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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ V ] / Voltar

Voltar Çeviri İspanyolca

10 parallel translation
I should go back.
Eu preciso voltar.
Not come back, she marry a new man.
Não poder voltar, ela casar com outro.
Just as a duel had cause me to flee my native land... so too did the battle between friends bring about my return.
Assim como um duelo me fez partir do meu país, outro duelo entre amigos me propiciou voltar,
My ticket doesn't allow me to return to my place.
Minha passagem não me permite voltar ao lugar que vim.
Vamos to come back pra bed, ok?
Vamos voltar pra cama, ok?
Can somebody tell my why we're going to Jim's Drugs to buy Voltar cards when Wall * Mart has them for three bucks cheaper?
¡ Hola! ¿ Pueden decirme por qué vamos a la farmacia de Jim a comprar tarjetas si en Wall * Mart las tienen 3 $ más barato?
But you'll never defeat the forces of Voltar.
Pero nunca vencerás las fuerzas de Voltar.
Death to Voltar!
¡ Muerte a Voltar!
Now Voltar will never rule the omniverse.
Ahora Voltar nunca gobernará el omniverso.
I am like Voltar the Voracious, who was born with two minds!
Soy Voltar el Voraz, que nació con dos mentes.

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