vijay.
My name is Vijay. This book was written by me.
Me llamo Vijay, yo escribi ese libro
The Vijay who wrote this book is dead.
El Vijay que escribió ese libro está muerto
I tell you my name is Vijay.
Mi nombe es Vijay
Well, I brought up Vijay and educated him and cared for him so that he would be someone one day.
Cuidamos a Vijay y lo educamos y procuramos que fuera alguien en la vida
No, he's not Vijay.
No, el no es Vijay.
The rightful claimant is Vijay.
El único que puede reclamar es Vijay
Two percent on condition that you refuse to identify Vijay.
El dos por ciento con la condición que se rehúsen a identificar a Vijay
Why shouldn't we identify our brother?
¿ por qué no debemos identificar a Vijay?
It's me, Vijay.
Soy yo, Vijay.
I'm your brother Vijay.
Soy tu hermano, Vijay
Going to the meeting for Vijay's death anniversary?
¿ Vas al aniversario luctuoso de Vijay?
Of course. Vijay was a friend of mine.
Claro, Vijay era un amigo mío
Did you really know Vijay?
¿ y conocías de verdad a Vijay?
You all know we are gathered in memory of Vijay.
Como saben estamos reunidos por la memoria de Vijay
If I could have saved Vijay, I would have given my fortune and my life.
De haber podido salvar a Vijay, le hubiera dado... mi fortuna y mi vida
If Vijay were alive he would see... the world which starved him is ready to shower wealth on him.
Si Vijay estuviera vivo pudiera ver que el mundo que lo mataba de hambre... ahora quiere bañarlo en riqueza
Sorry, all your resources cannot stop Vijay being identified now.
Lo siento, todos sus recursos no pueden parar que Vijay sea identificado ahora.
Buy everyone, I'll spend all I have... I don't want it proved he's Vijay.
Compre a todos, gastaré lo que tengo no quiero que se pruebe que es Vijay
Now I'll ally with Vijay.
Ahora me aliaré con Vijay
I've got Vijay ;
Tengo a Vijay.
But I can identify Vijay if I so choose and if I don't, he'll be shut away as a lunatic.
Pero puedo identificar a Vijay si así lo quiero. Y si no, siempre será un lunático
Vijay, my brother!
Vijay, mi hermano.
Is he really Vijay?
¿ de verdad es Vijay?
How can we know that he is Vijay?
¿ cómo podemos saber que él es Vijay?
The neighbourhood knows, Vijay is our brother.
Los vecinos saben que Vijay es nuestro hermanos
We say he is Vijay.
Nosotros decimos que es Vijay
And I confirm that he's my boyhood friend.
Y yo confirmo que es mi amigo del barrio. El gran poeta Vijay
The Vijay you wish to welcome so warmly the Vijay for whom you shout slogans I am not that Vijay.
El Vijay al que quieren dar una cálida bienvenida... El Vijay al que ustedes gritan lemas de apoyo Ese Vijay... no soy yo
I'm not Vijay.
Yo no soy Vijay.
Tell these people you're Vijay, there is still time.
Diles que eres Vijay, aún es tiempo.
I am not that Vijay.
Yo no soy ese Vijay
There's Uncle Vijay!
Es el tío Vijay
Let's hear you, Vijay.
Te escuchamos
Does Mr. Vijay come here often?
¿ el sr.
Yes, but not lately.
Vijay viene aquí seguido?
¿ cómo se llama?
How did you know Vijay?
¿ cómo conoció a Vijay?
We want Vijay's book.
Queremos los libros de vijay
So you are Vijay's brothers?
¿ Son hermanos de Vijay?
Vijay's dead.
Vijay ha muerto

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