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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Walter bishop

Walter bishop Çeviri İspanyolca

90 parallel translation
I'm Walter Bishop.
Soy Walter Bishop.
His name's Walter Bishop.
Se llama Walter Bishop.
- So this guy's Walter Bishop's son.
- Así que éste es el hijo de Walter Bishop.
Your father is Walter Bishop.
- Su padre es Walter Bishop.
I want you to know I've successfully had Dr. Walter Bishop released from St. Claire's, and he requires the use of his old laboratory.
Quiero que sepa que logré que el Dr. Bishop saliese del St. Claire, y que exige la utilización de su antiguo laboratorio.
- Bishop. Walter Bishop.
- Bishop, Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop dubbed by his contemporaries as the successor to Albert Einstein.
Walter Bishop considerado por sus coetáneos el sucesor de Albert Einstein.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Soy el doctor Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop, we're forwarding his photo.
Doctor Walter Bishop, ya enviamos su foto.
Welcome to the joys of Walter Bishop.
Bienvenido a la vida de Walter Bishop.
- His name's Walter Bishop.
- Se llama Walter Bishop.
This is my team. Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Mi equipo, Peter Bishop y el doctor Walter Bishop.
Peter bishop. walter bishop's son.
Peter Bishop. El hijo de Walter Bishop
Walter Bishop.
Walter Bishop.
A Dr. Walter Bishop?
El doctor Walter Bishop?
You've assured me that Walter Bishop is doing fine.
Me aseguro que Walter Bishop se encuentra estable.
If that's the case I'll allow Walter Bishop to talk to Mr. Kim and ask your questions.
Si ese es el caso permitire que Walter Bishop hable con el senor Kim y le haga sus preguntas.
Walter is assisting us in a criminal investigation which you are obstructing.
Walter Bishop nos ayuda en una investigacion criminal que usted entorpece.
His name's walter bishop.
Su nombre es Walter Bishop.
Let's just put it in the category of "crazy things happen in Walter Bishop's lab."
Pongámoslo en la categoría "cosas raras que pasan en el laboratorio de Walter Bishop".
Peter and Walter Bishop.
Peter y Walter Bishop.
Bishop. Walter Bishop.
Bishop, Walter Bishop.
Target is Walter Bishop.
El objetivo es Walter Bishop.
His father, Dr. Walter Bishop...
Su padre, Dr. Walter Bishop.
This is Peter and Walter Bishop.
Ellos son Peter y Walter Bishop.
We need to have Andre Hughes'body taken back to Walter Bishop's lab as soon as possible.
Necesitamos tener el cuerpo de Andre Hughes de regreso en el laboratorio de Walter Bishop lo más pronto posible.
His name's Walter Bishop.
Su nombre es Walter Bishop.
I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Soy el doctor Walter Bishop.
Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Peter Bishop y el doctor Walter Bishop.
It's about Walter Bishop.
Es sobre Walter Bishop.
You can have me or Walter Bishop.
Tenerme a mí o a Walter Bishop.
Me, or Walter Bishop.
¿ A mí o a Walter Bishop?
But there's only one Walter Bishop.
Pero hay un solo Walter Bishop.
Hello, I'm Dr. Walter bishop.
Hola, soy el Dr. Walter Bishop.
I'm walter bishop.
Soy Walter Bishop.
He's a man. His name is Dr. Walter Bishop.
Es un hombre, es el doctor Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop.
Doctor Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.
Hello. I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Hola, soy el Dr. Walter Bishop.
I'm Dr. Walter Bishop.
Soy el Dr. Walter Bishop.
You're Dr. Walter Bishop.
Eres el Dr. Walter Bishop.
Uh, for dr. Walter bishop.
Eh, es el Dr. Walter Bishop.
Dr. Walter bishop hired me.
El Dr. Walter Bishop me contrató.
What else did walter bishop tell you?
¿ Qué más te dijo Walter Bishop?
Each one represents a child injured by walter bishop.
Cada uno representa un niño lesionado por Walter Bishop.
Walter bishop isn't responsible For all the goodness in the world.
Walter Bishop no es el responsable de toda la bondad de este mundo.
And here, sir, is Bishop Walter's gatehouse... part of the second foundation, built in 1351 of local limestone.
Y esta, señor, es la residencia del Obispo Walter... parte de la segunda fundación, construida en 1351 con caliza local. Sí.
Frau Walter, may I introduce you to Bishop Fermoyle?
Frau Walter, le presento al obispo Fermoyle.
Otherwise, Walter will keep making noise until he gets his way and I'd really prefer not to get the bishop involved.
Si no, Walter seguirá hasta conseguir lo que quiere, y prefiero no involucrar al obispo.
Walter Bishop.
- Walter Bishop.

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